(EDS Distinguished Lectures)
Referred Journal Publications
G. Hu, S. Hu, R. Liu, L. Wang, X. Zhou, and T.-A.
Tang, "Quasi-Ballistic Transport Model for Graphene Field-Effect Transistor,"
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
Vol. 60, No. 7, pp.
2410-2414, Jul. 2013.

S. B. Chiah, X. Zhou, and L. Yuan, "Compact Zero-Temperature
Coefficient Modeling Approach for MOSFETs Based on Unified Regional Modeling
of Surface Potential," IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp.
2164-2170, Jul. 2013.

T. T. Le, H. Y. Yu, Y. Sun, N. Singh, X. Zhou, N. Shen, G. Q. Lo, and D.
L. Kwong, "High Performance Poly-Si Vertical Nanowire Thin Film Transistor
and the Inverter Demonstration," IEEE Electron
Device Lett., Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 770-772, Jun. 2011.

X. Zhou, G. Zhu, G. H. See, K. Chandrasekaran, S. B. Chiah, and K. Y. Lim,
"Unification of MOS compact
models with the unified regional modeling approach,"
(Invited Paper), Journal
of Computational Electronics, Vol.
10, No. 1, pp. 121-135, 2011.

C. Q. Wei, Y.-Z. Xiong, X. Zhou, N. Singh, X.-J.
Yuan, G. Q. Lo, L. Chan, and D.-L. Kwong, "Comparative Study of 1/f Noise
Degradation Caused by Fowler–Nordheim Tunneling Stress in Silicon Nanowire
Transistors and FinFETs," IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp.
2774-2779, October 2010.

W. Chandra, L. K. Ang, and X. Zhou, “Shot noise reduction
of space charge limited electron injection through a Schottky contact,”
Rev. B, Vol. 81, No. 12, 125321,

C. Q. Wei, Y.-Z. Xiong, and X. Zhou, "Test Structure
for Characterization of Low-Frequency Noise in CMOS Technologies," IEEE
Trans. Instr. Meas., Vol. 57, No. 7, pp.
1860-1865, July 2010.

G. J. Zhu, X. Zhou, Y. K. Chin, K. L. Pey, J. B.
Zhang, G. H. See, S. H. Lin, Y. F. Yan, and Z. H. Chen, "Subcircuit Compact
Model for Dopant-Segregated Schottky Gate-All-Around Si-Nanowire MOSFETs,"
Trans. Electron Devices,
57, No. 4, pp.
772-781, Apr. 2010.

Z. H. Chen, X. Zhou, and G. J. Zhu, “Effects of Translational
Layer of Gate Insulator on Recombination DC Current-Voltage Lineshape in
Metal-Oxide-Silicon Transistors,” Jpn.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 9, 091403,

C. Q. Wei, Y.-Z. Xiong, X. Zhou, "Investigation of
Low-Frequency Noise in N-Channel FinFETs From Weak to Strong Inversion,"
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 56, No.
11, pp. 2800-2810, Nov. 2009.

C. Q. Wei, Y. Jiang, Y.-Z. Xiong, X. Zhou, N. Singh,
S. C. Rustagi, G. Q. Lo, and D.-L. Kwong, "Impact of Gate Electrode on
1/f Noise of Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire Transistors," IEEE
Electron Device Lett., Vol. 30, No. 10,
pp. 1081-1083, Oct. 2009.

C. Q. Wei, Y.-Z. Xiong, X. Zhou, N. Singh, S. C.
Rustagi, G. Q. Lo, and D.-L. Kwong, "Investigation of Low-Frequency Noise
in Silicon Nanowire MOSFETs in the Subthreshold Region," IEEE
Electron Device Lett., Vol. 30, No. 6,
pp. 668-671, June 2009.

X.-F. Wang, L.-N. Zhao, Z.-H. Yao, Z.-F. Hou, M.
Yee, X. Zhou, S.-H. Lin, and T.-S. Lee, "Atomistic Simulation of Gate Effect
on Nanoscale Intrinsic Si Field-Effect Transistors," Int.
J. Nanosci., Vol. 8, No. 1 & 2, pp.
113-117, 2009.

G. J. Zhu, X. Zhou, T. S. Lee, L. K. Ang, G. H. See,
S. H. Lin, Y. K. Chin, and K. L. Pey, "A
Compact Model for Undoped Silicon-Nanowire MOSFETs with Schottky-Barrier
Source/Drain," IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, Vol.
56, No. 5, pp.
1100-1109, May 2009.

L.-N. Zhao, X.-F. Wang, Z.-H. Yao, Z.-F. Hou, M.
Yee, X. Zhou, S.-H. Lin, and T.-S. Lee, "Atomistic
modeling of the electrostatic and transport properties of a simplified
nanoscale field effect transistor,"
Comput. Electron., Vol.
7, No. 4, pp.
500-508, Dec. 2008.
G. J. Zhu, G. H. See, S. H. Lin, and X. Zhou, "“Ground-Referenced”
Model for Three-Terminal Symmetric Double-Gate MOSFETs with Source/Drain
Symmetry," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
55, No. 9, pp.
2526-2530, Sep. 2008.

C. Q. Wei, G. H. See, X. Zhou, and L. Chan, "A
New Impact-Ionization Current Model Applicable to Both Bulk and SOI MOSFETs
by Considering Self-Lattice-Heating," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
55, No. 9, pp.
2378-2385, Sep. 2008.

G. H. See, X. Zhou, K. Chandrasekaran, S. B. Chiah,
Z. M. Zhu, C. Q. Wei, S. H. Lin, G. J. Zhu, and G. H. Lim, "A
Compact Model Satisfying Gummel Symmetry in Higher Order Derivatives and
Applicable to Asymmetric MOSFETs," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
55, No. 2, pp.
624-631, Feb. 2008.

X. Zhou, Z. M. Zhu, S. C. Rustagi, G. H. See, G.
J. Zhu, S. H. Lin, C. Q. Wei, and G. H. Lim, "Rigorous
Surface-Potential Solution for Undoped Symmetric Double-Gate MOSFETs Considering
Both Electrons and Holes at Quasi Nonequilibrium," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
55, No. 2, pp.
616-623, Feb. 2008.

Z. Zhu, X. Zhou, S. C. Rustagi, G. H. See, S. Lin,
G. Zhu, C. Wei, and J. Zhang, "Analytic and explicit current model of undoped
double-gate MOSFETs," Electron. Lett.,
Vol. 43, No. 25, pp. 1464-1466, Dec. 2007.

Z. M. Zhu, X. Zhou, K. Chandrasekaran, S. C. Rustagi,
and G. H. See, "Explicit compact
surface-potential and drain-current models for generic asymmetric double-gate
MOSFETs," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
46, No. 4B,
pp. 2067-2072,
Apr. 2007.

W. Z. Shangguan, T. C. Au Yeung, Z. M. Zhu, and X. Zhou,
"General analytical Poisson solution
for undoped generic two-gated metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors,"
Phys. Lett.,
90, No. 1, 012110,
Jan. 2007.

W. Z. Shangguan, X. Zhou, K. Chandrasekaran, Z. M.
Zhu, S. C. Rustagi, S. B. Chiah, and G. H. See, "Surface-potential
Solution for Generic Undoped MOSFETs with Two Gates," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
54, No. 1, pp.
169-172, Jan. 2007.

K. Chandrasekaran, X. Zhou, S. B. Chiah, G. H. See,
and S. C. Rustagi, "Implicit Analytical
Surface/Interface Potential Solutions for Modeling Strained-Si MOSFETs,"
Trans. Electron Devices,
53, No. 12, pp.
3110-3117, Dec. 2006.

W. Z. Shangguan, M. Saeys, and X. Zhou, "Surface-potential
solutions to the Pao-Sah voltage equation," Solid-State
Electron., Vol. 50, No. 7-8, pp. 1320-1329,
Jul.-Aug. 2006.

K. Chandrasekaran, X. Zhou, S. B. Chiah, W. Z. Shangguan,
and G. H. See, L. K. Bera, N. Balasubramanian, and S. C. Rustagi, "Effect
of Substrate Doping on the Capacitance–Voltage Characteristics of Strained-silicon
pMOSFETs," IEEE Electron Device Lett.,
Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 62-64, Jan. 2006.

K. Chandrasekaran, X. Zhou, S. B. Chiah, W. Z. Shangguan,
and G. H. See, "Physics-based Single-piece
Charge Model for Strained-Si MOSFETs," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 52, No.
7, pp.
1555-1562, Jul. 2005.

W. Z. Shangguan, X. Zhou, S. B. Chiah, G. H. See,
and K. Chandrasekaran, "Compact
gate-current model based on transfer-matrix method," J.
Appl. Phys., Vol. 97, 123709, Jun. 2005.

S. B. Chiah, X. Zhou, K. Chandrasekaran, W. Z. Shangguan,
G. H. See, and S. M. Pandey, "Single-piece
polycrystalline silicon accumulation/depletion/inversion model with implicit/explicit
surface-potential solutions," Appl.
Phys. Lett., Vol.
86, No. 20, 202111,
May 2005.

X. Zhou, S. B. Chiah, and K. Y. Lim, "A
compact deep-submicron MOSFET gds model including hot-electron
and thermoelectric effects," Solid-State
Electron., Vol.
48, No. 12, pp.
2125-2131, Dec. 2004.

S. B. Chiah, X. Zhou, K. Y. Lim, L. Chan, and S.
Chu, "Source-Drain Symmetry in
Unified Regional MOSFET Model," IEEE
Electron Device Lett., Vol. 25, No. 5,
pp. 311-313, May 2004.

X. Zhou, "The
Missing Link to Seamless Simulation," (Invited Feature Article),
Circuits Devices Mag., Vol.
19, No. 3, pp.
9-17, May 2003.

K. Y. Lim and X. Zhou, "An
analytical effective channel-length modulation model for velocity overshoot
in submicron MOSFETs based on energy-balance formulation," Microelectronics
Reliability, Vol.
42, No. 12, pp. 1857-1864, Dec. 2002.

X. Zhou and K. Y. Lim, "De-embedding
Length-Dependent Edge-Leakage Current in Shallow Trench Isolation Submicron
MOSFETs," Solid-State Electron.,
46, No. 5, pp.
769-772, May 2002.

K. Y. Lim and X. Zhou, "MOSFET
Subthreshold Compact Modeling with Effective Gate Overdrive," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
49, No. 1, pp.
196-199, Jan. 2002.

X. Zhou and K. Y. Lim, "Unified
MOSFET Compact I-V Model Formulation through Physics-Based
Effective Transformation," IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices, Vol.
48, No. 5, pp.
887-896, May 2001.

X. Zhou, K. Y. Lim, and W. Qian, "Threshold
Voltage Definition and Extraction for Deep-Submicron MOSFETs," Solid-State
Electron., Vol.
45, No. 3, pp.
507-510, Apr. 2001.

K. Y. Lim and X. Zhou, "A Physically-Based
Semi-Empirical Effective Mobility Model for MOSFET Compact I-V
Modeling," Solid-State Electron.,
45, No. 1, pp.
193-197, Jan. 2001.

K. Y. Lim and X. Zhou, "A Physically-Based
Semi-Empirical Series Resistance Model for Deep-Submicron MOSFET I-V
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
47, No. 6, pp.
1300-1302, Jun. 2000.

X. Zhou, "Exploring the Novel Characteristics
of Hetero-Material Gate Field-Effect Transistors (HMGFET's) with Gate-Material
Engineering," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
47, No. 1, pp.
113-120, Jan. 2000.

X. Zhou, K. Y. Lim, and D. Lim, "A
General Approach to Compact Threshold Voltage Formulation Based on 2-D
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Correlation for Deep-Submicron ULSI
Technology Development," IEEE Trans. Electron
47, No. 1, pp.
214-221, Jan. 2000.

X. Zhou, K. Y. Lim, and D. Lim, "A
New 'Critical-Current at Linear-Threshold' Method for Direct Extraction
of Deep-Submicron MOSFET Effective Channel Length," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
46, No. 7, pp.
1492-1494, Jul. 1999.

X. Zhou, K. Y. Lim, and D. Lim, "A
Simple and Unambiguous Definition of Threshold Voltage and Its Implications
in Deep-Submicron MOS Device Modeling," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
46, No. 4, pp.
807-809, Apr. 1999.

X. Zhou and W. Long, "A Novel Hetero-Material
Gate (HMG) MOSFET for Deep-Submicron ULSI Technology," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
45, No. 12, pp.
2546-2548, Dec. 1998.

X. Zhou, T. Tang, L. S. Seah, C. J. Yap, and S. C. Choo, "Numerical
Investigation of Subpicosecond Electrical Pulse Generation by Edge Illumination
of Silicon Transmission-Line Gaps," IEEE J.
Quantum Electron., Vol.
34, No. 1, pp.
171-178, Jan. 1998.

X. Zhou, "Numerical Physics of
Subpicosecond Electrical Pulse Generation by Nonuniform Gap Illumination,"
J. Quantum Electron., Vol.
32, No. 9, pp.
1672-1679, Sep. 1996.

X. Zhou, "On the Physics of Femto-second
Electrical Pulse Generation by Nonuniform Gap Illumination," OPTOELECTRONICS--Devices
and Technologies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 491-504, Dec. 1995.
X. Zhou and H. S. Tan, "Monte Carlo
Formulation of Field-Dependent Mobility for AlxGa1-xAs,"
Electron., Vol.
38, No. 6, pp.
1264-1266, Jun.

X. Zhou, S. Alexandrou, and T. Y. Hsiang, "Monte
Carlo investigation of the intrinsic mechanism of subpicosecond pulse generation
by nonuniform gap illumination," J. Appl.
77, No. 2, pp. 706-711, Jan. 1995.

X. Zhou, "Electron Transport in
Graded-Band Devices: Interplay of Field, Composition and Length Dependencies,"
Electron., Vol.
37, No. 11, pp. 1888-1890, Nov. 1994.

X. Zhou and H. S. Tan, "Monte Carlo
formulation of velocity-field characteristics and expressions for AlxGa1-xAs,"
J. Electron., Vol. 76, No. 6, pp. 1049-1062, Jun. 1994.
X. Zhou, "Regional Monte Carlo Modeling
of Electron Transport and Transit-Time Estimation in Graded-Base HBT's,"
Trans. Electron Devices, Vol.
41, No. 4, pp.
484-490, Apr. 1994.

X. Zhou and T. Y. Hsiang, "Monte
Carlo determination of femtosecond dynamics of hot-carrier relaxation and
scattering processes in bulk GaAs," J. Appl.
67, No. 12, pp. 7399-7403, Jun. 1990.

X. Zhou, T. Y. Hsiang, and R. J. Dwayne Miller, "Monte
Carlo study of photogenerated carrier transport in GaAs surface space-charge
fields," J. Appl. Phys., Vol.
66, No. 7, pp. 3066-3073, Oct. 1989.
