A Simple and Unambiguous Definition of Threshold
Voltage and Its Implications in Deep-Submicron MOS Device Modeling
X. Zhou, Member, IEEE, K. Y. Lim, Student Member,
IEEE, and D. Lim
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 807-809, April 1999.
(Manuscript received September 8, 1998; revised November 2, 1998)
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A new definition of MOSFET threshold voltage is proposed, namely, the
"critical-current at linear-threshold" method, which has a unique solution
and is very simple to measure. This definition gives consistent values
of threshold voltage for different regions of operation at long channel,
and contains the information on short-channel effects at short channel,
which is very useful for deep-submicron MOS device characterization and
modeling. The proposed method effectively removes ambiguity of de
facto industry standard of the constant-current method for MOS threshold
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