Exploring the Novel Characteristics of Hetero-Material
Gate Field-Effect Transistors (HMGFET's) with Gate-Material Engineering
Xing Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 113-120, January 2000.
(Manuscript received September 8, 1998; revised May 4, 1999.)
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The novel characteristics of a new type of MOSFET, the hetero-material
gate field-effect transistor (HMGFET), are explored theoretically and compared
with those of the compatible MOSFET. Two conceptual processes for
realizing the HMG structure are proposed for integration into the existing
silicon technology. The 2-D numerical simulations reveal that the
HMGFET demonstrates extended threshold voltage roll-off to much smaller
length and shows simultaneous transconductance enhancement and suppression
of short-channel effects (drain-induced barrier-lowering and channel-length
modulation) and, more importantly, these unique features could be controlled
by engineering the material and length of the gate. This work demonstrates
a new way of engineering ultra-small transistors and provides the incentive
and guide for experimental exploration.
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