A simple and unambiguous definition of
threshold voltage and its implications in deep-submicron MOS device modeling
- Zhou, X.; Lim, K.Y.; Lim,
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore
This Paper Appears in :
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
on Pages: 807 - 809
April 1999 |
Vol. 46 |
Issue: 4 |
ISSN: 0018-9383 |
References Cited: 10
Accession Number: 6217440
A new definition of MOSFET threshold voltage
is proposed, namely, the "critical-current at linear-threshold" method,
which has a unique solution and is very simple to measure. This definition
gives consistent values of threshold voltage for different regions of operation
at long channel, and contains the information on short-channel effects
at short channel, which is very useful for deep-submicron MOS device characterization
and modeling. The proposed method effectively removes ambiguity of de facto
industry standard of the constant-current method for MOS threshold voltage.
Subject Terms:
MOSFET; threshold voltage; deep-submicron MOS
device; modeling; critical-current; linear-threshold; short-channel effects;
constant-current method; MOS threshold voltage; MOSFET