A New "Critical-Current at Linear-Threshold" Method
for Direct Extraction of Deep-Submicron MOSFET Effective Channel Length
X. Zhou, Member, IEEE, K. Y. Lim, Student Member,
IEEE, and D. Lim
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 1492-1494, July 1999.
(Manuscript received January 7, 1999; revised March 24, 1999.)
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A novel method for direct extraction of deep-submicron MOSFET effective
channel length is proposed, which requires only a single measurement of
the “critical-current at linear-threshold” (“Icrit @
based on the maximum-gm definition. With a simple calibration
of the channel sheet resistance from the long-channel Icrit data, the effective
channel length of any short-channel device on the same wafer can be determined
with one measurement of Icrit @ Vt0
: Meanwhile, an averaged (modeled) effective channel length can be obtained
from the same data set with a simple algorithm, which can be used for device/circuit
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