A General Approach to Compact Threshold Voltage Formulation
Based on 2-D Numerical Simulation and Experimental Correlation for Deep-Submicron
ULSI Technology Development
Xing Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE, Khee Yong Lim,
Member, IEEE, and David Lim
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 214-221, January 2000.
(Manuscript received August 25, 1998; revised July 1, 1999.)
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A unified compact threshold voltage model is developed, which accounts
for the normal and reverse short-channel effects with full range of body-
and drain-bias conditions, and has been verified with experimental data
down to 0.18 µm. The model only has five process-dependent
fitting parameters with a simple one-iteration extraction procedure, and
can be correlated to process variables for aiding new deep-submicron technology
development. The approach to the model formulation is original and
general, and can be extended to other key device performance parameters.
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