Effect of Substrate Doping
on the Capacitance–Voltage Characteristics of Strained-silicon pMOSFETs
Siau Ben Chiah, Xing Zhou,
Senior Member, IEEE,
Wangzuo Shangguan, Guan Huei See, Lakshmi K. Bera, N. Balasubramanian,
and Subhash C. Rustagi, Senior Member, IEEE
IEEE Electron Device Letters,
Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 62-64, January 2006
(Manuscript received October 17, 2005; accepted
October 24, 2005.)
Copyright | Abstract
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The effect of substrate doping on the capacitance–voltage characteristics
of a surface-channel strained-silicon p-channel MOSFET has been studied
to explain a measured anomalous behavior in which a “plateau” in the accumulation
region was observed. It is found that this plateau is substrate doping
dependent and it switches from a plateau on the inversion side to that
on the accumulation side as the substrate doping increases. The physics
behind this behavior has been explained by the one-dimensional Poisson
solution and validated with numerical simulations and experimental data.
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