Physics-based Single-piece
Charge Model for Strained-Si MOSFETs
Karthik Chandrasekaran, Xing Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE,
Siau Ben Chiah, Wangzuo Shangguan, and Guan Huei See
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 1555-1562, July 2005
(Manuscript received December 20, 2004; revised
April 6, 2005.)
Copyright | Abstract
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A physics-based single-piece charge model for strained-silicon (s-Si)
MOSFETs from accumulation to strong-inversion regions is presented.
The model is formulated from regional solutions of the well-known Pao–Sah
equation and unified with interpolation functions while keeping the physics
in the derived flat-band voltages that depend on the device material and
structural parameters, such as band gaps, conduction and valence band offsets,
Ge mole fraction, layer thickness, and doping. The model is validated
by comparison with numerical devices for a wide range of Ge mole fractions
and s Si layer thicknesses. It is shown that the model accurately
describes the physical behavior of the surface potentials, terminal charges
and capacitances, especially charge accumulation/depletion at the s Si/SiGe
interface that gives rise to the observed "plateau" in the capacitance-voltage
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