Monte Carlo investigation of the
intrinsic mechanism of subpicosecond pulse generation by nonuniform illumination
Xing Zhou
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore 2263, Republic of Singapore
Sotiris Alexandrou and Thomas Y. Hsiang
Department of Electrical Engineering and Laboratory for Laser Energetics,
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.
77, No. 2, pp. 706-711, January 1995.
(Received 10 March 1994; accepted for publication 28 September 1994)
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The intrinsic mechanism of the generation of subpicosecond electrical
pulses by nonuniform illumination of GaAs transmission-line gaps is investigated
using a self-consistent Monte Carlo approach. It is attributed to the photocarrier-induced
field redistribution, which results in a displacement current pulse that
is independent of the carrier lifetime. Partial-gap illumination and high
dark resistivity are the prerequisites for this pulse generation technique.
The pulse dependence on light intensity, excitation wavelength, bias voltage,
and the asymmetric response to bias polarity are discussed and clarified.
It is predicted that this mechanism should also be observable in other
semiconductors such as silicon.
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