An analytical effective channel-length
modulation model for velocity overshoot in submicron MOSFETs based on energy-balance
Khee Yong Lim and Xing Zhou
Microelectronics Reliability,
Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 1857-1864, December 2002.
(Manuscript received 6 April 2002; received in
revised form 29 July 2002.)
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A compact analytical model for MOSFET channel-length modulation (CLM)
based on momentum and energy conservation of Boltzmann Transport Equation
(BTE) as well as quasi-2D formulation is presented. It is consistent
with the generalized drift-diffusion (DD) formulation including the nonlocal
electron temperature, which can be interpreted as being an effective CLM
or effective velocity overshoot. The model has a simple familiar
form of the pinch-off model, with one fitting parameter for the length-
and bias-dependent effective saturation field and effective Early voltage.
The model can be easily characterized with one measured Ids
- Vds data and has been verified with submicron technology data
for the full range of gate lengths and bias conditions.
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