A Novel Hetero-Material Gate (HMG) MOSFET for Deep-Submicron
ULSI Technology
X. Zhou, Member, IEEE, and W. Long
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 2546-2548, December 1998.
(Manuscript received May 19, 1998; accepted July 23, 1998)
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A novel hetero-material gate MOSFET intended for integration into the
existing deep-submicron silicon technology is proposed and simulated.
It is shown that by adding a layer of material with a larger workfunction
to the source side of the gate, short-channel effects can be greatly suppressed
without degrading the driving ability. The threshold voltage roll-off
can be compensated and tuned by controlling the length of this second gate.
The new structure has great potential in breaking the barrier of deep-submicron
MOSFET's scaling beyond 0.1-µm technologies.
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