Regional Monte Carlo Modeling of Electron Transport
and Transit-Time Estimation in Graded-Base HBT's
Xing Zhou, Member, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 484-490, April 1994.
(Manuscript received August 7, 1993; revised November 19, 1993)
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Steady-state electron transport in graded-base heterojunction bipolar
transistors is investigated using a regional ensemble Monte Carlo approach.
Besides the graded band and scattering parameters already incorporated
in the particle model, emitter-base and collector-base junctions are also
considered in the boundary conditions for carrier injection/absorption.
It is shown that optimum base transit times are directly related to the
maximum average velocities, which occur at different base width-composition
combinations. It also illustrates a general approach to studying electron
transport in graded-band devices.
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