Regional Monte Carlo modeling of electron
transport and transit-time estimation in graded-base HBT's
- Xing Zhou
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore
This Paper Appears in :
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
on Pages: 484 - 490
April 1994 |
Vol. 41 |
Issue: 4 |
ISSN: 0018-9383 |
References Cited: 41
Accession Number: 4674453
Steady-state electron transport in graded-base
heterojunction bipolar transistors is investigated using a regional ensemble
Monte Carlo approach. Besides the graded band and scattering parameters
already incorporated in the particle model, emitter-base and collector-base
junctions are also considered in the boundary conditions for carrier injection/absorption.
It is shown that optimum base transit times are directly related to the
maximum average velocities, which occur at different base width-composition
combinations. It also illustrates a general approach to studying electron
transport in graded-band devices.<>
Subject Terms:
heterojunction bipolar transistors; semiconductor
device models; S-parameters; Monte Carlo methods; boundary-value problems;
carrier lifetime; carrier mobility; regional ensemble Monte Carlo approach;
Monte Carlo modeling; electron transport; transit-time estimation; graded-base
HBT; heterojunction bipolar transistors; graded band parameters; scattering
parameters; particle model; emitter-base junctions; collector-base junctions;
boundary conditions; carrier injection; carrier absorption; maximum average
velocities; graded-band devices