6.1 Degree programmes and requirements
Undergraduate study
Minor in Entrepreneurship programme
The Minor in Entrepreneurship is open to undergraduate students from across all disciplines of study. All students are required to undergo an interview before they are selected for this programme. Each class size is kept at the maximum of 50 students per class.
This minor is purposefully and uniquely designed to equip and empower students with basic entrepreneurship skills, business acumen, and the stamina to grow businesses. Students will develop an open mindset and realise that ideas that may appear like impossible dreams can be shaped into small and realisable phases. The course offers new perspectives, possibilities, and has been described as a ‘transformational learning experience’ by many past students.
Students will learn to appreciate that entrepreneurship is not just about starting a new business; it is a mindset. It is about taking advantage of opportunities that change brings along. Working with classmates from different schools, disciplines and stages of study, students learn to work in teams and are able to benefit from the exchange of ideas and opinions.Students will have the opportunity to present their business plans to real life entrepreneurs, business angels and venture capitalists . They are also encouraged to present their analyses on case studies and team-based projects through creative means, such as role play, skit and drama.
We take pride in our interactive teaching seminars, which are conducted by business leaders, entrepreneurs, intellectual property lawyers and dedicated academics with venture experience. As part of the course, students are exposed to social settings where one can meet and mingle with working professionals, government officers and successful entrepreneurs.
The first phase of the minor takes the form of a high impact team building specially designed for NTC by Outward Bound Singapore. Five intensive modules (EN101 – EN105) follow, all of which can be completed in a calendar year.
Minor in Entrepreneurship
The curriculum structure is depicted as follows:
EN101 Entrepreneurship and Accounting for New Ventures
EN102 Marketing and Finance for New Ventures
EN103 Managing New and On-going Ventures
EN104 New Venture Creation and the Business Plan
EN105 Entrepreneurship seminars, workshops and projects
Entrepreneurship module for School of Biological Sciences
BS402 Bioentrepreneurship
The Minor in Entrepreneurship website link:
