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  Undergraduate Studies  
  Change of Programme  

An existing student is allowed to change the programme of study within NTU, subject to the approval of the School(s) of both the current and new programme. Except for transfer to the Art, Design and Media (ADM) programme, the student may apply for change of programme during the following 2 application periods:

17 May – 30 July 2010

for change of programme with effect from Semester 1

1 Dec - 31 Dec 2010*

for change of programme with effect from Semester 2

Not applicable to students applying for transfer to the Art, Design and Media (ADM) programme. These students should also refer to http://www.adm.ntu.edu.sg/ProspectiveADM/UndergraduateProgrammes/ApplicationProcedures/Pages/ApplicationProcedures.aspx for details.


  • Freshmen (who have studied in the University for less than one semester) who wish to change programme must make their request to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) via email at adm_local@ntu.edu.sg or adm_intnl@ntu.edu.sg.
  • Existing part-time students must complete at least 4 semesters of study before they are eligible to apply for change to a full-time programme.
  • Students who have changed their programme of study are not allowed to repeat a course which they have passed in the previous programme.
  • Transfer of Credits
    • Students are to apply for transfer of credits by the 3rd week of the first semester in the new programme. The relevant School shall decide on the final list of courses which may be used to satisfy the graduation requirements of the new programme.
    • For programmes involving common Year 1 (e.g. change of programme from Accountancy to Business) or equivalent courses, such courses taken previously, whether passed or failed, will be transferred.
    • For transfer of course credits within the University, both the academic units and grades (including P, F, S or U grade) of these courses will be counted towards the fulfillment of the degree requirements and used in the computation of the GPA


Semester Leave of Absence

Semester leave of absence granted by the university is categorized as follows:

  • Medical Leave
    Leave of absence must be supported by a medical practitioner or medical report.
  • Personal Leave
    All other leave of absence for reasons such as to participate in competitions and sports, to work or start up a company, or to attend to personal matters.

Students may be granted up to one year of semester leave each time. Students need to submit another application at the end of the leave period if an extension of leave is required. This extension is subject to approval by the School. The cumulative maximum period of leave of absence that can be granted for the entire duration of study is three years.

For students who are graded under the GPA system, the semester leave taken will not be counted towards the student’s period of candidature.

Students who apply for leave after the first two weeks of the semester are required to pay the fees for that entire semester.

For more details, please refer to:

Short Leave

Students must apply for short leave of absence or medical leave with their respective Schools if they cannot attend classes.

  • Short Leave of Absence
    Applications for short leave of absence must be submitted to the respective Schools’ General Offices not later than 7 working days in advance of such leave.  Students should not go on leave until approval has been obtained. 
  • Medical Leave
    All medical certificates must be submitted not later than 7 working days after the medical leave to the relevant Schools’ General Offices. If students submit the medical certificate after the deadline, they will be given zero mark for any test or quiz that they were absent from. 
  • Compassionate Leave
    Compassionate leave will be granted in the event of the demise of an immediate family member (defined as parents, siblings and grandparents).

Please note that the categories of leave will not be approved: 

  1. Returning to home country during festive periods e.g. Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, etc. 
  2. Participating in activities (in and outside campus) organised by student bodies during the various occasions mentioned in point (1) above.

For more details, please refer to:


Students who wish to withdraw from University are to complete and submit the Application for Withdrawal from University (For Undergraduates) form together with the matriculation card to their School of study. 

Student who applies for withdrawal from the University after the first two weeks of the semester will be liable to pay fees for that entire semester. 

For more details, please refer to: