He specializes in the areas of radio frequency (RF) &
MM-wave circuits design for Communications applications. He has
conceptualized, designed and silicon-verified many circuits/chips resulting
in over 160 refereed publications and over 20 patents in the fields of RF and
MM-wave. He is a coauthor of the book “Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits
and Systems” and “CMOS Millimeter-Wave Integrated
Circuits for Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems (World Scientific
Publishing). Chirn Chye serves as a committee member for various conferences.
He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. He is the IEEE
Electron Devices Letters Golden Reviewer. He is the Programme Director for RF
and MM-wave research in the S$50million research centre of excellence, VIRTUS
(NTU) since March 2010. He is the Principal Investigator for research grants
of over S$13 million. He is also one of the key NTU-team members of MIT-NTU joint collaboration project “Low Energy Electronic
Systems”, which has won the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and
Technology (SMART) International Research Grant (IRG) proposal with a grant
total of S$25million. He is a winner of Year-2 Teaching Excellence Award and
Commendation Award for Excellent Teaching Performance, EEE, NTU.
Click here for Summary Presentation of my
work. 2014 – Present NTU, Associate Professor, Programme Director (RF and MM-wave,
VIRTUS) 2005 – 2014 NTU, Assistant Professor, Programme Director (RF and MM-wave,
VIRTUS) 2005 NTU, Research Fellow (RFIC Research and Development) 2004 –2005 Advanced RFIC (S). Pte. Ltd., Senior
RF Engineer (RFIC Design Team Leader with 7 Engineers) 2003 –2004 NTU, Project Officer (RFIC Research and Development) 2000 –2003, NTU PhD
Candidate, Teaching Assistant (Assisting in the teaching of Analog/Mixed
Signal Laboratories) |
(main technology in 2020) GF
GHz Equipment and Testing for THz/mmW/RFIC in
Awards! v Let’s
congratulate Dr. Liu Zhe for her great achievement
in winning EEE Best Thesis Award 2023 (Doctorate Innovation Award)! v Let’s
congratulate Dr. Yang Kaituo for the great achievement
in winning EEE Best Thesis Award 2022 (Doctorate Innovation Award)! v PI:
Testing and design methodology on element design applicable for beyond-5G/6G
smart drone communication systems: Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales),
S$900,000 (in-kind), 16 September 2022 to 15 August 2024, Keysight
Technologies Singapore (Industry). v v PI:
High Data Rate mmWave Techniques for Element Design Applicable for
Beyond-5G/6G Smart Drone Communication Systems.
Industry Partner: Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales), S$499,980, 1
November 2022 to 31 October 2024, Keysight Technologies Singapore (Industry).
v PI:
CMOS Terahertz Plasmonic Interconnect towards Tera-scale Computing, $788,736,
28 January 2020 to 27 January 2023, AcRF Tier 2
MOE, MOE2019-T2-1-114. In this project, we will develop THz surface plasmonic
transceivers to address the challenges facing the next generation of
wireline/wireless computing on Ethernets. By exploring periodically
structured plasmonic devices, all THz components can be realised in CMOS. v PI:
Keysight Technologies Singapore – NTU Joint R&D: Transceiver test and
development applicable for V2X-System and mmW,
S$1,783.750 (including testing in-kind), 22 January 2020 to 21 January 2023,
Keysight Technologies Singapore (Industry). This project is to help establish
a long term collaboration between the Company and
NTU to explore jointly and develop a reconfigurable transceiver testing bench
using CMOS technology applicable for both DSRC and C-V2X. This project will
also explore on possible extension of this work in mmW
frequency range. v PI:
WP1: Transceiver Development Applicable for Hybrid “C-V2X+DSRC” V2X-System,
S$2,889.900, 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2022, A*STAR (STAT Board), SERC
A19D6a0053. In this project, the hardware platform will be utilized together
with WP2 for measurement under real V2X communication scenarios. Since DSRC
and C-C2V are based on different technology, RF specifications for DSRC and
C-V2X are different, such as output power and linearity of transmitter,
sensitivity and dynamic range of receiver. In this project, we will focus on
reconfigurable transceiver development using CMOS technology applicable for
both DSRC and C-V2X. v PI:
LEES III-V + CMOS Circuits & System towards Commercialization, 1
July 2019 to 31 December 2020, LEES-SMART-IRG (SMART No. II-16 LEES IRG),
Phase II. Due to previous work and deliverables for the project mentioned
above, I was again invited to participate phase II of this IRG with this
subcontract. v PI:
Industry: Wireless Heterogeneous Network Transceiver Chipset for
Content-Driven Transmission of Learning Media (SLE-RP3) Research Area (SLE),
S$1,035,698.00 (S$1,708,698.00), 1st July 2016 to 30th
June 2021. In this industrial competitive funding project, our focus is to
implement a communication transceiver infrastructure that is compatible with
the fundamental infrastructures. We are developing a heterogeneous network
(HetNet) technique to support and cooperate various wireless standards with
energy optimization and bandwidth maximization. In this work, we work with a
world major smart learning provider in demonstrating the next generation
Wireless Heterogeneous Network v Recent ISSCC: *K.T. Yang, C. C. Boon, G.Y. Feng*, C.Y. Li*, Z. Liu, X. Yi, Y.T. Dong, A.
Zhou, X.Y. Wang, “A 1.75dB NF 25mW 5GHz Transformer-Based Noise
Cancelling CMOS Receiver Front-End", IEEE ISSCC 2021, San Francisco, USA, accepted, Feb. 2021. *K.T. Yang, C. C. Boon, *Z. Liu, *J.M.
Piao, T. Guo, Y.T. Dong, C.Y. Li, *A. Zhou, *Z.J. Yang, X.Y. Wang, Y.F. Liu,
Hybrid Coupler-First 5GHz Noise-Cancelling Dual-Mode Receiver With +10dBm
In-Band IIP3 in Current-Mode and 1.7dB NF in Voltage-Mode", International Solid-State
Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San
Francisco, USA, accepted, Feb. 2022. (CV2X) ## *Z. Liu, C. C. Boon, *C.Y. Li, *K.T. Yang“, A
0.0078-mm2 3.4-mW Wideband Positive-Feedback-Based
Noise-Cancelling LNA in 28-nm CMOS Exploiting Gm-Boosting",
International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, USA, accepted, Feb. 2022. (CV2X) #Q. Chen, *Y. Liang, C. C. Boon, Q. Liu“, A Single-Channel 10GS/s 8b>36.4dB SNDR Time-Domain
ADC Featuring Loop-Unrolled Asynchronous Successive Approximation in 28nm
CMOS", International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San
Francisco, USA, , Feb. 2023. DOI: xx (CV2X) ## v Press Release: Keysight
Collaborates With NTU Singapore on Hybrid Vehicle to
Everything Communications v https://markets.ft.com/data/announce/detail?dockey=600-202011231100BIZWIRE_USPRX____BW5983-1 See more >
Awards/Grants Research
Presentation Slides: Click here to see my research work on RF/MMW. News paper report on research: See
Link: Lian
He ZaoBao (联合早报). (报导更正: 一论文获得丝路奖, 而非银牌奖) External
appointments to society/local industry: v consulting service to an RF/PCB company v provides RFIC courses to IC Design companies/Foundries. v Serve as an Invited Overseas External Reviewer for the Research
Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region v Serve as an Invited External Reviewer publishers (for example
John Wiley & Sons). v Serve as an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2011) Listing Awards:
Awards: v FIRST Singapore ISSCC Silkroad Award paper winner
(2013). ISSCC is the world TOP IC conference. v FIRST ever and the only recipient for the Commendation Award for
Excellent Teaching Performance (2014). o Nominated by the Associate Provost,
Prof. Michael Khor and Chair, School of EEE, Prof. Kam Chan Hin for the
President Science and Technology Awards (TEAM CATERORY) on 29/3/2011. Results
pending. Note that the President’s Science and Technology Awards
(PSTA) are the highest honours bestowed on exceptional research scientists
and engineers in Singapore for their excellent achievements in science and
technology. http://www.a-star.edu.sg/tabid/69/default.aspx o IEEE Electron Devices Letters GOLDEN
REVIEWER 2012 o IEEE Senior Member (2010) o Represents NTU for the Asia Pacific
(ASPIRE), nominated by Prof Yeo Kiat Seng, Associate Chair (Research), EEE,
NTU. Results pending. The United States proposes the APEC Science Prize for
Innovation, Research and Education (“ASPIRE Prize”) to recognize young scientists who have
demonstrated a commitment to both excellence in scientific research, as
evidenced by scholarly publication, and cooperation with scientists from
other APEC member economies. John Wiley & Sons and Reed Elsevier, two of
the world’s
leading publishers of scholarly scientific knowledge, have generously
committed to funding prize money in the amount of $25,000 USD. o Year-2 Teaching Excellent Award, EEE,
NTU : For Lecture of 639 students. • Best Project of Design Innovation
Project Competition, EEE, NTU 2012 & 2018) Completion of project with Industry:
Excellence Award: Top 10% Best Collaborator in the World etc. CNA Filming of Research Collaboration
with Industry CNA broadcast on 5G and Beyond Latest News: Congrats to Yang Kaituo (PhD student) for ISSCC
2021 (see Publications). Congrats to Liu Zhe (PhD student) winning the
2022 WiEST (Women in Engineering, Science, and
Technology) Development Grant representing EEE, NTU. Congrats to Yang Kaituo (PhD student) for ISSCC 2022 (see
Publications). Congrats to Liu Zhe (PhD student) for ISSCC 2022 (see
Publications). Congrats to Chen Qian (PhD student) for ISSCC 2023 (see
Publications). PhD student Liu Zhe is the FIRST NTU student to win the prestigious
IEEE-Solid-State Circuit Society (SSCS) Predoctoral Achievement Award for
2023. (https://sscs.ieee.org/membership/awards/predoctoral-achievement-award |
Research Positions and
Scholarship (for PhD):
For those who plan
to take up PhD degree (Dr.) and are interested in
the field of Radio Frequency (RF) and MM-wave and Terahertz Integrated
Circuit (IC) may drop me an email. Please attach you CV. Other Available
scholarship: Interdisciplinary Graduate
Programme (IGP) More info can be found via: http://gc.ntu.edu.sg/Programmes/IGP/Pages/Interdisciplinary-Graduate-Programme-Scholarship.aspx Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) is pioneering a new push in PhD education that will tear
down barriers and drive research into areas that need a multi-disciplinary
approach. In keeping with global trends and needs, students at the
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme at NTU will concentrate on two or more
disciplines, instead of one. The Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme is
expected to integrate innovative and interdisciplinary thinking across the university, and strengthen NTU's role as a vital player in
catalyzing the development of breakthrough ideas
and technologies out of the university and into the world. This Programme
will tap on the faculty and talents in the university’s research centres of
excellence, research institutes, colleges and schools. There is no bond for
this scholarship. Faculty having good
candidates can approach university research centres/institutes (e.g., ERI@N,
NEWRI) for IGP scholarship to seek support. The application and interviews
are conducted by Graduate College. Submission deadline for
August 202x intake: 31 January 202x The Singapore International
Graduate Award (SINGA) More info can be found via: https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships/for-graduate-studies/singapore-international-graduate-award-singa The Singapore International
Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science,
Technology & Research (A*STAR), the Nanyang Technological University
(NTU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Singapore
University of Technology and Design (SUTD). PhD training will be carried out
in English at your chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NTU, NUS or
SUTD. Students will be supervised by distinguished and world-renowned
researchers in these labs. Upon successful completion, students will be
conferred a PhD degree by either NTU, NUS or SUTD. Applicants could submit
applications through ASTAR. Faculty having good international candidates can
approach your ASTAR collaborators to seek support. Once shortlisted by ASTAR,
they need to find a university co-supervisor. If successful, the scholarships
will be funded by A*STAR. If SINGA applicants submit
applications through NTU, faculty needs to have secured RSS or SINGA
scholarship to recruit candidate. Submission deadline for
August 202x intake: 1 January 202x EDB-Industrial Post-graduate
Programme (IPP) More info can be found via: http://gc.ntu.edu.sg/Programmes/Scholarships/IPP/Pages/For%20Student.aspx The Industrial Postgraduate
Programme (IPP) is an initiative by the Singapore Economic Development Board
(EDB) to build a pool of postgraduate manpower in Singapore with critical
R&D skillsets through training in a corporate R&D environment and local
universities. At the end of the training, graduates will take on R&D
roles in the industry. Submission deadline for
August 202x intake: to be confirmed, as early as possible Nanyang President’s Graduate
Scholarship (NPGS) More info can be found via: https://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/graduate/scholarships/Pages/NPGS.aspx. Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a
Ph.D. scholarship with monthly stipend range from S$3000 - S$3500, inclusive
of tuition fees, conference support and one time IT allowance. There is no
bond attached to the scholarship. A requirement for admission is Honours (Highest Distinction) or equivalent at Bachelor’s level. There is
no bond for this scholarship. You may encourage outstanding
undergraduate students (e.g., your FYP students, students in your class) to
apply and work with you or other EEE faculty for PhD. The NPGS application August
202x and January 202y) Suitably qualified candidates are invited to send
their CV to me. 2) Research staffs and
Post-doctoral Fellow: In addition, I am also looking for research
staffs (Bachelor or Master) and Post-doctoral Fellows (with PhD from RF or mmW experience) to work on project with advance
technologies. Suitably qualified candidates are invited to send
their CV to me. I will reply to suitable applicants. Notes about PhD PhD students have ample of
fabrication chances with an average 2~3 MPW (CMOS) for advance RF 28nm per
year, in addition to other MPW like GaN on Si and GaN on Carbide. Large research group (~12) working on
advance and similar projects and many Post-doctoral
fellows (~3) with excellent background. This allows for better support,
discussion and collaboration between students and staffs. Possible exposure to many
state-of-the-art technologies for real integrated circuit implementation
including (A) new III-V technologies: GaN on Si, GaN on Carbide. (B) Advance Si technologies (>10nm): FinFet, GAA SNW. (C) New emerging technologies: Carbon
Nanotube. Si based Integrated Passive Device (IPD). * PhD project can be (I) In depth
design of individual blocks: High speed Sample & Hold, LNA, PA, Mixer,
VCO, Divider (II) System & Architecture : ADC,
DAC, Frequency Synthesizer, Receiver, Transmitter (III) In depth work on
components for conventional and advance technology: MMW/THz Inductor,
Transformer, RF Switch, Power Combiner and Splitter. Exact topic is per
discussion between you and me with pre-defined and clear objective for
graduation. Average graduated PhD is 3.5~4 years. Possible exposure to technologies
mentioned in the project above. PhD project fits to industry needs.
Learn the entire process of Analog/RF/MMW/THz integrated circuit and gain
advantages when you apply and start to work. For those with interest for
academic path, I will also try to groom you if possible. For more info,
please see http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/eccboon.
Only candidate with strong interest, good background and strong commitment to
complete PhD needs to apply. You must have good academic results, independent,
dedicated and have a very strong interest in research. All nationalities are
welcome. In addition, please visit http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/graduate/R-Programs/Pages/default.aspx for the application NTU PhD
procedure. Note that the application timeline follows the NTU PhD application
schedule. I will only be able to take a few selected
students but if suitable I can recommend you to other profs. Only
candidate will be contacted. In addition, I am also looking for Post-doctoral fellow (with PhD from RF or mmW experience) to work on project with MIT. Feel free to disseminate this info including to
your friends including those in overseas. Thank you. Best wishes, Boon CLICK HERE for > Boon_2019 |