Speaker Biography

From UK:

 Professor Andrew Dove (University of Warwick).
    Click here for abstract

 Professor Gregory Chass (Queen Mary, University of London)
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 Dr Cinzia Casiraghi (University of Manchester)
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 Dr David Moran (University of Glasgow)
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 Dr Gilberto Teobaldi (University of Liverpool)
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 Dr Jamie Warner (University of Oxford)
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 Dr Mark Platt (Loughborough University)
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 Dr Ned J Ekins-Daukes (Imperial College)
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Industry Speaker:

 Dr Alan Partridge (Rolls Royce)
    Click here for abstract

From Singapore:

 Professor Chen Xiaodong (Nanyang Technological University)
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 Professor Christian Kloc (Nanyang Technological University)
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 Professor Christian Nijhuis (National University of Singapore)
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 Professor Lee Jim Yang (National University of Singapore)
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 Professor Ong Chong Kim (National University of Singapore)
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 Professor Sow Chorng Haur (National University of Singapore)
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 Professor Wang Junling (Nanyang Technological University)
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 Professor Zhang Hua (Nanyang Technological University)
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 Dr Chiam Sing Yang (Institute of Materials Research & Engineering)
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 Dr Qi Xiao Ying (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology)

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Industry Speaker:

 Professor Rob Aitken (Institute of Occupational Medicine)
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 Dr Melvin Zin (3M)
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 Dr Richard Kwok (ST Kinetics)
    Click here for abstract

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