Workshop Programme

Thursday 6 December 2012

09 00 Registration & Breakfast
09 50 Arrival of Guests of Honour
10 15 Welcome address by Organisers
10 20 Address by High Commissioner, British High Commission
10 30 Address by GOH
10 45 Keynote address
11 20 Keynote Address
11 55 Keynote Address
12 30 Lunch Break / Poster Session
13 30 Poster Judging
14 15 Parallel Sessions:  • Graphene
                       • Materials for Energy
    • Nanomaterials
    •Soft Matter
15 45 Tea break
16 00 Parallel Sessions:   • Graphene
                       • Materials for Energy
                      • Nanomaterials
    •Soft Matter
17 30 End
18 00 Reception for Speakers and invited guests

Friday 7 December 2012

08 30 Registration & Breakfast
09 00 Keynote address
09 35 Poster competition Prize presentation
09 40 Parallel Sessions:  • Graphene
                       • Materials for Energy
    • Nanomaterials
    •Soft Matter
12 10 Lunch break
13 10 Onsite discussion    
15 00 Lab Visits (NTU/NUS) for invited speakers and collaborators only
17 00 End
18 00 Reception for Speakers and invited guests


Click here for E-copy of program booklet

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