4.3.2 Description of courses
COM201 Foundations of Communication Studies
Pre-requisite: None
Overview of communication . Communication perspectives . Communication theories . Perce iving and understanding . Verbal communication . Communication climate . Nonverbal communication . Listening . Identity . Mass communication . Communication technologies . Intercultural communication . Small group communication . Organisational communication . Interpersonal communication.
COM202 Information Literacy and Interpretation
Pre-requisite: None
What is research? Creating a research question. Devising search strategies. Evaluating information and information sources. Interpreting basic statistics. Library services and online catalogues. Searching the Internet effectively. Selecting and searching bibliographic databases. History of the Internet and Internet policy. Ethics of information creation and use: intellectual property, the digital divide and data privacy issues. The social context of knowledge: creation, dissemination and preservation.
COM203 Media Professions and Practices
Pre-requisite: None
Media industries: historical development and functions, ownership and business, organisational structure, production processes, technological change and professional practices. Media and society: social and political contexts. Media professions: roles, expectations, ethics codes and commonly accepted ethics obligations. Current ethics controversies.
COM204 Basic Media Writing
Pre-requisite: None
Role of writers in media industries. Fundamentals of good writing: accuracy, clarity, brevity. Understanding news: objectivity, story angles. Writing for newspapers: leads, story structure, use of quotes, backgrounding. Writing for radio and television: scripting to pictures, dependency on spoken word. Public relations writing: creatively constructing and customising messages for maximum impact, effective news releases. Advertising copywriting: writing persuasively and creatively to meet client and audience expectations.
COM205 Speech and Argumentation
Pre-requisite: None
Different types of speeches. Speaking to persuade and methods of persuasion. Principles of argumentation. Researching and gathering materials. Structure and organisation of a speech. Audience and power of language. Supporting elements. Credibility and delivery. Outlining the speech. Using visual aids. Presentation skills.
COM206 Visual Literacy and Communication
Pre-requisite: None
Communication process and visual communication. Visual cues: colour, form, depth and movement. Perceptual theories of visual communication: semiotics, cognitive. sensual theories of visual communication: Gestalt, constructivism. Visual persuasion in advertising, public relations and journalism. Pictorial stereotypes in the media. Orientialism in visual media. Issues surrounding these visual media: Fine art, comics, photography, film, television and new media.
COM207 Communication History and Theories
Pre-requisite: COM201
Review of Western intellectual traditions and the nature of scholarship. The impact of foundational theorists like Darwin, Marx and Freud. Early sociology. Practical philosophy and psychology. Emergence of mass media and mass audiences. Advances in communication technologies. Milestones in communication research. Development of research methods. Key theories and theorists in twentieth century communication study.
COM208 Fundamentals of Research
Pre-requisite: None
Role of research. Research applications. Research approaches: interpretative/critical, qualitative and quantitative methods. Research process: literature review, research questions and hypotheses, design and implementation, analyses and presentation of findings. Interpretative/critical methods: historical, rhetorical and critical. Qualitative methods: in-depth interview, focus group and participant observation. Quantitative methods: survey, content analysis and experiment. Research ethics.
COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
News values/judgment. Accuracy, fairness and balance. News style: objectivity, brevity and clarity. Leads: hard/direct and soft/indirect. Story structure: flow, logic and backgrounding. Quotes and attribution. Information gathering: press releases, press conferences, interviews, records and documents, and direct observation. Beats and cultivation of sources. Enterprise: developing and investigating story ideas. On the job: newsroom operations, managing supervisors and colleagues, reporting etiquette. Singapore context: social and political sensitivities. Professional values: responsibilities to readers. Ethics: journalism codes of ethics.
COM222 Basic Media Writing in Chinese
Pre-requisite: None
Basic forms and formats of public relations writing: produce creative yet customised content to meet client and audience needs. Fundamentals and skills of advertising copywriting. Styles and skills of news writing for print, broadcast and the Internet: leads, story structure, use of quotes, use of background and statistics.
COM223 Publication Design
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
History of publication design. Critical appreciation of contemporary publication design. Design trends in newspapers and magazines. Impact of digital convergence. Design and layout principles: typography, colour, space, text and graphical elements. Page/publication layout: design software basics. Preparing digital images for publication: image editing software basics. basics of colour management. Style sheets. Design process: working with photographers, artists and pre-press technicians.
COM224 Web Design and Technologies
Pre-requisite: None
Introduction to hypertext and the World Wide Web. Web development overview. Introduction to web authoring tools. Basic text formatting in HTML. Information architecture issues: definitions, listing, categorising, users. Publishing HTML: linking, uploading, filenames, folder names, images, tables. Basic image creation techniques: file formats, browser safe colour, animation, background tiling, transparent images, tables for layout/slicing. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, creation and usage. Web prototyping and evaluation.
COM225 Image and Sound Production
Pre-requisites: COM206 Visual Literacy and Communication AND COM270 Single-Camera Workshop
Basic narrative structure. Production process. The frame: shot composition, movement and depth, depth of field to direct attention, perspective effects. Mise-en-scène: lighting, directing, art direction. Editing in storytelling: continuity editing, montage, linear structure versus non-linear structure. Visual considerations for creating specific genre. Ethical and legal responsibilities.
COM226 Media Presentation and Performance
Pre-requisite: None
What makes a good TV or screen performance. Genre and persona. Casting and auditioning. Directing talent and crew. How the camera affects performance. Rehearsals: when and how. Evaluating performance. On-air presentation and voice. Broadcast language. Performing for the camera. Maintaining the right persona. Responding to the story. Interviewing techniques and skills: one-to-one, one-to-many. Holding a panel discussion or talk show.
COM227 Genre and Narrative Strategies
Pre-requisite: None.
The universality of narrative. Principles of narration. Story and narrative discourse. The construction of story. The role of narrator. Narration and time. Narration and space. Character and self in narrative. Narrative structure: classical narration, art-cinema narration, historical-materialist narration, parametic narration, Godard and narration. Narrative strategies used in television genres: soap opera, sitcom, drama series, advertisement and news. Narrative strategies used in film genres: science fiction, film noir, horror, epic and documentary.
COM228 Production Management for TV and Cinema
Prerequisite: None
Script analysis, analysing expenditure criteria, identifying budgetary pitfalls. Script breakdown for scheduling, creating timetables. Managing the creative team and people on the set. Communication between production personnel. Props and other resource management. Risk management in production: identifying potential areas of concern, including technical, script, locations, people, schedule, budget, acts of nature, contingency planning. Setting priorities, keeping the shoot on schedule and on budget, supervising post-production. Legal obligations, insurance and other delivery requirements for distribution.
COM229 Broadcast Journalism: Concepts and Applications
Pre-requisite: None
What makes for good broadcast news or current affairs stories. Story selection and development. Basic techniques and conventions of reporting, writing, video shooting and editing, producing and on-air delivery. Audiences, ratings, sponsorship. Critical appraisals of news and current affairs stories. Newsroom organisation and operations; sources and routines, economic, political and cultural contexts of production, implications for the public sphere.
COM230 Audio in Media
Pre-requisite: None.
Theory and practice of audio production; Planning, designing and producing audio material; application and techniques of the audio production process for various mediums; Consoles, microphones, patch panels; Elements of sound; digital editing; writing; studio operations; digital audio formats for multimedia; engineering and producing multi-track recordings; producing round-table webcast productions; Recording music, sound effects, voices; Principals and mechanics of creating and manipulating sound; Location and studio recording; Foley work for film; Analog versus digital audio; Critically evaluate practical work; Mixing, equalization process for audio mastering; Theory and practice of audio production for all forms of media
COM231 Creative Strategies
Pre-requisite: None
Understanding creativity: creativity within ourselves and others, advertising creativity overview. Creative methods and techniques. Understanding your audience and market. Creative processes: understanding creative development, non-linear practices. Creative concepts: creativity in print television and radio. Understanding visual thinking: layout and design. Creativity and new technology: the world wide web. Potential problems with creativity. The presentation of creative strategies.
COM232 Graphic Communication
Pre-requisite: COM206 Visual Literacy and Communication
Basic visual elements of communication. Visual strategies. Art direction. Planning and applying visual techniques: colour, graphic layout and composition, photography, typography, illustration, style and design. Still and moving images.
COM251 Comparative Press Systems
Pre-requisite: None
Press and society: how news media shape and are shaped by their environment. Overview of press models: liberal democratic, semi-democratic/semi-authoritarian, authoritarian models. Selected press systems: analysis and critique. How the Singapore press system compares with others. International/ global news media. Trends in press systems: political, economic, technological, competitive dynamics.
COM252 Cultural Studies
Pre-requisite: None
Defining cultural studies. Theories in cultural studies. Predominant issues in cultural studies. Research approaches: interpretative and critical methods. Power and gender. Popular culture and hierarchy. Institutions and culture. Audiences and cultural studies. Cultural studies in everyday life. The role of the public intellectual.
COM253 Cinema Studies
Pre-requisite: None
Cinema history: beginnings of cinema, development of classical Hollywood cinema, Italian neo-realism, French new wave movement, the globalisation of the Hollywood cinematic industry and the rise of Asian film. Cinematic movements: experimental films, dogme 95, anime. Film theories: auteur theory, genre theory. Using cultural analysis to analyse film industries.
C OM 254 I nterpersonal Communication
Pre-requisite: none
Self concept. Varieties of relationship. Relationship development and process. Relationship growth and maintenance. Friendship. Love. Managing relationship challenges. Interpersonal relationships in context: at home, on the Internet and at work. Intervention and dissolution. Satisfaction and stability.
COM255 Organisational Communication
Pre-requisite: None
Theories of organisational communication. Norms, roles and organisational structure. Leadership, teambuilding and teamwork. Group dynamics in decision-making and problem-solving. Communication and organisational continuity and change. Organisational/corporate culture. Cultural diversity. Managing meetings and group discussions. Negotiations. Conflict management. Employee and customer relationship. Use of technologies. Emotions at workplace. Communication etiquettes and ethics.
COM256 Psychology and Communication
Pre-requisite: None
The basics of cognitive and social psychology. Information processing theory. Human sensation and perception. Attention. Memory. Emotion. Attitudes. Psychological theories of communication and media effects. Cognitive responses to mediated information and persuasive communication. Psychological methods of communication research. The psychology of individual differences and communication behaviours.
COM257 Media Effects
Pre-requisite: None
History of media effects research. Social cognitive theory. Cultivation theory. Diffusion of innovations. Agenda setting. Persuasion. Human psychology. Media violence. Pornography. Health communication and campaigns. Advertising effects. Political communication effects. Entertainment effects. Media and public opinion.
COM258 Integrated Marketing Communication
Pre-requisite: None
Nature of marketing mix and integrated marketing communication. Principles of marketing communication strategy and planning. Understanding the larger IMC situation: sociocultural environment, decision-making process, legal and ethical issues and consumer behaviour. Tools of IMC: advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, online promotions. Developing media plan, appropriation, campaign design and development, execution and evaluation.
COM261/A Newspaper Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
Production workshop for the campus newspaper, Nanyang Chronicle. Reporting. Writing. Photography. Sub-editing. Commissioning. Editing. Layout and design. Illustration. Advertising sales. Online journalism. Printing and publication processes.
COM262/A Magazine Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
Production workshop for a lifestyle magazine. Magazine feature writing. Photography. Sub-editing. Commissioning. Editing. Layout and design. Illustration. Advertising sales. Printing and publication processes.
COM263 Short Overseas Journalism Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Social, economic and political profile of the destination. Planning a short overseas assignment: travel and transport, developing contacts and arranging interviews. Developing multiple story ideas. Pitching stories to media outlets. Reporting in the field: crossing cultural divides, working with interpreters and other contacts, dealing with the unexpected, and professional ethics. Refining story ideas. Finalising stories for publication or broadcast.
COM264/A Television Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM229 Broadcast Journalism: Concepts and Applications OR simultaneous enrolment in COM229
Production workshop for a campus TV magazine programme, Nanyang Spectrum.
Development of themes for episodes. Scriptwriting. Line-production. Studio production. Presentation and interviewing skills. Legal issues.
COM265/A Radio Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM269 Radio Production Workshop OR simultaneous enrolment in COM269
Production workshop for a campus radio programme, Radio Fusion. Radio equipment, operations and management. Voice, sounds and music. Radio broadcast journalism. Interviewing and presentation skills. Live and pre-recorded radio broadcast. Copyright and ethical issues.
COM266/A Film Festival Practicum
Pre-requisite: None
Film festival conceptualisation, planning, implementation and evaluation. Fund-raising and sponsorship. Fiscal management. Ticketing. Programming. Copyright issues. Distribution and screening. Marketing and promotion.
COM267/A Communication Research Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM208 Fundamentals of Research
Applied research projects for client organisations. Differences between basic and applied research. Development of research questions and hypotheses. Selection of research methods. Research design and implementation. Training and management of coders and interviewers. Data analyses. Presentation of findings. Research ethics.
COM268/A Newsletter Practicum
Pre-requisite: None
Production workshop for school’s in-house newsletter, Connexscions. Objective setting. Audience analysis. Image and identity. Principles of editing. Tone of writing. Typography. Layout and design. Use of pictures and information graphics. Production and printing. Distribution.
COM299 Youth Olympic Games Newsletter Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM204
The course will teach students about the challenges and rigours of working on a daily newspaper. It will impress on them the necessity for speed, accuracy, fairness and balance in reporting. It will give them an opportunity to interview people of other nations and cultures, developing their global awareness as well as their sensitivity to differences. The aim of the newspaper would be to help foster a spirit of camaraderie and international understanding among participants, as well as alerting residents to activities in the Olympic Village.
COM401 Media Management
Pre-requisite: None
Managerial decision making. Leadership and motivation. Media organisation structure. Planning. Market analysis. Financials and budgeting. New technologies and issues. Product development. Business strategies and competition.
COM402 Media Law, Ethics and Policy
Pre-requisite: None
Introduction to the legal system. Censorship. Media licensing. Regulation of media ownership and competition. Defamation: libel, slander. Intellectual property: copyright, trademark. Data protection. Industry self-regulation as an alternative to regulation. New media regulation. Theories regarding freedom of expression and regulation.
COM403 Professional Internship
Pre-requisite: Must accumulate at least 55 AUs of core and prescribed electives
This 24-week professional internship aims at extending students’ knowledge beyond the academic curriculum. During the internship period, students will gain first-hand industry experience by working closely with professionals. This also provides the students an opportunity to develop interpersonal network with professionals, hone their social and management skills. For students who choose to complete their internship abroad, they will also gain experience in a cross-cultural context.
COM404 Final Year Project
Pre-requisite: Must accumulate at least 90 AUs
The purpose of the final-year project is to allow students to showcase their abilities and competencies. Students can choose to execute a variety of projects, including feature writing, photojournalism, public and promotional campaigns, quantitative or qualitative research, scriptwriting, video documentary, video drama, audio production and multimedia production. Students are responsible for conceptualising and designing the project; soliciting and negotiating with clients and sponsors; as well as managing, implementing and evaluating the project.
COM411 Newspaper Editing
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Newspaper editing and packaging process. Editorial decision-making: news, commercial, legal and ethical judgments. Newspaper layout and design: elements on the page. Text: headlines, captions, deck summaries, promos/blurbs, copy editing, house style. Photographs: selection, cropping, positioning. Art: commissioning information graphics, illustrations. Packages: conceptualising, working as a team.
COM412 Advanced Writing Workshop
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Introduction to one or more selected journalistic genres: commentary, essay, review, analysis and feature. Benchmarks of excellence: critical appreciation of articles in selected genres. Writers’ toolkit: tips and tools, challenges and pitfalls. Relevance and limitations of basic news skills and practices. Generating, pitching and developing ideas for articles. Writing style: tone and voice. Self-editing for clarity and brevity.
COM413 Advanced Reporting Methods
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Introduction to one or more advanced reporting techniques, such as in-depth interview, conducting and interpreting polls, and computer-assisted research. Strengths and limitations. Applications to journalism. Story development, using the chosen methods. Information gathering. Writing and critiquing.
COM414 Advanced Editing Workshop
Pre-requisite: COM411 Newspaper Sub-Editing
The work of an editor/publisher: economic, social and political challenges and responsibilities. Industry trends: identifying niches, understanding readers. Covering the big story: conceptualising and planning special packages. Innovation: creating new publications or special sections. Case studies.
COM415 News Reporting and Writing in Chinese
Prerequisite: None
News writing skills: accurate, concise and effective writing, good use of quotes and background information, as well as accurate interpretation of facts and figures. Reporting techniques: computer-assisted reporting, online reporting and information gathering, Interviewing skills: online and offline interviewing. Different types of news stories and their structures.
COM416 Advanced Chinese Writing Workshop
Prerequisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing OR COM222 Basic Media Writing in Chinese OR
COM415 News Reporting and Writing in Chinese
Advanced reporting skills: online and offline, Advanced writing skills: different approaches to feature stories and different structures. Reporting and writing in selected specialisations: Public Affairs, Economics, Finance, Sports, International affairs and Entertainment.
COM417 Specialised Journalism: Public Affairs
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Political and legal systems in Singapore. Singaporean model of journalism. Government involvement, censorship and self-censorship. Social and political sensitivities. Reporting the courts. Reporting Parliament. Dealing with bureaucracy. Reporting on victims and criminals. Working with official figures. Reporting on interest groups.
COM418 Specialised Journalism: Business and Economics
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
National/international economy: reporting on economic growth, trade, fiscal and monetary policy. Markets: forex, stocks and bonds. Companies: business operations, organisation, balance sheets and income statements. Industries: case studies of selected industries. Information gathering: dealing with newsmakers, mining and interpreting business/economic data. Feature writing in the business/economic beat. Ethics of business journalism. Journalism Studies perspectives on business journalism.
COM419 Specialised Journalism: Contemporary Topics
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Institutions: structures and workings of key newsmakers at international, national and local levels, in public, private and civic sectors. Specialist knowledge: key concepts and definitions used in the selected topic area. Legal, economic and policy issues. Trends and controversies. Information gathering: dealing with newsmakers, mining and interpreting expert data, reports and interviews. Feature writing in the selected beat. Ethics of journalism within the beat. Journalism Studies perspectives on the selected beat.
COM420 Magazine Publishing
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
History of magazines. Role of magazines in society. Analysis of individual titles from an editorial and commercial perspective. Principles of writing, planning, design and photography. Sub-editing, page-projection and story-telling skills. Entrepreneurial facets, including editorial representation of the brand values of a publication. Commercial imperatives and realities. Legal, ethical and sociological considerations.
COM421 Online Journalism
Prerequisite: COM224 Web Design and Technologies
The Web: history, development and features. Features of online journalism: multimedia, hypertext, interaction and customisation, Online reporting: email interviewing, using online communities to identify sources and collect information, and digital data gathering. Verifying and selecting reliable sources. Integrated editing of text, animation, photos, audio and video. Strategic use of links. Engaging and empowering online audience. Integrated multimedia and non-linear presentation of online news stories, ethical and legal considerations in presenting news online.
COM422 Photojournalism
Pre-requisite: None
History of Photojournalism. Journalistic ethics and responsibilities: freedom of press, business practices and copyright. Professional photojournalistic skills. Operation of digital still camera. Composition techniques. Photography enhancement using photo editing tools. Storytelling with pictures and words. Evaluating and editing photographs.
COM423 Advanced Photojournalism
Pre-requisite: COM422 Photojournalism
Techniques of advanced photojournalism: electronic imaging, shooting picture stories and feature photographs. Philosophical approaches to photojournalism. Social value of photographs. Working in and outside the newsroom. The business of photojournalism. Developing contacts in the industry. Newspaper or magazine picture editing. Designing and layout of photography projects.
COM424 Writing for Cinema and TV
Pre-requisite: None
Elements of storytelling: ideas and story structure, developing visual ideas, pitching, writing and synopses. Visual style: defining genres, research techniques. Characterization: role and function. Screenplay formats: treatments and scripts. Story movement: scenes and sequences, turning points and transitions. Visualising the script: writing for the camera, developing filmic qualities, script pace and movement. Strategies for revision and rewriting: the role of the script editor. Formats for final submissions
COM425 Creative Practices and New Technologies
Pre-requisite: None
Evolution of new technologies in relation to different media professions: advertising, drama production, documentary production and media campaigns. Conceptualisation of ideas into strategic communication formats using new technologies. Characteristics of new media uses and cost structures. Theoretical understanding of new techniques of design. Combination of text and images and their application in creative projects. Convergence of traditional and new media.
COM426 Documentary Film and TV: Concepts and Applications
Prerequisite: COM270 Single-Camera Workshop OR equivalent
Perspective and style in documentary. Pre-production research. Interviews: locating subjects, building rapport, lighting for interviews, interview settings, conducting interviews. Storytelling in documentary. Stylistic approaches. Effective cinematography and narration. Budgeting: creating a budget for a documentary and how budgetary restrictions determine stylistic choice. Managing production on location and editing structures. Ethical and legal constraints and obligations.
COM427 Narrative Film and TV: Concepts and Applications
Prerequisites: COM227 Genre and Narrative Strategies AND COM270 Single-Camera Workshop or equivalent
Roles of dramatic director. Genre and stylistic approaches in drama. Contemporary issues in drama. Directing actors, Art direction. Pre-production research. Visual style. Budgeting: creating a budget and how budgetary restrictions determine stylistic choices. Editing structures and approaches. Lighting. Ethics. Legal obligations.
COM428 Public Relations Writing
Pre-requisite: None
Introduction to public relations and the new media. Techniques and processes of public relations writing. Managing controlled and uncontrolled information. Planning and executing the message. Message strategies and the process of persuasion. Ethical and legal aspects of writing. Skills for writing effective press releases for print and broadcast media. Managing press conferences. Writing for annual reports, newsletters, flyers and print advertising. Online Writing.
COM429 Advertising Creativity and Copywriting
Pre-requisite: COM232 Graphic Communication.
The role of creativity in advertising. Sources of creative inspiration. Brainstorming and mind mapping. Working in advertising agencies. The Evolution of copywriting. Conceptualisation of ideas. Writing headlines and copy for different media. Visualisation: photography, layout and design. Planning creative campaigns. Advertising Portfolio.
COM430 Crisis Management
Pre-requisite: None
Trends and issues of issues management. Life cycle of an issue. Definition and types of crisis. Stages of a crisis. Crisis communication strategies. Crisis intervention. Crisis plan and communication. Image repair and restoration. Case studies on crises management.
COM431 Market Segmentation and Media Planning
Prerequisite: COM437 Audience Research Methods
Market segmentation. Integrated brand communication. Brand audit and market analysis (survey). Marketing and media objectives. Media characteristics and media rate structures. New media. Budget setting and message strategy. Touch point strategies. Media plan preparation. Media scheduling and monitoring. Media plan evaluation.
COM432 Communication Campaigns
Pre-requisite : COM428 Public Relations Writing OR COM429 Advertising Creativity and Copywriting
Campaign planning process. Situation analysis. Market and consumer research. Setting campaign goals and objectives. Planning the elements of a campaign. Developing creative themes, media plans and publicity materials. Project management and cost control. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of campaign.
COM433 Corporate Communications Management
Pre-requisite: None
Nature and theoretical foundations of corporate communication as a management function. Processes and structure of communication in corporate settings. Socio-cultural, economic and political environment for doing business. Corporate communication functions. Planning and organising resources for strategic communication. Corporate communication issues and industry trends.
COM434 Brand Management
Pre-requisite: None
Brand equity creation. Branding strategies. Managing brands from products to nations. Marketing theories. Target segmentation. Competitive analysis and brand positioning. Location and site selection. Merchandising. Analysing market trends and transnational cultural practices.
COM435 Strategic Marketing Communication Management
Pre-requisite : COM208 Fundamentals of Research and COM258 Integrated Marketing Communication
Positioning. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Competitive brand analysis. Market segmentation. Objective development. Media planning. Developing IMC plans and schedules. Direct marketing. Retail marketing and sales promotion.
COM436 Statistics and Data Analysis
Pre-requisite: None
Data file creation and handling. Data cleaning and management. Descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics. Levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Frequencies and distributions. Central tendencies: mode, median, mean, standard deviation and z-score.. Examining means: t-test and one-way ANOVA. Nonparametric Chi-square test. Correlations. Reliability and composite measures. Simple linear regression.
COM437 Audience Research Methods
Pre-requisite: COM208 Fundamentals of Research
Introduction to research methods. Hypotheses and research questions. Validity and reliability. Focus group overview. Focus group participants. Moderating a focus group. Construction of focus group questions. Analyse focus group data. Survey overview. Sampling: design, sample size and error. Survey measurement. Collecting survey data. Coding, data entry. Survey data cleaning. Survey data analysis. Report writing and evaluation. Special survey considerations.
COM438 Critical Research Methods
Pre-requisite: COM252 Cultural Studies
Overview of critical theory, British cultural studies, structuralism. Defining “text” and “textual analysis”. Institutional contexts: production, circulation and consumption of texts. Interpretation. Outline of semiotic theory. Postmodernism and signs. D-I-Y semiotic analysis. Poststructuralism. Feminism. Poststructuralist textual analysis.
COM439 Advanced Qualitative Research
Pre-requisite: COM437 Audience Research Methods OR CSU438 Critical Research Methods
Characteristics of qualitative research. Research processes and designs: in-depth interview, oral history, ethnography and participant observation, document and historical research, visual methods, action and participatory research strategies. Interpretative, critical and analytic frameworks. Issues of reflexivity: positionality, theory, praxis, power, cross-cultural issues, ethics. Research evaluation: credibility; representativeness and generalisability. Presentation of findings.
COM440 Advanced Quantitative Research
Pre-requisite: COM437 Audience Research Methods
Overview of quantitative research. The scientific method. Concepts and relationships. Experimental design: variables, manipulations between-versus within-subject designs, mixed designs. Conducting experiments: measurement and data collection. Experimental findings: interpreting results and reporting results. Data analysis for experiments. Content Analysis: definition, design, sampling and measurement, reliability, validity, analysis and reporting of findings.
COM451 Power, Culture and Media
Pre-requisite: COM252 Cultural Studies
Ideas of power and culture. The effects tradition: presuppositions and critique. Marxist and neo-Marxist explanations: culture as class power, ideology and consciousness, culture industry and critical political economy. Media ownership and the exercise of control: structure and agency. Culture as site of struggles: everyday life and resistance, hegemony, symbolic and cultural capital. Feminist interventions: gendered texts and readings. Subaltern subjects. Power/knowledge: power as discursive practice. Global and local dimensions of media and cultural power.
COM452 Media Studies in Asia
Pre-requisite: None.
Introduction to media studies: theories, tools, techniques. Comparative case studies. Media trends in Asia. Radio, television, film, cable, satellite, computers, Internet, telecommunications, advertising. Media institutions: public service model, privatisation, corporate model, conglomerates, integration and convergence. Audience studies: measurement, feedback, impacts, effects.
COM453 Popular Cinema
Pre-requisite: None.
Global Hollywood dominance: popular genres of Hollywood films and the reasons behind their popularity. The rise of new cinematic industries in different countries. Successful independent films: domestic and international. Trends in audience preferences: cinematic genres popular with contemporary audiences. Analyses of Crossover hits.
COM454 Asian Cinema
Pre-requisite: None
Trends in Asian cinema: globalisation and censorship. The Hong Kong New Wave and beyond. The Taiwan film industry: from New Cinema to 2000s. China’s post-fifth generation directors. The rise of Korean cinema. Japanese anime. Popular Thai cinema. The Philippines and Third Cinema. Representation in Malaysian Films. Asian diasporic films. Mainstream and arthouse Indian cinema. Contemporary Asian film auteur.
COM455 TV Studies: Critical Approaches
Pre-requisite: None
Studying television: broadcasting, programmes, society, audiences. Television history: technology, institutions, reception, formats. Television cultures: international news organisations, imperialism, globalisation. Text and narratives: semiotics, content analysis. Genre: soap operas, police, sitcom, reality TV, documentary, news. Critical perspectives on production: Process, production values, aesthetics, flows, programming, ratings. Future of television.
COM456 Popular Culture
Pre-requisite: None
Definitions of popular culture. Mass society and mass culture. The mass culture debate. Critique of popular culture. A udience reception studies . Postmodernism and popular culture. Youth culture and subcultures. Subcultures and resistance. Race, ethnicity and popular culture. Feminism and popular culture. Transnational flows of popular culture. Leisure and consumption. Cultural populism and its critiques.
COM457 Strategic Planning and Policy for Television and Film
Pre-requisite: None.
Introduction to television and film industries. Programming resources and constraints: Programming strategies, media research, syndication. Broadcast television strategies: Network primetime programming, network non-primetime programming, television station programming, public television programming. Cable and satellite programming: packaging, basic and premium subscription, online video and audio programmes. Film strategies: distribution and exhibition.
COM458 Intercultural C ommunication
Pre-requisite: None.
Culture, communication, context and power. Identity. Language and culture. Nonverbal codes and cultural space.Intercultural friendship. Intercultural dating relationship. Intercultural marriages. Intergroup encounters. Folk culture, popular culture and intercultural communication. Intercultural transition and adaptation. Intercultural conflict. Intercultural communication across media and organisations.
COM459 Public Opinion
Pre-requisite: None
Definition and measurement of public opinion. Conceptualising the public. Opinion, attitude and behaviour. Public opinion: formation and change, theories and processes, decision and policy making.
COM460 Persuasion and Social Influence
Pre-requisite: None.
History of persuasion. Persuasion and propaganda. Source factors. Audience characteristics. Message appeals: rational, emotional, fear, sex and humour. Message structure and organisation. Proof: evidence and reasoning. Power of visuals. Compliance-gaining techniques. Information processing. Motivational theories. Role of culture in persuasion: Myths and ethos. Social influence: majority versus minority influence, social norms, liking, authority and reciprocity. Resistance to persuasion.
COM461 Global Media Issues and Policy
Pre-requisite: None.
Global media ownership and competition. Global market strategy. Cultural impact and resistance. Impact of globalisation on local media and media diversity. Barriers to entry for media access. Regulation: Competition, regulation of international communication networks, transnational intellectual property protection.
COM462 Information Society and Policy
Pre-requisite: None
Definition of information society. Popular views of the information society: proponents and opponents. Historical and alternative perspectives. Policy issues: Surveillance and privacy, digital divide, intellectual property, work and play, information commodification.
COM463 Economics of Media and Communication
Pre-requisite: None
Economics of media production, distribution an d consumption. Media monopoly, mergers and competition. Network dynamics. Advertising. Pricing and consumer responses. Media content supply and diversity. International media trade. Vertical and horizontal integration. Media globalisation issues. Media convergence issues.
COM464 International Public Relations
Pre-requisite: COM428 Public Relations Writing
Generic principles of international public relations. Environmental variables and its applications to various socio-cultural settings. Communication theories relevant to international public relations practice.
COM465 Conflict Management and Negotiation
Pre-requisite: None
Introduction to conflict management and negotiation. Conflict theories. Roles of communication in negotiations and conflict. Psychological experience of conflict. Areas of conflict: power, face, oganisational climate, culture. Third party intervention. Strategies, styles and tactics of conflict management.
COM466 Issues in Public Relations
Pre-requisite: None
This course covers issues that are related to public relations but are not covered by existing courses. It is an opportunity for students to benefit from the special interests and expert knowledge of faculty members or visiting professors. The course may draw upon multidisciplinary perspectives in examining public relations issues; address emerging and contemporary concerns; or introduce students to cutting-edge professional practices. Some topics that can be examined are issues and crisis management, investor relations, or use of new technologies for public relations.
COM467 Issues in Broadcast Media
Pre-requisite: None
This course covers issues that are related to broadcasting but are not covered by existing courses. It is an opportunity for students to benefit from the special interests and expert knowledge of faculty members or visiting professors. The course may draw upon multidisciplinary perspectives in examining broadcasting issues; address emerging and contemporary concerns; or introduce students to cutting-edge professional practices. Some topics that can be examined are broadcasting and digital media, the impact of international broadcasting, international co-production and practices, emerging technology’s impact on media practice, focus on specific production areas.
COM468 Issues in Cinema Studies
Pre-requisite: None
This course covers issues that are related to cinema studies which have not been covered in existing courses offered by the school. It provides an opportunity for students to benefit from the special interests and expert knowledge of faculty members and/or visiting professors. Thus, this course may draw upon multidisciplinary perspectives in examining special issues in cinema studies; address emerging academic concerns; or introduce students to cutting-edge professional practices. Some topics that can be examined include the relationship between cinema studies and other creative industries, transformation of cinema in the digital age, issues of representation in contemporary screen studies, and national and transnational cinemas.
COM469 Issues in Journalism
Pre-requisite: None
Up to the issues covered in the class
COM470 Issues in Advertising
Pre-requisite: None
Social and economic affects of advertising on society. Advertising regulations: government, industry and consumer groups. Social and ethical issues that relate to consumer culture, materialism, targeting children, portrayal of minority groups, controversial products, cause-related marketing and political advertising. How to make things better: government’s role, advertiser’s role, society’s role and the role of each individual.
COM471-475 Special Topic I-V
Pre-requisite: None
This course expands beyond the regular SCI curriculum, and will be offered occasionally according to the special interests of faculty members and visiting professors. The course may focus on selected themes and concepts; draw upon multidisciplinary perspectives in examining communication issues; address emerging and contemporary concerns; or introduce students to cutting-edge research methods and hands-on applications.
COM481/A Newspaper Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
Production workshop for the campus newspaper, the Nanyang Chronicle. Advanced newswriting and editing techniques. Advanced interviewing techniques. Advanced photography. News values and decision making. Layout, design and illustration. Effective advertising sales and marketing. Management of online journalism. Management of newsroom activities and journalists. Printing and publication processes.
COM482/A Magazine Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM204 Basic Media Writing
Production workshop for a lifestyle magazine. Advanced feature writing. Sub-editing and editing. Photography. Commissioning. Management of layout, design and illustration. Management of advertising sales and marketing. Management of magazine printing and publication processes.
COM483/A Television Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM229 Broadcast Journalism: Concepts and Applications
Production workshop for a campus television magazine programme, Nanyang Spectrum. Development of themes for episodes. Advanced scriptwriting and vetting of scripts. Training and mentoring broadcast journalists and television producers. Management and leadership in line-production and studio production. Advanced presentation and interviewing skills. Editorial judgment. Ethical and legal issues.
COM484/A Radio Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM265/A Radio Practicum
Production workshop for a campus radio programme, Radio Fusion. Development of themes for programmes. Advanced scriptwriting and vetting of scripts. Training and mentoring of radio journalists and radio producers. Advanced techniques of using voice, sound and music. Broadcast journalism. Advanced interviewing and presentation skills. Editorial judgment, ethical and legal issues.
COM485/A Film Festival Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM266/A Film Festival Practicum
Film festival management: conceptualisation, planning, implementation and evaluation. Fund-raising and sponsorship. Fiscal management. Ticketing. Programming. Legal issues and community values. Management of distributorship and screening. Management of marketing and promotional activities.
COM486/A Communication Research Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM208 Fundamentals of Research
Applied research projects for client organisations. Development of research questions and hypotheses. Selection of research methods. Advanced research design and implementation. Training and management of coders and interviewers. Advanced data analyses. Presentation of findings. Research ethics. Non-disclosure agreement. Budgeting and financial management. Understanding clients’ needs. Negotiation skills.
COM487/A Newsletter Practicum
Pre-requisite: None
Production workshop for School’s in-house newsletter, Connexscions. Objective setting. Audience analysis. Image and identity. Editing and tone of writing. Advanced typography, layout and design. Pictures and information graphics. Production and printing. Distribution. Marketing and management. Ethics and legal issues.
COM488/A Advertising Portfolio Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM429 Advertising Creativity and Copywriting
Advertising theory, history and culture. Conceptualisation of advertising campaigns. Understanding teamwork and mentoring relationship in advertising. Development of advertising campaign materials. Advanced copywriting and art direction. Development of an advertising portfolio.
COM489/A Public Relations Portfolio Practicum
Pre-requisite: COM428 Public Relations Writing
Public relations industry trends. Work with a local public relations organisation. Conceptualisation, development, management and implementation of public relations campaigns for the clients. Understanding teamwork and mentoring relationship in public relations. Development of a public relations portfolio.
COM490 Going Overseas for Advanced Reporting
Pre-requisite: COM221 News Reporting and Writing
Country knowledge: history, politics and society of the chosen country. Multicultural knowledge: sensitivity to cultural diversity. Topic knowledge: based on the stories that the students are pursuing. Organisational skills: planning an overseas assignment. Practical journalism: planning, developing, reporting/shooting and writing/producing stories in the field.
COM321 Audio Radio Production
This course explores concepts, techniques and equipment involved in producing audio for radio, film and television, the web, video games, and music. Students are introduced to the basic skills and knowledge for professional audio production. Activities will include design, recording, mixing, processing and editing of audio for media projects. Some topics are applicable to all areas, such as choice and placement of microphones. Other topics are more medium-specific, such as the conversion of sound into computer files. It familiarizes students to basic studio operations, audio recording, the creative use of voice, sound and music, as well as mixing and digital editing. Students will be given opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills learnt creatively. Although this course is technical in nature and designed for a specific group of Engineering students, it will seek to develop critical thinking and communication skills through discussion and project work .
COM270 Single Camera Production
The course introduces students to the practices of single camera field production as a tool for audio/visual storytelling. The course will introduce students to the technical operations of production (camera, audio, editing) and familiarize them with all phases of the production process. Students will also consider questions of how various types of media make use of visuals and sound design for effective storytelling. The class will watch and discuss television and films as part of developing an understanding of production techniques. Students will be expected to apply their learning in all areas through hands-on exercises throughout the term. Although this course is technical in nature and designed for a specific group of Engineering students, it will seek to develop critical thinking and communication skills through discussion and project work.
