1.1.2 Description of courses
CBE Years 1 to 4
CBE Year 1
CH1004 Materials and Energy Balance
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Unit conversion and process variables. Materials balance. Material balance for single and multi-component systems. Energy balances. Energy balance on reactive/transient processes. Computer-aided balance calculations.
CH1006 Mathematics for Engineers A
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Partial differentiation. Sequences and series. First order differential equations. Second order differential equations. Laplace transforms. Linear algebra.
CH1020 Physical and Analytical Chemistry
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Principles of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states. Equilibrium processes in chemistry and biology. Non-equilibrium processes and chemical kinetics.
CH1031 Biomolecular Engineering I
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Molecular basis of living systems. Biophysics of proteins. Principles of metabolic engineering. Cellular systems and dynamics. Genetics basis of cellular systems.
CH1701 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory 1
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Laboratory experiments related to biomolecular engineering, physical and analytical chemistry, etc.
CH1005 Materials Science
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Bonding between atoms. Building blocks of materials. Crystal defects and diffusion. Structural properties of materials. Functional properties of materials. Phases and microstructures. Applications to chemical engineering industries.
CH1007 Mathematics for Engineers B
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Engineering mathematics with emphasis on analytical methods: vector integral calculus. Fourier series, integrals and transforms. Partial differential equations.
CH1011 Introduction to Programming
AUs: 1, Prerequisities: Nil, Semester 2
Self-learning course. Arithmetic operations. Logical operators and functions. Graphics. Arrays and matrices. Input and output. Modular and structured programming.
CH2002 Organic Chemistry and Spectrophotometry
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Introduction to organic chemistry. Stereochemistry. Alkyl halides and reactions. Alkenes, alkynes and their reactions. Alcohols and reactions. Spectroscopy: infrared, mass and nuclear magnetic resonance. Ethers, epoxides and sulfides. Conjugated systems and ultraviolet spectroscopy. Benzene and aromaticity. Aromatic compounds and reactions. Ketones, aldehydes and carbonyl compounds. Amines and phenols.
CH2008 Thermodynamics
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
First law and other basic concepts. Volumetric properties of pure fluids. Second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances. Applications of thermodynamics in flow system. Vapor-liquid equilibrium. Solution thermodynamics. Thermodynamics of mixtures. Power cycles and refrigeration. Chemical reaction equilibria.
CH1702 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory 2
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Laboratory experiments related to biomolecular engineering, physical and analytical chemistry, material and energy balances, etc. Lectures covering principles of measurement, instrument characteristics, measurement errors, data sampling and acquisition.
HW110 Effective Communication
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Communication process. Written communication. Oral presentation skills. Interpersonal skills.
CBE Year 2
CH2003 Fluids Systems
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Macroscopic and microscopic fluid mechanics with emphasis on applications in chemical engineering and polymer processes. Mass, energy, and momentum balances. Fluid friction in pipes. Flow in chemical engineering equipment. Differential equations of fluid mechanics. Solution of viscous-flow problems. Laplace’s equation for irrotational and porous medium flows. Boundary-layer and other nearly unidirectional flows. Turbulent flow. Bubble motion, two-phase flow, and fluidisation. Non-Newtonian fluids.
CH2005 Biomolecular Engineering II
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Biophysical basis of life. Metabolic pathway analysis: carbohydrate. Metabolism and catabolism. Biochemical signal transduction. Biochemical signal transduction on extracellular matrix. Biochemical system engineering.
CH2007 Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Use of numerical methods to solve problems in science and engineering, with emphasis on chemical engineering and biological systems. Linear and non-linear algebraic equations. Optimisation. Least-squares regression and interpolation. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.
CH3003 Chemical Thermodynamics
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Review of basic thermodynamics concepts. Mixture of gases. The ideal solution. The Gibbs, Helmholtz, Planck and Massieu functions. Partial and excess molar quantities. Thermodynamics of physical processes. Thermodynamics of chemical processes.
CH2701 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory 3
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This laboratory course aims to provide appreciation and understanding of theories relating to principles in chemical and biomolecular engineering. Specifically, it provides practical demonstrations and applications in heat and mass transfer, unit operations, biomolecular engineering, etc.
HW210 Technical Communication
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This course teaches the writing and presentation of effective technical reports. The focus is on writing academic reports which are requirements for your engineering course at NTU.
CH2004 Heat and Mass Transfer
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Theories and applications of heat and mass transport phenomena, emphasising their analogies and contrasts. Fourier’s law. Steady and unsteady thermal conduction. Heat transfer coefficients. Heat exchangers. Condensation and boiling. Radiation, Kirchoff’s law and view factors. Fick’s law. Steady and unsteady diffusion. Mass transfer coefficients. Absorbers. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
CH3002 Chemical Reaction Engineering
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Reaction rates and batch reactor. Continuous isothermal reactors - single reaction. Continuous isothermal reactors multiple reactions. Non-isothermal reactors. Multiple steady states and transients. Mass transfer and catalytic reactor. Examples in chemical and biological processing. Non-ideal reactors, bioreactors, environmental modelling. Reactions of solids, chain reactions, combustion reaction and safety. Polymerisation reactions and reactors. Multiphase reactors.
CH2040 Chemical Engineering Unit Operations I
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
General principles and fundamental theories of separation by equilibrium and rate processes. Applications to evaporation, distillation, absorption, adsorption, extraction, leaching, etc.
CH2702 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory 4
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
This laboratory course aims to provide appreciation and understanding of theories relating to principles in chemical and biomolecular engineering. Specifically, it provides practical demonstrations and applications in heat and mass transfer; unit operations; biomolecular engineering, etc.
CBE Year 3
CH1032 Biochemical Engineering
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semesters 1 and 2
This course is designed for students with an engineering background to learn the biological fundamentals of biotechnology. The course emphasizes conceptual appreciation of the molecular interplays which are the basis of 'chemical processes' in living systems. The objective of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive and concise overview of biochemical science and molecular genetics with an emphasis on quantitative, especially stoichiometric and kinetic, perspectives.
CH3001 Chemical and Biomedical Process Control
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semesters 1 and 2
The practice of process control and its applications in the chemical processing industry. Incentives for chemical process control. Feedback and feedforward control configurations. Design of controllers. Mathematical modelling of dynamic processes. Linearisation of nonlinear systems. Laplace transforms. Solution of linear ordinary differential equations using Laplace transforms. Response of open-loop systems. First-order systems, second-order systems, higher-order systems, time delays, inverse response systems, transfer functions. Components of a control loop. Closed-loop transfer functions. Transient response of simple closed-loop control systems. Types of controllers. Stability of controller operation. Frequency response methods. Nyquist stability theorem. Feedback control. Feedforward control. Cascade Control. Multivariable control systems.
CH3702 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory 5
AUs: 4 3, Prerequisities: Nil, Semesters 1 and 2
This laboratory course aims to provide appreciation and understanding of theories relating to chemical processes. It also aims to provide practical demonstrations and applications to reinforce theories and concepts taught in Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Transport Processes, Chemical Reaction Engineering and Chemical Engineering Unit Operations.
CH3720 Industrial Attachment
AUs: 10, Prerequisites: NIL, Semesters 1 and 2
HW310 Professional Communication
AUs: 2, Prerequisities: Nil, Semester 1 and 2
Interpersonal communication in professional settings. Intercultural communication. Negotiating skills. Job search skills. Professional oral presentations. Working effectively in a team.
CH3041 Chemical Engineering Unit Operations II
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semesters 1 and 2
General principles of separation, particle technology and their applications. Crystallisation, membrane processes, filtration and particle and particle / collad technologies. Recovery of products from pharma - and bio - processes.
CH4901 Engineers and Society
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semesters 1 and 2
The course comprises four main topics: Evolution of Modern Singapore; Technology & Society: Ethics and Professionalism and The Environment. Students are made aware of current issues at the time of their study.
CBE Year 4
CH3010 Modelling Chemical and Biological Systems
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Introduction to process modelling. Process modelling principles. Conservation laws and constitutive relations. Dynamic lumped parameter systems. Approximation of dynamic models: linearisation. Laplace transforms. Development of empirical models. Software issues.
CH4001 Chemical, Biological and Plant Safety
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Toxicology, Toxicants release, control and response from biological organisms, industrial hygiene, risk assessment and investigation, case studies, etc.
CH4701 Final Year Design Project
AUs: 10, Prerequisities: Passed Year 3 including CH3720 , Semesters 1 and 2
This is the capstone course which utilizes the fundamentals of chemical engineering (material balances, energy balances, transport phenomena, thermodynamics, kinetics, separations, unit operations, and safety) in the design and operation of chemical plants. Students will learn to undertake and manage projects as a team to its successful completion and to write good technical reports.
CH4106 Formulation of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Dosage Form
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
The objective of the course is to give an insight in drug formulation and the setting of quality specifications. Thus, the course is devoted to the objectives involved in bringing an active pharmaceutical ingredient into an effective and safe dosage form.
CH4213 Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Introduction to pharmacokinetics. Drug distribution and protein binding. Biopharmaceutic considerations in drug product design. Bioavailability and bioequivalence. Modified-release drug products and targeted drug delivery systems. Drug clearance and hepatic elimination of drugs. Applications of pharmacokinetics in clinical situations. Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacological response. Nonlinear pharmacokinetics.
CH4222 Industrial Chemical Processes
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Introduction to industrial chemical processes. Chemical processes in petroleum refining. Synthesis gas and hydrogen production. Ethene and propene production. Green processes.
CH4223 Petroleum Refining
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
The objective of this course is to introduce CBE students to the hydrocarbon/refining/petrochemical industry. By the end of the course, students should understand and be able to describe the standard processes. They should be able to apply concepts and perform simple calculations. They will be made aware of renewable technologies and have knowledge of environmental issues. They will be able to appreciate the current challenges the industry faces.
CH4241 Surface Science in Catalysis and Nanotechnology
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
This course offers students in chemical engineering major a comprehensive, modern introduction to surface science. Surface structure, experimental probes of surface and adsorbate structure, chemisorption, physisorption, dynamics, thermodynamics and kinetics of surface processes, complex surface reaction of catalyst and etching, growth and epitaxy. It features a modern molecular view of surfaces combined with a careful pedagogic approach to chemical reaction dynamics. The course introduces both theoretical and experimental techniques including a detailed explanation of growth and etching. Examples of the relevance of surface chemistry to industrial processes are also included.
CH4242 Catalyst & Nano-support Materials
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
General background and basic concepts. Heterogeneous catalyst preparation and manufacture. Structural and surface characterization. Planning, development and testing of catalysts. Catalysis in solutions. Catalysis by enzymes. Catalysis by polymers. Catalysis in molecular-scale cavities. Catalysis on surfaces. Special topics.
CH4243 Advanced Reaction Engineering
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Elements of Reaction Kinetics. Rate Processes in Heterogeneous Reaction System. Analysis and Design of Chemical Reactors. Operation and Dynamics of Chemical Reactors.
CH4303 Bioseparations
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Bioseparation techniques that have been developed over the past couple decades to separate biological mechanistic analysis of key phenomena at the microscopic scale in bioseparation, will be emphasized, purification of biomolecules ranging from recombinant proteins to gene therapy products, with footnotes detailing economics of the products. Among the topics to be discussed are sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, membrane separations, precipitation, crystallization, extraction, and the principles and scale-up of liquid chromatography.
CH4306 Bioanalytical Techniques
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
The objective of this course is to provide a forum for advanced student discussion on the development, application and utility of modern analytical and bioanalytical methods and techniques used in research. A secondary purpose is to discuss the generation, application and meaning of data in addressing complex questions and problems in biochemical engineering, cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry.
CH4308 Therapeutic Engineering
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Basic cell and structural biology. Basic histology. Tissues and Organs. Cell culture. Transport phenomenon. Biomaterials. Tissue engineering scaffolds. Cell-biomaterials interactions. Tissue engineering case studies.
CH4702 Independent Research Project
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Independent research project in a topic related to chemical and biomolecular engineering.
CH4703 Independent Research Project
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: Passed CH4702, Semester 1or 2
Independent research project in a topic related to chemical and biomolecular engineering.
CH4902 Human Resource Management
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Strategic human resource management. Human resource planning. Job analysis, job design and quality of work life. Recruiting human resource. Employee selection. Appraising and managing performance. Human resource development/career planning and development. Employee compensation and benefits. Industrial relations. Employee health and safety. International human resource management.
BIE Years 1 to 4
BIE Year 1
BG1001 Engineering Physics
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Electricity and magnetism. Geometrical and physical optics. Modern physics, covering photons, electrons and atoms, quantum mechanics and nuclear structure.
BG1003 Chemistry for Engineers
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This course is an introduction to chemistry for students in bioengineering. Concepts of atoms, molecules and ions. Physical chemistry. Reaction kinetics. Chemical equilibrium. Ionic equilibrium. Electrochemistry. Inorganic Chemistry. Organic chemistry. Nomenclature and reactions. Polymers and polymerisation.
BG1006 Mathematics for Engineers A
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
First order differential equations. Second order differential equations. Sequences and series. Laplace transforms. Linear algebra. Matrix algebra. Partial differentiation.
BG1031 Biomolecular Engineering I
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Molecular basis of living systems. Biophysics of proteins. Principles of metabolic engineering. Cellular systems and dynamics. Genetics basis of cellular systems.
BG1701 Bioengineering Lab 1A
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This laboratory course aims to provide practical demonstrations and applications to reinforce theories and concepts taught in the first year of Bioengineering: Physics, Biomolecular Engineering I and Chemistry.
HW110 Effective Communication
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Communication process. Written communication. Oral presentation skills. Interpersonal skills.
BG1002 Bioengineering Physics
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Physical quantities and vectors. Motion of particles and rigid bodies. Work and energy. Elasticity. Fluids. Temperature, heat and ideal gases. Laws of thermodynamics.
BG1005 Materials Science
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Bonding between atoms. Building blocks of materials. Crystal defects and diffusion. Structural properties of materials. Functional properties of materials. Phrases and microstructures. Applications to chemical engineering and bioengineering industries.
BG1007 Mathematics for Engineers B
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Engineering mathematics with emphasis on analytical methods: partial differentiation, multiple integrals, vector integral calculus. Fourier series, integrals and transforms. Partial differential equations.
BG1008 Organic Chemistry and Spectrophotometry
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Introduction to organic chemistry. Stereochemistry. Alkyl halides and reactions. Alkenes, alkynes and their reactions. Alcohols and reactions. Spectroscopy: infrared, mass and nuclear magnetic resonance. Ethers, epoxides and sulfides. Conjugated systems and ultraviolet spectroscopy. Benzene and aromaticity. Aromatic compounds and reactions. Ketones, aldehydes and carbonyl compounds. Amines and phenols. Spectroscopy: Structure determination.
BG1009 Anatomy and Physiology
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Bones and Joints. Muscular System. Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, and Urinary System. Cardiovascular System. Basic Neuroanatomy. Structure of the Nervous System and Sensory Organs. Function of the Nervous System and Sensory Organs.
BG1702 Bioengineering Lab 1B
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
This laboratory course aims to provide practical demonstrations and applications to reinforce theories and concepts taught in the first year of Bioengineering: Materials Science, Physics, Biomolecular Engineering I and Chemistry.
BIE Year 2
BG2012 Biofluid Systems
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: Nil, Semester 1
Introduction, fluids and their properties, pressure and head, motion of fluid particles and streams, the momentum equation, the energy equation, two-dimensional ideal flows, flow in bound systems, boundary layer, external flow and applications to biological systems.
BG2004 Electronics for Biomedical Engineers
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Introduction to Electronics. Diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistors. Field Effect Transistor. Operational Amplifiers.
BG2005 Biomolecular Engineering II
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Biophysical basis of life. Metabolic pathway analysis: carbohydrate. Metabolism and catabolism. Biochemical signal transduction. Biochemical signal transduction on extracellular matrix. Biochemical system engineering.
BG2041 Mechanics of Materials
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Concept of stress. Stress and strain. Axial loading. Torsional loading. Bending. Transformation of stress and strain. Deflection of beams. Energy methods. Columns. Shells.
BG2042 Biological Thermodynamics
AUs: 3; Prerequisites: Nil, Semester 2
This is an introductory course to the study of energy transformation in biological systems, the laws of thermodynamics, free energy, statistical thermodynamics, binding equilibria and reaction kinetics.
BG2701 Bioengineering Lab 2A
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This laboratory course aims to provide practical demonstrations and applications to reinforce theories and concepts taught in the second year of Bioengineering: Biomolecular Engineering II, Thermodynamics, Fluid Systems, Mechanics of Materials, Organic Chemistry, Electronics and Anatomy and Physiology.
HW210 Technical Communication
AUs: 2, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This course teaches the writing and presentation of effective technical reports. The focus is on writing academic reports which are requirements for your engineering course at NTU.
BG2009 Biomechanics
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Body segment parameters, External forces and moments. Kinematics. Muscle and joint mechanics. Mechanics of anatomical Structures and tissues. Rheology. Cardiovascular mechanics. Bioheat and mass transfer. Artificial organs.
BG2011 Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Use of numerical methods to solve problems in science and engineering, with emphasis on biomedical engineering. Linear and non-linear algebraic equations. Optimisation. Least-squares regression and interpolation. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. Applications to statistical analysis. Applications to design of experiments.
BG2010 Bioelectricity
AUs: 4 Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Introduction to bioelectricity. Basics of electrical circuit analysis. Cell membrane. Ion channels and gating kinetics. Patch clamp techniques, electronics and noises. Action Potential and Hodgkin-Huxley Model. Nerve impulse and neural electrophysiology. Physiological roles of ion channels in cardioelectrophysiology, neuromuscular junction, vision and hearing.
BG2031 Biomaterials
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
Biomaterials. Ceramics, Metals and Polymers. Important Medical Applications of each Class. Implants. Biocompatibility. In-vitro and In-vivo Testing. Degradation in Biological Environment.
BG2702 Bioengineering Lab 2B
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
This laboratory course aims to provide appreciation and understanding of theories relating to principles in the second year of Bioengineering: Biomaterials, Bioelectricity and Biomechanics.
BIE Year 3
BG3002 Control in Biosystems
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Introduction to biomedical control systems. Biomedical control system models. Analysis of biomedical control systems. Time domain analysis of biomedical control systems. Frequency domain analysis of biomedical control systems. Stability analysis off biomedical control systems. Control of biomedical systems.
BG3003 Signal Processing in Biosystems
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Nature of biomedical signals. Correlation. Impulse response. Frequency response. Continuous-time signal modelling. Discrete-time signal modelling. Noise removal and signal compensation. Stochastic signals modelling.
BG3004 Biomedical Imaging
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Fundamentals of image and signal processing. Medical image processing techniques. X-Ray imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasounds and ultrasonic imaging. Nuclear Imaging. Medical Radiology.
BG3005 Biomedical Instrumentation
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Basic concepts of medical instrumentation. Quantities of measurements. Basic sensors and principles. Amplifi ers and signal processing. Data acquisition and conversion. Measuring instruments. Blood pressure measurement.
BG3006 Advanced Biocomputational Methods
AUs: 4, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Molecular mechanics. Molecular dynamics. Monte Carlo techniques. Application to molecules. Application to drug designs. Introduction to density function theory.
BG3701 Bioengineering Lab 3
AUs: 1, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
This laboratory course aims to provide practical demonstrations and applications to reinforce theories and concepts taught in third year of Bioengineering: Control, Signal Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation and Biomedical Imaging.
BG3720 Industrial Attachment
AUs: 10, Prerequisites: Nil, Semester 2
To gain first hand knowledge of the day-to-day operation in the Bioengineering profession. To apply the acquired knowledge and skills in actual planning, design, production, construction and/or operation/maintenance practices. To become knowledgeable in field problems and requirements of the biomedical industry.
BIE Year 4
BG4215 Biomedical Nanotechnology
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
This course will explore the world of micro/nanotechnology for applications in biomedical engineering. Topics that will be covered are prospects of nanomedicine and its importance in medical diagnostics, pathways to molecular manufacturing, molecular transport, and nano-sensor for medical applications.
BG4230 Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Drug delivery. Controlled Release Principles. Targeted Delivery. Gene Delivery. Tissue Engineering Principles. Substrates for Tissue Engineering.
BG 4214 Biomedical Optics
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
This course aims to provide a deep understanding of the fundamental principles underlying the core technology of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and biosensors for under graduate students, and build up their ability in MEMS/ biosensor design, fabrication and packaging.
BG4234 Stem Cell Fundamentals
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
“Stemness” Definitions, Criteria, and standards; Stem cell R & D related regulations and ethics; Fundamental embryonic/fetal/adult stem cell biology; and Applications and application perspectives of stem cells.
BG4232 Biomedical Devices
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Classification of devices. Diagnostic, therapeutic and pharmaceutical devices. Cardiovascular, ophthalmogic and wound closure devices. Practical aspects of device use and qualification. Role of materials.
BG4213 Bioelectronics
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Introduction. Bioelectrochemistry. Biophotonics. Biomolecular Electronics. Biosensors. BioMEMs.
BG4231 Advanced Biomaterials
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Bioceramics: Structure and Properties. Processing. Applications. Polymers. Biodegradable Polymers. Natural Polymers.
BG4210 Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1 or 2
Understanding Instrument Specification, Instruments in Intensive Care Unit, Instruments in Operating Room, Instruments for Neuroscience, Lasers for Diagnosis and Treatment, System Design using 3D CAD, Medical Device Regulation.
BG4237 Fundamentals of Gene Therapy
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Definitions of Gene Therapy and Genetic Therapeutics; Related Criteria, Standards, R&D Regulations and Ethics; Gene Delivery; Viral and Non-Viral Vectors; Therapeutic and Regenerative Remedies by Transfer of Genes and Antisense; and Applications and Application Perspectives of Gene Therapy.
BG4308 Therapeutic Engineering
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1or 2
Basic cell and structural biology. Basic histology. Tissues and Organs. Cell culture. Transport phenomenon. Biomaterials. Tissue engineering scaffolds. Cell-biomaterials interactions. Tissue engineering case studies.
BG4901 Engineers and Society
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 2
The course comprises four main topics: Evolution of Modern Singapore; Technology & Society: Ethics and Professionalism and The Environment. Students are made aware of current issues at the time of their study.
BG4902 Human Resource Management
AUs: 3, Prerequisites: NIL, Semester 1
Strategic human resource management. Human resource planning. Job analysis, job design and quality of work life. Recruiting human resource. Employee selection. Appraising and managing performance. Human resource development/career planning and development. Employee compensation and benefits. Industrial relations. Employee health and safety. International human resource management.