Nanyang Business School (NBS) is a leading business school committed to educating tomorrow’s strategic leaders with cutting-edge academically rigorous curricula which are relevant to business practice.
One of Asia’s largest business schools, NBS offers a comprehensive array of undergraduate and graduate programmes in accountancy and business. Drawing on a 50-year heritage of educating the region’s business leaders, NBS provides an outstanding learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and world-class research centres.
NBS is the only business school in Singapore, and the third in Asia, to have both the European Quality Improvement System and Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditations. It is also one of only five business schools outside of the United States to be accredited with the AACSB in Accounting. These are the most widely recognised European and American quality assurance standards in world class accounting and business education.
The Nanyang MBA programme has been ranked among the top 25 in the world and is 4th in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia.
Our full-time MBA is now ranked 24th globally, making it the first time that a Singapore-based university’s MBA programme has made it to the top 25 in the closely-watched annual MBA rankings done by The Financial Times.
Making it to the top 25 globally is a significant achievement for Nanyang Business School as its MBA was ranked 46th last year and 67th in 2007.
This is the highest ever ranking for a MBA programme offered by a Singapore business school and now places the home-grown Nanyang Business School in the league of elite business schools worldwide.
For five consecutive years from 2004 to 2008, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has ranked the degrees conferred by NBS amongst the top 100 of the World's Best MBAs.
To leverage the strengths of world-class institutions, NBS has established many strategic partnerships and collaborations with leading business schools such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Essec Business School, University of St Gallen, Waseda University and the Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Appointment holders
Faculty members
YEO Hian Heng, Gillian, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Interim Dean and Dean (Degree Programmes)
ANG Soon, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, Head, Division of Strategy, Management & Organisation, Executive Director, Center for Cultural Intelligence
CHEN Shaoxiang, Ph.D. (Leuven University), Director, China Executive Development Programme
Chuan-Yang HWANG, Ph.D. (University of California), Director, Research & Ph.D. Programme
TAN Hun Tong, Ph.D. Director, Centre for Accounting & Auditing Research
S. VISWANATHAN, Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University), Head, Division of Information Technology & Operations Management
WEE Chow Hou, Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario), Head, Division of Marketing & International Business
Associate Professor
Charlie CHAROENWONG, Ph.D. (University of Memphis), Acting Director, Centre for Research in Financial Services
CHUNG Lai Hong, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh), Director, MBA Programme
Valerie DU TOIT-LOW, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Business
FOCK Siew Tong, Ph.D. (University of Bath), Associate Dean, External Relations
GOH-LOW Soen Yin, Erin, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore, Head, Division of Business Law
Sie Ting LAU, Ph.D. (University of Texas at Arlington), Head, Division of Banking & Finance
LOW Buen Sin, Ph.D. (University of Manchester), Director, MSc (Financial Engineering) Programme
NG Bu Peow, Terence, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University), Head, Division of Accounting
Kanapaty Pelly PERIASAMY, Ph.D. (University of Oxford), Assistant Dean, Business
POH Eng Hin, MSc (University of Bath), Assistant Dean, Accountancy
Nilanjan SEN, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech University), Associate Dean, Nanyang Executive Education, Director (Berkeley-Nanyang AMP, Executive MBA Programme and Nanyang Fellows Programme)
SIA Siew Kien, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University), Director, Information Management Research Centre
Russell Arthur SMITH, Ph.D. (Harvard University), Vice Dean, Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management
TAN Kok Hui, Ph.D. (Arizona State University), Associate Dean, China Programmes
TAN Mui Siang, Patricia, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia), Associate Dean, Accountancy
Harry SK TAN, LLM (Melb), Barrister (England & Wales), Director, Centre for Asia Pacific Technology Law & Policy
WEE Beng Geok, Ph.D. (University of Hull), Director, Asian Business Case Centre
The Division conducts undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Accounting.
These courses are designed to provide students with sound theoretical and practical knowledge in Accounting, which they can apply confidently and effectively in the Accounting profession and the business world in general.
The Division participates actively in the research activities of the Centre for Accounting and Auditing Research (http://www.nbs.ntu.edu.sg/research/CAAR/nbs_new/CAAR.asp). In a recent study of the research productivity in Accounting for 119 Asia-Pacific universities for 1991 to 2002, NTU was ranked in the top five positions. UOB Chair Professor Tan Hun Tong was ranked the top author in Asia-Pacific universities in terms of weighted number of articles in top five accounting journals.
Faculty members
Division Head
Associate Professor NG Bu Peow, Terence, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
TAN Hun Tong, Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
YEO Hian Heng, Gillian, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Associate Professor
BOO Hian Yong, El'fred, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
CHOO Teck Min, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh)
CHUNG Lai Hong, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh)
GOH Chye Tee, M.Com (University of New South Wales)
LEE Lip Nyean, M.B.A. (University of Strathclyde)
Mahmud HOSSAIN, Ph.D. (Massey University)
NG Eng Juan, M.B.A. (University of Southern California)
Premila Gowri SHANKAR, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
SEOW Jean Lin, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
TAN Kai Guan, Clement, M.Sc. (University of London)
TAN Mui Siang, Patricia, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
ZHANG Huai, Ph.D. (Columbia University)
Assistant Professor
Charlene GEISLER, Ph.D. (University of Texas at Austin)
CHUA Wei Hwa, Ph.D. (Indiana University)
JIAN Ming, Ph.D. (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
KOH Whee Ling, Kevin, Ph.D. (University of Washington)
KOH Wei Chern, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
LEE Kin Wai, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
LOW Kin Yew, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
LOW Mei Fong, Bernardine, Ph.D. (Cornell University)
MAK Wai Yeong, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
TAN Seet Koh, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
TONG Yen Hee, Ph.D. (University of Washington, Seattle)
CHAN-NG Ai Lin, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technological University)
CHONG Eng Heng, M.Sc. (Nanyang Technological University)
HU Kin Hoi, Billy, B.Acc. (Nanyang Technological University)
LAU Chew King, M.Bus. (Monash University)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anil J N SHUKLA, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technological University)
CHAN Ying Lock, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technological University)
LAU Yin Kheng, M.B.A. (University of Nottingham)
NG Liew Peng, M.Com. (University of New South Wales)
NG Siew Quan, B.Acc. (Nanyang Technological University)
SIM Cher Khee, B.Acc. (National University of Singapore)
Banking and Finance
The Banking and Finance Division has the vision of been recognized as a major finance department in the Asia-Pacific region in both research and teaching. We currently have over 10 finance faculty who are actively engaged in first tier research and have published over 30 papers in the top three finance journals. We offer excellent support for top quality research, provide generous funding for international conferences, and subscribe to WRDS and other major financial databases. We also have an active seminar series, featuring finance professors from top business schools around the world.
In teaching, our division offers a highly popular range of Finance courses that meet the demands of Singapore as a financial center as well as the international financial arena. Students can choose to focus on any of these 3 tracks: Corporate and Investment Banking, Wealth Management, and Asset Management. The programme is also recognised as a CFA Program Partner, giving our graduates a head-start in their preparation for the CFA qualification.
We also offer a niche undergraduate programme in actuarial science, which takes in students with high analytical and numerical abilities. This programme provides comprehensive and in-depth training for those students who wish to pursue a career in the reputable actuary profession. Our students who successfully complete the requirements of this programme can qualify for up to eight exemptions from the Core Technical Subjects of the Institute of Actuaries, UK.
Our Master of Science in Financial Engineering (MFE) programme is a highly rigorous and focused programme and is offered in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University. The programme equips students with the skills required to tackle challenging problems in high-technology finance, such as risk management, product structuring, quantitative asset management, quantitative trading, quantitative research and financial information technology. The admission into this programme is very selective and the average GMAT of successful applicants is around 700.
Our PhD Programme is a full-time doctoral program with coursework and a comprehensive examination. Recent placements include the University of New South Wales and the University of Western Australia.
Division Head
Associate Professor LAU Sie Ting, Ph.D. (University of Texas, Arlington)
Jun-Koo KANG, Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
HWANG Chuan Yang, Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles)
Associate Professor
CAO Yong, Ph.D. (Australia National University)
Charlie CHAROENWONG, Ph.D. (University of Memphis)
CHONG Beng Soon, Ph.D. (Washington University)
FOCK Siew Tong, Ph.D. (University of Bath)
HO Kim Wai, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
Keshab M. SHRESTHA, Ph.D. (State University of New York, Buffalo)
LIU Wei Lin, Ph.D. (University of Florida)
LOW Buen Sin, Ph.D. (University of Manchester)
LUO Jiang, Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles)
Nilanjan SEN, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech)
TAN Khee Giap, Ph.D. (University of East Anglia)
TAN Kok Hui, Ph.D. (Arizona State University)
TAN-OOI Lee Lee, M.Sc. (Northeastern University)
Uditha BALASOORIYA, Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario)
WU Yuan, Ph.D. (University of New South Wales)
Suman BANERJEE, Ph.D. (University of Iowa)
CHANG Xin Simba, Ph.D. (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
CHEANG Hock Lye, Gerald, Ph.D. (Yale University)
LEE Hon Sing, Ph.D. (Northwestern University)
LEON Chuen Hwa, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley)
LOW An Chee, Angie, Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
THAM Tze minn, Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
Professorial Fellow
Gunter DUFEY, D.B.A (University of Washington)
Senior Teaching Fellow
CHUTIKAMOLTHAM Siriwan, D.B.A. (Harvard Business School)
Teaching Fellow
LI Ka Ki, Jackie, Ph.D. (University of Melbourne)
AW Ee Ling, Grace, M.Bus. (Nanyang Technological University)
CHOONG Chewn Seng, Edmund, M.S. (Carnegie Mellon University)
KONG Yoon Kee, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
Business Law
The Division of Business Law houses expertise in business law and tax. In addition to postgraduate academic training from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, the divisional members all have prior working experience as practicing lawyers, legal counsels or tax professionals.
The Division plays a crucial role in the School's programmes by providing courses that are aimed at equipping students with a firm grounding in various aspects of specialised areas of business law and tax. In addition to being involved in various executive education programmes, members' expertise are often tapped for programmes and projects organised by local and international institutions and organisations such as the Singapore Institute of Directors, the Singapore National Employers Federation, the World Intellectual Property Office, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the World Bank.
Members are also actively involved in both legal and multidisciplinary research. Key areas include Consumer Protection, Corporate Governance, Corporate and Securities Regulation, Dispute Resolution, Employment Issues, Finance, Foreign Investment, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, International Business Transactions and Tax.
Faculty members
Division Head
Associate Professor GOH-LOW Soen Yin, Erin, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Associate Professor
ANG Beng Wee, Steven, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Anilkumar K SAMTANI, LLB LLM (National University of Singapore), Solicitor, England and Wales, Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Harry SK TAN, LLM Melb., Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
LEE Suet Lin, Joyce, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Virg., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
ONG Chin Siew, Dennis, LLB LLM (University of London), Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
POH Eng Hin, M.Sc. (University of Bath)
TAN How Teck, MTax (University of Sydney), CPA (Singapore)
TAN Lay Hong, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond.
TAN-CHUA Poh Neo, Angela, M.B.A. (National University of Singapore)
Valerie, DU TOIT-LOW, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Victor YEO Chuan Seng, LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Melb., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Adjunct Associate Professor TAN Chong Huat LLB (National University of Singapore), LLM Lond., Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore, Advocate and Solicitor, England and Wales, Advocate and Solicitor, New South Wales , Australia
Assistant Professor
Fernandez Navprakash, LLB LLM (National University of Singapore), Solicitor, England and Wales, Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
LIM-LUM Kit Wye, LLB LLM (National University of Singapore), Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Information Technology and Operations Management
The Division of Information Technology and Operations Management comprises faculty with expertise in two key business disciplines: Information Technology (IT) and Operations Management (OM).
The faculty members in the division are actively involved teaching courses in the Undergraduate, MBA, EMBA and PhD programs. At the undergraduate level, the division is actively involved in the , the . In the MBA program, the Division is actively involved in the and the . At the PhD level, the division is involved in the and the .
Senior faculty members in the division are actively involved in teaching in the Nanyang Executive Programs – in the degree programs such as EMBA, open executive programs as well as customized in-company programs. As the faculty members interact deeply with business organisations in the research projects, consulting and executive teaching engagements, they are able to bring a balance of rigour and relevance and both theoretical frameworks and current practice into the classroom.
The research issues addressed by the faculty members in the IT area include IT Policy, Value of IT, Implementation of IT and packaged software, Outsourcing of technology services, Talent management of high technology professionals, Electronic Marketplaces & Virtual communities, Pricing of information goods, Knowledge management, and Database management. The research issues addressed by faculty members in the OM area include Inventory management, Logistics management, Supply chain coordination, Forecasting, Reverse logistics, Manufacturing systems, Quality control, Service operations management, and Revenue management. Research by the ITOM faculty have been published in top journals in the respective disciplines such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, and Operations Research and other high quality journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions, Journal of Management Information Systems and CACM. Faculty members from the division have served or are serving on the Editorial Boards of top journals such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Production & Operations Management.
The faculty members in the IT area are actively involved in the that is affiliated to the division. serves as a conduit for networking with CIOs and senior IT professionals from the industry as well with senior academics from around the world.
Faculty members
Division Head
Professor S VISWANATHAN, Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University)
CHEN Shaoxiang, Ph.D. (University of Leuven)
Vijay SETHI, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh)
SOH Wai Lin, Christina, Ph.D. (University of California)
S VISWANATHAN, Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University)
Associate Professor
Amit DAS, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
KOH Siew Kuan, Christine, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
LI Zhi-feng, Michael, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
Kanapathy Pelly PERIASAMY, Ph.D. (University of Oxford)
Rohit BHATNAGAR, Ph.D. (McGill University)
TUNG Lai Lai, Ph.D. (Indiana University)
WANG Qinan, Ph.D. (McMaster University)
Assistant Professor
BOH Wai Fong, Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon University)
CHUA Eng Huang, Cecil, Ph.D. (Georgia State University)
GOH Kim Huat, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
Damien JOSEPH, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
Olaf RIECK, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
WU Shin-Yi, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania)
YEOW Yong Kwang, Adrian, Ph.D. (University of Maryland)
Neerja SETHI, M.Sc. (State University of New York, Buffalo)
Marketing and International Business
The Division of Marketing and International Business (MIB) comprises two disciplines. Marketing is the larger of the two and the division houses the B. Bus Marketing, and MBA Marketing specializations. The second discipline is International Business which is currently undergoing a period of growth and restructuring.
The faculty in the MIB Division is truly global and diverse. More than three-fourths come from North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific regions while the Singaporean faculty members have had strong international training and experience.
Many of our faculty members have also had business experience before moving into academia. They ran their own businesses, or served as senior executives in companies such as Coca-Cola, Xerox, and Sunbeam. They bring to their teaching and research a blend of scholarship and pragmatic wisdom. Many continue to consult for businesses in the region.
Its faculty research programme is characterized by multidisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches, and the results have been published in leading international journals and publications. The Division features researchers and scholars in several niche areas: consumer behavior, services marketing, tourism studies, international business, and marketing strategy. Faculty members of the Division have published in some of the world's leading academic journals including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of International Business Studies and the Annals of Tourism Research.
Faculty members
Division Head
Professor WEE Chow Hou, Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario)
Associate Professor
CHEN Yee Fong, Geraldine, Ph.D. (University of London)
HOOI Den Huan, Ph.D. (University of Manchester)
Ian MCGOVERN, Ph.D. (University of Manchester)
Joan C HENDERSON, Ph.D. (University of Edinburgh)
Sunanda SANGWAN, Ph.D. (Erasmus University)
Assistant Professor
Benjamin KARTONO, Ph.D. (Cornell University)
CHUNG Mann Yien, Cindy, Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
CHUNG Tuck Siong, Ph.D. (University of Maryland, USA)
HAN-WONG Soke Yin, M.B.A. (University of Toronto)
Inwoo NAM, Ph.D. (University of Iowa)
LAM Shun Yin, Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario)
LIM Kui Suen, Lewis, Ph.D. (Indiana University)
NG Sok Ling, Sharon, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
Interim Dean (Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management)
Russell Arthur SMITH, Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Senior Teaching Fellow
Ashok Kumar CHARAN, M.B.A. (PGDM), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
KHOO Hong Meng, Ph.D. (NUS)
WAN Chew Yoong, M.B.A. (Imede University of Lausanne)
Professorial Fellow
HONG Hai, Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Gerard Dionicio GONZALES, M.B.A. (NTU)
BOEY Yew Tung, M.B.A. (NTU)
Strategy, Management and Organisation
The Division of Strategy, Management and Organisation is the biggest division in the Nanyang Business School. It comprises three major disciplines: Strategy, Organisational Behaviour, and Business and Managerial Communication.
The Division has approximately 45 faculty, including visiting professors. Its faculty research programme, characterised by multidisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches, is vigorous and growing in international stature. The results have been published in leading international journals and publications. The Human Resource Consulting specialisation attracts some of the best students. The Division is also home to the Centre for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence.
Faculty members
Division Head
Professor ANG Soon, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
Jitendra Vir SINGH, Ph.D. (Stanford University)
CHIU Chi-Yue, Ph.D. (Columbia University)
HONG Ying-Yi (Columbia University)
Associate Professor
A Ahad M. OSMAN-GANI, Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
Chan Kim Yin, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Olexander (Sasha) CHERNYSHENKO, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Hesan Ahmed QUAZI, Ph.D. (University of Sussex)
HO Mian Lian, Ph.D. (Monash University)
HO Tzu Wei, Violet, Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon University)
Klaus-Jürgen TEMPLER, Ph.D. (University of Hamburg)
LANG Chin Ying, Josephine, D.B.A. (Boston University)
NG Kok Yee, Ph.D. (Michigan State University)
Shobha Sasidharan DAS, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
SOH Star, Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
TAN Joo Seng, Ph.D. (University of Malaya)
TSUI-AUCH Lai Si, Ph.D. (Michigan State University)
WEE Beng Geok, Ph.D. (The University of Hull)
Cheryl TAY-LEE Swee Ling, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
FANG Yongqing, Ph.D. (Concordia University)
KANG Soon Lee, Eugene, Ph.D. (Texas A and M University)
Naina GUPTA, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Pamsy HUI, Ph.D. (University of Texas, Austin)
TAN Brian Roy, Ph.D. (University of Washington)
WONG Sze Sze, Ph.D. (Duke University)
YU Kang Yang, Trevor, Ph.D. (University of North Carolina)
CHENG Ooi Lan, Catherine, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technological University)
CHOO Wee Ee Clive, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technological University)
FOO-CHEW Janice Lay Peng, M.A. (National University of Michigan)
Jeffrey Cameron KENNEDY, B.Sc. (University of Canterbury)
Stewart Lloyd ARNOLD, currently pursuing Ph.D. Programme (University of Queensland)
Ulrike Marianne MURFETT, M.A. (Karl-Franzens Universitat Graz)
WEE Wei Ling, Constance, PhD. (University of Sydney)
YANG Mei Ling, M.B.A. (Nanyang Technoloigical University)
YONG Oi Hing, Audrey, M.A., English Language (National University of Singapore)
Associate Professional fellow
TOH Thian Ser, M.B.A. (National University of Singapore)
Adjunct Associate Professor
LIM Beng Chong, PhD. (University of Maryland)
Senior Fellow
Robert Stewart BOYD, M.B.A. (Harvard University)
Darren Neil HANSON, Ph.D. (Monash University)
Senior Teaching Fellow
CHAN Teng Heng, Ph.D. (University of London)
Visiting Professor
Mark Joseph KROLL, Ph.D. (Mississippi State University)
Visiting Associate Professor
John Edward BECK, Ph.D. (University of Manchester)
