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  Graduate Studies  
  School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree Programmes and Requirements | Description of Courses



The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) was one of the initial three engineering schools when the University started out as NTI back in 1982. It was then called the School of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE). In 2002, it was renamed School of Civil and Environmental Engineering due to increasing emphasis on the environment and the significant strength of the school had gained in this area. Thereafter, the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering programme was introduced in 2003. In 2004, in addition to the existing Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering programmes, a new undergraduate programme in Maritime Studies was launched.


A leading school for sustainable built environment


To nurture students to be responsible leaders capable of realising their maximum potential in their profession and community. To provide a collegiate environment for faculty to excel in education and research for sustainable development. To advance knowledge for the practice of civil and environmental engineering and maritime professions.

The School’s primary functions are to train and educate professional civil and environmental engineers, and to advance the state of knowledge in important civil and environmental engineering fields. State-of-the-art facilities in both hardware and software are incorporated regularly to provide a professionally-oriented education and a technologically-stimulating environment for research and development and collaborations with the industry and overseas universities. The School is staffed by an international faculty of academics who are strong in teaching as well as research and professional experiences. Besides teaching the undergraduate and graduate courses, they are active in research collaboration with industrial organisations, offering engineering consultancy, conferences, seminars and short courses for the benefit of the industry.

To facilitate the coordination of various academic and research activities and also to better reflect their focus areas, the School is organized into three Divisions. The three Divisions are:

  • Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (EWRE)
  • Infrastructure Systems and Maritime Studies (ISMS)
  • Structures and Mechanics (SM)


In addition to the three divisions, there are five centres and institutes within the School to further facilitate specialisation in the areas of professional training, research and technology transfer. They are:

  • Centre for Infrastructure Systems (CIS)
  • Environmental Engineering Research Centre (EERC)
  • LIEN Institute For the Environment (LIFE)
  • Maritime Research Centre (MRC)
  • Protective Technology Research Centre (PTRC)


The seven laboratories within the School are well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support teaching and research. They are:

  • CADD Laboratory
  • Environment Laboratory
  • Hydraulics Laboratory
  • Geotechnics Laboratory
  • Protective Engineering and Construction Technology Laboratory
  • Spatial Information Laboratory
  • Transportation Laboratory

The School provides a number of practice-oriented courses to prepare the students for their challenging careers. The courses are designed to provide the requisite breadth and depth so that the students are able to pursue a career in planning, design and construction of civil, environmental, maritime projects and systems, as well as in research and development. Lectures and tutorials complemented by laboratory sessions, design projects, practical training, industrial visits and seminars will equip the students with the principles and practical aspects of their areas of studies. Upon graduation, they are able to be involved in various engineering and maritime activities.

The Civil Engineering curriculum equips its students with the professional knowledge and skills needed to excel in a challenging career as a civil engineer. The Environmental Engineering curriculum imparts knowledge, skills and capabilities in a wide variety of environmental engineering topics to further research and know-how in building and maintaining sustainable living environments. The Maritime Studies curriculum equips its students with the necessary expertise in shipping, business and management, and maritime science and technology to meet the new challenges in the maritime industry.

Faculty members

Chair's Office

Associate Professor

Lo Yat Man Edmond, Ph.D. (MIT, USA), Chair



Fung Tat Ching, Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong), Associate Chair (Academic)

Soh Chee Kiong, Ph.D. (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK), Associate Chair (Administration)


Associate Professor

Chu Jian, Ph.D. (UNSW, Australia), Assistant Chair (Alumni Relations)

Law Wing Keung Adrian, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Associate Chair (Research)

Lim Siow Yong, Ph.D. (University of Liverpool, UK), Assistant Chair (Students)


(1) Division of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering


The Division of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering engages in cutting edge research in a broad spectrum of environment and water related areas. The main focus is on upstream R&D and development of novel technologies for both national and regional needs. Areas of research include water reclamation, water resources management, waste recovery and reuse, environmental biotechnology, environmental remediation, coastal management, environmental hydraulics and sediment transport.


Chiew Yee Meng, Ph.D. (University of Auckland, NZ), Division Head

Ng Wun Jern, Ph.D. (Birmingham University, UK)

Tay Joo Hwa, Ph.D. (University of Toronto, Canada)

Emeritus Professor

Chen Charng Ning, Ph.D. (Georgia, USA)


Associate Professor

Cheng Nian Sheng, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Karina Yew-Hoong Gin, Sc.D. (MIT,WHOI, USA)

Law Wing Keung, Adrian, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Lim Siow Yong, Ph.D. (University of Liverpool, UK)

Lim Teik Thye, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Liu Yu, Ph.D. (INSA-Toulouse, France)

Lo Yat-Man, Edmond, Ph.D. (MIT, USA)

Shuy Eng Ban, Ph.D. (University of Queensland, Australia)

Sun Delai Darren, Ph.D. (UNSW, Australia)

Tan Soon Keat, Ph.D. (University of Auckland, NZ)

Volodymyr Ivanov, D.Sc. (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)

Wang Jing-Yuan, Ph.D. (N. Carolina State, USA)

Wang Rong, Ph.D. (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Wong Sai Wai, Tommy, Ph.D. (NUS, Singapore)

Assistant Professor

Chang Wei-Chung, Victor, Ph.D. (Stanford University, USA)

Chen Chin-Kuang, Jim, Ph.D. (Yale University, USA)

Chua Hock Chye, Lloyd, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Huang Zhenhua, Ph.D. (MIT, USA)

Tang Chuyang, Ph.D. (Stanford University, USA)

Adjunct Professor

Haygriva Jagannath Rao, PGD (NUS, Singapore)

Adjunct Associate Professor

Koe Choon Chiaw, Lawrence, Ph.D. (Queensland)

Toh Ah Cheong, M.Sc. (Singapore)

Teaching Fellow

Maszenan Bin Abdul Majid, Ph.D. (La Trobe University)

Wong Cheun Yung, Philip, MS (Stanford University, USA)

(2) Division of Infrastructure Systems and Maritime Studies


The Division of Infrastructure Systems and Maritime Studies was formed on 1 November 2005 in line with the integrated system approach to civil engineering. The Division consists of faculty members specialising in Project Finance and Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Spatial Information and Maritime. These areas encompass the development of key infrastructure systems in a global city: land development and improvement, transport system, logistics system, port and airport.


Harianto Rahardjo, Ph.D. (Sask., Canada), Division Head

Fan Shing Leung, Henry, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Associate Professor

Chew Ah Seng, David, D.B.A. (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

Chu Jian, Ph.D. (UNSW, Australia)

Goh Pong Chai, M.Surv. (UNSW, Australia)

Goh Teck Chee, Anthony, Ph.D. (Monash, Australia)

Leong Eng Choon, Ph.D. (The University of Western Australia, Australia)

Low Bak Kong, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Lum Kit Meng, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Teh Cee Ing, D.Phil. (Oxford, UK)

Ting Seng Kiong, Sc.D. (MIT, USA)

Tiong Lee Kong, Robert, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Tor Yam Khoon, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Wong Kai Sin, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Wong Yiik Diew, Ph.D. (University of Canterbury , NZ)

Assistant Professor

Chen Po-Han, Ph.D. (Purdue University , USA )

Teo Chee Chong, Ph.D. (Singapore-MIT Alliance, Singapore)

Associate Professorial Fellow

Wong Wai Fan, D.B.A. (University of Southern Queensland , Australia)

Professorial Fellow

Choa Choon Eng, Victor, Ph.D. (NUS, Singapore)

Adjunct Associate Professor

Lam Siew Wah, DIC M.Sc. (London, UK), M.B.A. (Hull, UK)

Gopinath Menon, M.Eng.Sc. (UNSW, Australia)

Teaching Fellow

Budi Wibawa, Ph.D. (Niigata, Japan)

Lam Siu Lee, Jasmine, M.Sc. (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

(3) Division of Structures and Mechanics


In the Division of Structures and Mechanics, the research focuses are on Structural Dynamics and Seismic Engineering, Structural Connections, Protective Technology, Computational Mechanics, Concrete and Building Technology and Fire Engineering. Our faculty also actively participates in the research programmes of the Protective Technology Research Centre and the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Associate Professor

Chiew Sing Ping, Ph.D. (NUS, Singapore), Division Head


Fan Sau Cheong, Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong)

Fung Tat Ching, Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong)

Pan Tso-Chien, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Soh Chee Kiong, Ph.D. (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK)

Associate Professor

Chuang Poon Hwei, DIC, Ph.D. (London, UK)

Lee Chi King, DIC, Ph.D. (London, UK)

Li Bing, Ph.D. (University of Canterbury, NZ)

Lie Seng Tjhen, Ph.D. (UMIST, UK)

Lok Tat Seng, Ph.D. (University of Warwick, UK)

Tan Kang Hai, Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK)

Susanto Teng, Ph.D. (University of Iowa, USA)

Zhao Zhiye, Ph.D. (Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK)

Assistant Professor

Kusnowidjaja Megawati, Ph.D. (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Low Ying Min, Ph.D. (University of Cambridge, UK)

Ma Guowei, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Yang Yaowen, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)

Adjunct Associate Professor

Lim Chee Hiong, M.Sc. (NUS, Singapore ), M.B.A. (NTU, Singapore)

Teaching Fellow

Liu Yu, Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)