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  Graduate Studies  


Instructions to Candidates

Students are responsible for understanding and complying with the University policies and procedures pertaining to examination matters.
All candidates must follow these instructions conscientiously. You will be dealt with by the Board of Discipline for any breach of regulations.



Attention is drawn to the following regulation relating to absence from any examinations :
“A student who does not register or who, having registered, fails to take any examination for which he is eligible to sit, shall be deemed to have sat and failed the examination unless the Board of Examiners is satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason for such failure to register or take the examination.”

If you are not able to take an exam and would like the Board of Examiners to give special consideration, then you have to write-in to appeal not later than forty-eight (48) hours from the start of the exam. Supporting documents are important as it will help you in the Board’s decision-making.

Late submission will not be considered.

Example: If you are to be sent overseas by company, then you have to submit an appeal letter, together with your company’s letter certifying your period of away and a photocopy of your air-ticket or e-ticket.



A candidate who is absent from an examination for a degree, on account of illness, may be permitted to appear for the examination at the next period of the examination on the condition that:
The candidate has been examined by a registered medical practitioner and a medical report attached with the original medical certificate be submitted to the Graduate Studies Office within forty-eight (48) hours of the absence.

The medical report form is available at GSLink-Academic-Examination-Request for Medical Report Form. Candidates are responsible to provide the form to their attending doctor.

Any fee payable for the medical examination under the above regulation shall be paid by the candidate.

Late submission will not be considered.


Outstanding Fees

Attention is drawn to the following examination regulation relating to outstanding fees :
“No candidate shall be entitled to be admitted to a University examination unless the Bursar certifies that he is not in debt to the University (otherwise than as a result of a loan made by the University) or to any University hall of residence.”

Candidates are reminded to settle all outstanding fees with the Office of Finance or/and hostel rental fees with the International Student Centre before they sit for any examination.



A candidate who is caught cheating in examinations is liable to be expelled from the University.

The University takes a serious view of cheating in examination. All students are to take note of the written examination instructions issued to them as well as the announcement made by the Chief Invigilators during examination.


Examination rules and regulations

  1. A candidate who breaches any of the Examination Regulations will be dealt with by the Board of Discipline.
  2. Examinations will be conducted during the allocated times shown in the examination time-table.
  3. Candidates are allowed into the examination hall ten minutes before the time scheduled for the commencement of the examination. They are, however, not permitted to turn over the question paper placed on their desks until the time for the commencement of the examination.
  4. Candidates are not allowed to present themselves for examination later than one hour after the commencement of the examination.
  5. The identity of every candidate will be checked during the examination. Candidates are required to bring their matriculation cards or identity cards and place them at the upper right-hand corner of their desks at the commencement of each examination.
  6. Candidates may bring into the examination hall only those calculators that have been approved by the school. Graphic calculators which are approved for use must be re-set i.e. memory cleared, prior to any examination. Unauthorised calculators are not permitted in the examination hall. Exceptions: Candidates in the MBA, M.Sc.(MBA Specialisation), M.Mass Comm, M.Sc.(Info Studies) and Grad Dip Mass Comm programmes are allowed to use any calculator.
  7. No candidate is allowed to bring into the examination hall any unauthorised material such as books, paper, documents or pictures. Bags, waist pouches, ear or headphones are not to be brought into the examination hall.
  8. Candidates are allowed to bring their handphones into the examination hall. However, the handphones must be switched off at all times. Disciplinary action will be taken against a candidate who breaks this regulation. A candidate who is caught cheating during the examination is liable to be expelled from the university.
  9. For open-book examinations, candidates must also leave their bags outside the examination hall.
  10. The University will not be responsible for the loss of candidates’ belongings in or outside the examination hall.
  11. No candidates who has entered the examination hall will be allowed to leave the hall, temporarily or otherwise for any reason whatsoever, until the examination has started.
  12. Candidates are not allowed to leave their seats without the permission of an invigilator.
  13. Candidates who wish to communicate with an invigilator must raise their hands.
  14. Candidates who have been given permission to leave their seats temporarily must be accompanied by an invigilator.
  15. No communication by word of mouth or otherwise between candidates is allowed in the examination hall.
  16. Candidates must carefully read the instructions printed on each answer book and examination question paper. The blank pages in the answer book are to be used only for candidates’ rough work. Solutions or any other materials written on these blank pages will not be marked.
  17. Candidates must not write their names on the answer books. They should write only their matriculation numbers in the space provided on the cover of each answer book.
  18. Candidates are not allowed to write, mark, highlight or deface any reference materials provided for the examination. Any candidate found doing so is liable to have his reference materials removed from his use for the rest of the examination and be made to pay for the cost of the materials that have to be replaced.
  19. Candidates who have presented themselves for an examination will not be allowed to hand in their answer books until one hour has elapsed after the commencement of the examination.
  20. Candidates are not allowed to leave their seats during the last 15 minutes before the conclusion of the examination.
  21. At the conclusion of the examination, candidates must remain seated and must not communicate with one another while their answer books are being collected and tallied.
  22. Candidates may not take with them, used or unused papers, from the examination hall, except their own question paper, unless instructed otherwise.
  23. Candidates must comply with the dress code of the University. A candidate who is not properly attired will not be admitted into the examination hall.
  24. Attention is drawn to the following regulation relating to absence from any examinations: “A student who does not register or who, having registered, fails to take any examination for which he is eligible to sit, shall be deemed to have sat and failed the courses unless the Chair concerned is satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason for such failure to register or take the examination.”

  25. Candidates who are graduate students have to write in to either the School or Graduate Studies Office, with supporting documents within 48 hours of the absence.

  26. Attention is drawn to the following regulation relating to illness:

    “Where a candidate, on account of illness, is absent from an examination for a degree, he may be permitted to appear for the examination at the next period of the examination provided the candidate has been examined by a registered medical practitioner and a medical certificate and a medical report submitted to the Chief Planning Officer and Registrar within 48 hours of the absence. Any fee payable for the medical examination under the above regulation shall be paid by the candidate.” Candidates who are graduate students are to submit the medical report within 48 hours to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  27. The form is available at:

  28. Attention is drawn to the following regulation relating to outstanding fees: “No candidate shall be entitled he Chief Financial Officer certifies that he is not in debt to the University (otherwise tto be admitted to a University examination unless than as a result of a loan made by the University) or to any University hall of residence.”

    Candidates are reminded to settle all outstanding fees with the Office of Finance, Level 3, Student Services Centre before they sit for any examination.