Dr Su Guaning |
Welcome from President |
A warm welcome to the Nanyang Technological University community! |
Located in a sprawling campus of 200 hectares, Nanyang Technological University or NTU has a student population of 21,000 undergraduates and 9,000 graduate students from 72 countries. At NTU, we offer students a wide range of experiences, cultures and opportunities. We strive to nurture entrepreneurial leaders through a broad-based education in diverse disciplines. There is a lot of room for students to explore their interests, acquire knowledge, sharpen minds, and engage in ground-breaking research. A learning journey with NTU promises to be life-changing in both academic and non-academic ways. It is our firm belief that a complete higher education entails more than just getting a degree. We encourage all our students to seek a balanced university education - one that is both academically challenging and holistic. Through participation in clubs, committees, activities and competitions as well as staying in our Halls, students will find ample opportunities to hone their social skills, build rapport and teamwork, develop their leadership talents, and find life-long friends. The learning experience is also not confined to the classroom or even the campus. Apart from the academic curriculum, there are regular seminars and forums by world-renowned practitioners in their fields, as well as industrial and professional attachments. Under our global immersion and international student exchange programmes with top-notch overseas universities, there are also many opportunities for you to venture into the world to broaden your horizons. Such experiences will equip you with the international exposure and perspectives for today’s globalised economy. The strengths of NTU lie in our outstanding, internationally-recognised faculty, robust student body, and global networks and alliances. We attract some of the world’s best researchers and academics who bring with them deep expertise and innovative ideas. We have also formed strategic alliances and collaboration with leading institutions and industry partners such as the Bosch Group, Rolls Royce, and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS). NTU also initiated the formation of the Global Alliance of Technological Universities, which has among its members some of the best science and technology universities from North America, Europe and Asia. The Alliance is united in the belief that the best ways to address the most important global challenges such as biomedicine and health care, sustainability and global environmental change, security of energy, water and food supplies, is through the joint and concerted development of leading edge research in science and technology. Next year, in 2010, our Yunnan Garden campus will be transformed into the inaugural Youth Olympic Village. We shall play host to thousands of young international athletes and officials from around the world during the first Youth Olympic Games. Sports is an integral part of the NTU experience. Interaction with the cream of the international youth sporting community will enhance your NTU learning experience. NTU has been making huge strides in research and education. This has been widely recognised internationally. NTU has been consistently ranked among the top 30 technology universities worldwide. We are proud of the quality of our education, and the long tradition and rich heritage of NTU. Characterised by a broad-based education, and taught by internationally recognised faculty members in a beautiful garden campus, your NTU experience promises to be one that will not only be fun and exciting but also one that prepares you to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s world. |