Graduate Studies | ||
Course Registration Registration period All graduate students are to register for the course(s) they wish to study through the Graduate Student Link System (GSLink). Students who fail to register a course and yet proceed to attend classes in that course, will not be allowed to take the examination in that course. No grade will be awarded if the course has no formal examination. It is the responsibility of students to register course(s) for themselves and ensure that the courses are correctly registered. Students must register for and finalise their courses during their allocated Registration Period, after which adding and dropping of courses is disallowed. Please refer to the class time-table when selecting courses to avoid clashes in schedules.
Important A course dropped within the registration period will not appear in the student’s result slip and official transcript. However, for a course that has not been dropped within the registration period, the student will be deemed to have sat and failed the course and a grade ‘F’ will be reflected in the result slip and official transcript if he fails to take the examination for which he is eligible to sit.
Coursework students Academic unit (AU) requirement Maximum AUs per term Selection of electives
Research students A Master’s student has to take a total of three courses. A Ph.D student has to take six courses.
Important Research students must check with their schools what additional course requirements they must satisfy, if any.
Maximum number of courses per term Master’s students are allowed to register up to three courses per term, while PhD students are allowed to register up to five.
Allocation of courses Priority is given to coursework students, then to research students on a first-come first-served basis and they will be placed on waiting list. The confirmation of a course registered is after the School has granted the approval for each student. Students are informed through email on the outcome.
Approval of course(s) registered After successfully registering for their courses, students must print the form and submit it to their schools for approval. Failure to obtain approval within the stipulated period will result in a de-registration of all courses registered. To drop a course, students need not submit the form to their schools for approval. To add a course, students must print and submit the Form to their school for approval. No course will be added if approval from the school is not obtained within the add/drop period. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the Form is completed and submitted to the school in time for approval of the additional or replacement course.
Course re-registration Students who failed to register successfully for a class because of its limited class size need not resubmit the Form to their supervisor or school to be reconsidered. They simply need to register for the course online as per normal without submitting the form. If a student’s registration for a course had been rejected by the school, he or she may not re-register for that course.
Right to withdraw courses The University reserves the right to withdraw or change the class time-table of any course. Classes may be rescheduled or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or low demand. If a class is cancelled, students will be notified through their NTU email account. |