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  College of Engineering



The College of Engineering (CoE) was established to catalyse synergy and best practices among the six Engineering Schools by promoting collaboration and sharing of resources within and outside of the constituent Schools and the University. With exciting new knowledge and innovations developed through collaborations across disciplines, the College actively pursues strategic alliances with reputable peer Institutions and industries locally and internationally to achieve excellence in education and research.

The six Engineering Schools in the College are:

• School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

• School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

• School of Computer Engineering

• School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

• School of Materials Science and Engineering

• School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Today’s engineering education at the College has evolved to be broad-based, strong in research and globally aware. To achieve its mission of nurturing global engineering leaders, the College is constantly refining its strategy and investing in strategic initiatives to achieve new benchmarks in education and research excellence.

Towards fostering industry relevance, the College works closely with the business sectors and government agencies to expand choices and scholarships in learning, and to enhance graduates' employability. With a host of interdisciplinary programmes and specialisations offered by the six Engineering Schools, the College is committed to train graduates to be creative, well-rounded engineer leaders mobile among a variety of careers and disciplines locally and globally.

Appointment Holders


Pan Tso-Chien, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley), Dean

Soh Yeng Chai, Ph.D. (University of Newcastle, Australia), Associate Dean (Research)

Kot Chichung, Alex, Ph.D. (University of Rhode Island), Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)

Khoo Li Pheng, Ph.D. (University of Wales), Associate Dean (Outreach and External Relations)

Associate Professor

Ting Seng Kiong, Sc.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)

Thirumany Sritharan, Ph.D. (University of Sheffield), Associate Dean (Administration)