Competitive Research Funding as Principal Investigator

Total Funded Grant Amount as PI: S$ 11,759,833.98

No. Status of Grant (type)Total Amount (S$)
1 Research Grant Current/ On-Going 4,621,969
2 Research Grant - Completed7,307,217.44
3 Total External Grant Secured9,483,450.48

Externally Funded Projects (Ongoing)

Project Title Amount in SGDSource of Grant
Multi-Material 3D Printer Using Multi-Wavelength High-Power Lasers1,500,000PFSAP-SC3DP Competitive Grant call
NAMIC@NTU 51,200,000NRF Innovation Cluster Programme (ICP)
HyCE: Hybrid Manufacturing of Integrated 3D Graphene Electronics for the Smart Infusion System132,120NRF Innovation Cluster Programme (ICP)
Graphene/Metal Hetero-Interface Based Optical Switches By Field Controlled Surface Plasmons150,000Ministry of Education (MOE)
SERI-NTU Advanced Ocular Engineering Program1,500,000 (2,500,000)HealthTech
Bessel Beam Based Light Sheet Microscopy of Trabecular Meshwork of the Eye70,834STANCE
Wireless Miniaturised GonioPen 2.0 for Retinal Imaging and Surgical Applications69,015STANCE

Externally Funded Projects (Completed)

Project Title Amount in SGDSource of Grant
Design and Development of 3D Printed Modular Robot Casings23,460NRF Innovation Cluster Programme (ICP)
High Resolution Imaging of Irido-corneal Angle And Aqueous Outflow System in the Eye Using Bessel-Beam Light Sheet with fluorescence overlay306,840A*STAR MedTech Innovation Grant call
Miniaturized Probe For Irido-Corneal Imaging Integrated To A Slit Lamp181,658SERI
Non-Contact Optical Techniques for Dimensional Measurement of Features on Large Flat and Curved Surfaces1,473,055NTU - Rolls-Royce - NRF
Surface Finish Measurement of Difficult to Access Areas and Internal Channels1,196,825NTU - Rolls-Royce - NRF
Investigations into Digital Analysis of Hyperspectral Data30,000RCA
Feasibility study on image fiber integration into a hyper-spectral imaging unit with a sophisticated mechanical and conceptual design40,000RCA
Bessel Beam Imaging of the Irido-Corneal Angle with Overlay of Fluorescence Emission Distribution716,874A*STAR BMRC
Bessel Beam Imaging of the Irido-Corneal Angle with Overlay of Fluorescence Emission Distribution876,988.97A*STAR SERC
Development and Evaluation of a Novel, Dual Mode, Wide-field, Ocular Digital Imaging Technology for Evaluation of Angle Closure54,046.51SERI-NTU Joint R&D
High resolution trabecular meshwork imaging-Refinement phase70,500SERI-NTU Joint R&D
Solid Immersion nanolithography for sub-60nm multi-dimensional patterning774,294MOE AcRF Tier 2
Development of 2D tunable photonic crystals for sensing and optical telecommunications766,940A*STAR SERC_PSF

Last updated by Siva Gummaluri on 26/01/2021