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We congratulate the bowling team for their successful games in 2009.

The NTU Bowling Team was once again overall champion in the 2009 ITIS-NUSS Games.   Their bi-monthly games have paid off.

The ITIS-NUSS will be played again in 2011 and we look forward to another year of trophies.

In 2007, our NTU Bowling Team came back 3rd place in the ITIS-NUSS Bowling Competition held on 28 April.

The team managed to clinch the Championship title in the Inter Statutory Board Games (ISBG) Competition held in 2006.

NTU is the overall champion for the following:

Men’s Singles – 1st

Ladies Singles – 2nd

Men’s Doubles – 2nd

Mixed Doubles – 1st

4 men Team – 7th


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Bowling is one of the most popular sports in NTU. NTU Staff Recreation Club & Healthy Lifestyle supports by providing free games for staff to play and interact.

All staff are entitled to ONE free game every 2 months as part of Healthy Lifestyle.

All staff who are also SRC Members are entitled to an extra 2 games every 2 months .

If you are keen to join us for a game of bowling or to participate in the Bowling Tournaments, please email our NTU SRC Bowling Convener Mrs Lim-Choo Bee Huay for more information.