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Regional Workshop on Energy and Non-Traditional Security

28-29 August 2008, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore

Executive Summary

The issue of energy security – namely the security of supply, demand and sustainable development of energy – has taken on added significance given the devastating effects of spiralling world oil prices. This has only exacerbated pressures on national economies and thwarted socio-economic developments of many developing countries. The significance of oil on the global economy has therefore transcended beyond the traditional political concerns and into the sphere of non-traditional issues such as human, health and food security, which have ultimately served to undermine the security of the state. (full document in pdf. format)

Please scroll below for individual presentations, full conference report and policy recommendations.

Welcome Remarks
Opening Remarks
Ambassador Barry Desker
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies,
Nanyang Technological University
Prof Chou Siaw Kiang Executive Director
Energy Studies Institute
National University of Singapore
Shifting Views on Energy Security
China's Energy Security: Puzzles in International Dialogue
Prof James Tang
(University of Hong Kong)
A/Prof Mely Anthony
(Centre for NTS Studies, NTU)
A/Prof Youngho Chang
(Centre for NTS Studies, NTU)
Prof Zha Dao Jiong
School of International Studies
Peking University, China
Korea's Energy Supply/Demand and Policy
Indonesia's Energy (In)Security
Dr Gwak Dae-Jong
Research Fellow
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
Mr Fabby Tumiwa
Institute for Essential Services Reform
Jakarta, Indonesia
Energy Security in Singapore
Achieving Energy and Environmental Security: A Challenge for the United States
Mr Nur Azha Putra
Associate Research Fellow
RSIS Centre for NTS Studies, NTU
Presentation of Dr Toufiq Siddiqui's paper
Australia's Energy Security: The Lucky Country
Energy Security in India
Mr Andrew Forbes
Visiting Senior Fellow
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security,
University of Wollongong
Presentation of Ms Rekha Krishna's paper
The Environmental Impact of Energy Security
Environmental Perspective on Energy Security in Indonesia
Prof Zheng Yuxin
Research Fellow
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
Mr Iwan Wibisono
Coordinator for Forest Carbon Policy
World Wide Fund for Nature
Shifting geopolitics in the Caspian Basin: The New Multifaceted Security Equation
The Socio-economic Impact of Energy Security in Southeast Asia
Dr Alexandre Babak Hedjazi
Institute of Environmental Studies
University of Geneva
Asst Prof Maria Nimfa F. Mendoza
School of Economics
University of Philippines
The Socio-economic Impact of Energy Security in Northeast Asia
Role of Markets in Governance and Energy Security
Prof Tetsunari Iida
Executive Director
Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Tokyo, Japan
Mr Collin Koh
Research Analyst
RSIS Centre for NTS Studies, RSIS
Towards a New Framework: States, Regional and Global Governance
The Role of Indonesian Civil Society in Energy Security
Dr Asclepias Rachmi S Indriyanto
Executive Director
Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ms Lina Alexandra
Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia
Technology Developments in Energy Security
Dr Alvin Chew
Research Fellow
RSIS Centre for NTS Studies, RSIS
Conference Programme List of
Presenters and Chairpersons
icon Full Doc (pdf) icon Full Document (pdf)
Full Conference Report
Policy Brief:
The Way Forward for Energy Security
Summary of all presentations and discussions
A/Prof Mely Anthony
and Mr Collin Koh
RSIS Centre for NTS Studies, NTU

Posted on: 28/8/2008 2:06:00 AM  |  Topic: Energy Security

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