Centre for Educational Development
http://edventure.ntu.edu.sg/ (edveNTUre
Blackboard eLearning Management System)
The Centre for Educational Development seeks to
advance the quality of educational development to enhance student learning and
professional teaching.
Services and resources
Engineering Section: manages and implements audio-visual support services that
enhance education and virtual learning and teaching.
Design and
Media Section: manages and implements design and media services that enhance
the image of departments and schools, and also
supports the faculty in teaching, research and publication. Related resources
available at the corporate website include:
- CED Media Studio - available for use by students
and staff.
- Online video, audio and photo galleries of NTU,
including videos, photo, audio and video collections of official
events, heritage, and award presentations. Available
for public access.
- aCEDemia - a free online newsletter about technology,
tips, reviews and news.
- Software
movie tutorials - self-paced online learning of Flash, Dreamweaver, Powerpoint etc.
- External resources - teaching and learning
resources from external links.
Technology and Services Section: manages and implements services that promote
quality in university online education. Manages NTU's
eLearning Management System "edveNTUre". Related resources available at the edveNTUre website include:
- instructions
on how to use the edveNTUre Learning System and create ePortfolios
- edveNTUre
- The
eUreka Project Management System
- A movie
tutorial on getting started with Agilix Go Binder
- edveNTUre
movie tutorials
- eLearning
- The
MERLOT Content Watch and Search in edveNTUre
Teaching and Learning Section: manages and facilitates
online teaching and learning within the University. Related resources available
at the edveNTUre website include:
- NETg
eLearning Courseware
Online Learning Courses
- Lists
of Learning Object Repositories
- Library
Instructional Programmes
- CED's
edUtorium Programmes