Polaron dynamics in two-dimensional photon-echo
spectroscopy of molecular rings

Thanh Duc
Huynh, Kewei Sun, Maxim Gelin,
and Yang Zhao, Journal of Chemical Physics (2013)

of a two-level system under the influence of a spin bath and a boson bath
Ning Wu and Yang Zhao, Journal of Chemical Physics (2013)

dynamics of two qubits coupled individually to Ohmic
Liwei Duan,
Hui Wang, Qinghu Chen, and Yang Zhao, Journal of
Chemical Physics (2013)

of Formation of Statistical Aggregates in Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Concentration Quenching 
Wujin Shi, James Barber, and Yang Zhao, Journal of
Physical Chemistry B (2013)

Effects on Electronic Transitions of the FMO Complex 
Gao, W.J. Shi, X.Q. Wang, H. Hirao, and Y. Zhao,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013)

Excitonic energy transfer in
light-harvesting complexes in purple bacteria 
Ye, K.W. Sun, Y. Zhao, Y. Yu, C. Lee, and J.S. Cao, Journal of Chemical
Physics (2012)

Energy Transfer via Off-Diagonal Coupling 
N. Wu, K.W. Sun, Z. Chang, and Y. Zhao, Journal of Chemical
Physics 136 , 124513 (2012)

Energy Propagation in Nano-Engineered LH2 Antenna Arrays 
Yang, N. Wu, T. Chen, K.W. Sun, and Y. Zhao, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 ,
3747 (2012)

Micromagnetics for Nanoarrays

Yang and Y. Zhao, J. Appl. Phys. 110 , 103908 (2011)

Percolation in Nanocomposites 
Zeng, X. Xu, P.M. Shenai, E. Kovalev,
C. Baudot, N. Mathews, and Y. Zhao, J. Phys.
Chem. C 115 , 21685 (2011)

in the Shaul Mukamel
results have been obtained on the temperature dependence of transport
properties of an extended Holstein molecular crystal model incorporating
simultaneous diagonal and off-diagonal exciton-phonon
coupling. The Hamiltonian is partially diagonalized
by a canonical transformation and the optimal coefficients for the canonical
transformation are determined in a self-consistent manner. Calculated
transport properties exhibit substantial corrections on those obtained
previously by Munn and Silbey for a wide range of
temperatures thanks to the numerically exact evaluation and added
momentum-dependence of the transformation matrix. Results of the diffusion
coefficient in the moderate and weak coupling regime show distinct
band-like and hopping-like transport features as a function of temperature.

Chen, J. Ye, H.J. Zhang, and Y. Zhao, J. Phys. Chem. B 115 ,
5312 (2011).

of Dr Zhao's CRP team in the news* !

Media reports on the 2010 award (including those from USA
Today and Business Times)

* Note: The full CRP team is
composed of Drs Y. Zhao, J.L. Wang, H.S. Tan, A. Grimsdale,
C. Xue, T.C. Sum & H.D. Sun.