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The objective of this research program is to devise and develop state-of-the-art network control technologies, protocols, equipments, applications and testbeds in broadband Internet and wireless networks for research and industrial purposes. The research activities of the group concentrate on network system performance evaluation, QoS control and traffic protection, reliable multicast, digital watermarking and personal communication technology.


Transport Protocol and Mechanisms for Reliable Multicast Service

Reliable multicast is an essential network service for supporting a class of dissemination-oriented applications, such as file delivery, stock quotes, software distribution, whiteboard sharing, distributed computing, which is emerging in Internet recently. At the network level, IP multicast provides an efficient one-to-many IP packets delivery service but without any reliability guarantees and congestion control mechanism. This project aims to design efficient loss recovery and congestion control mechanisms to support reliable multicast service in Internet.

In this project, we propose a new framework which jointly performs Local Delivery and Congestion Control (LDCC). In this framework, Delivery and Control Servers (DCSes) collocated with routers perform LDCC functions. Each DCS and its serving receivers form a local DCS region according to the tree topology. With proper acknowledgement processing and buffer management, packet loss can be efficiently recovered locally, while the overall throughput degradation caused by the interference of neighboring regions can be minimized by “local” congestion control. We demonstrate through ns-2 simulations that our framework can achieve significantly lower loss recovery latency without sacrificing the network throughput, compared to existing approaches such as AER/NCA.

Next, we address the buffer management issue in loss recovery schemes. We formulate the optimization problem of caching policies as maximizing the amount of data retrieved from the buffer. Based on the formulation, we propose two algorithms of caching policy and show that they can achieve near-optimal performance. Meanwhile, we analyze the performance improvement of the two caching policies compared to existing approaches. We also realize one of the two near optimal caching policies and use ns-2 simulations to demonstrate and validate its performance gain.

Since loss recovery and congestion control are closely related issues, we further study the influence of loss recovery schemes on the behaviors and performance of congestion control mechanism. We identify the major modifications to TCP reliability control (loss recovery) mechanism in most of the RMCC schemes, including NAK-based instead of ACK-based retransmission mechanism and local loss recovery instead of end-to-end mechanism. We show that these modifications may bring a number of substantial influences to RMCC. We also show that with the modifications the steadystate throughput of RMCC schemes can be accurately modelled without considering the timeout effects. These findings and insights could provide useful recommendations for the design, testing and deployment of reliable multicast protocols and services.

In this project, we also investigate a key issue in nominee-based congestion control, nominee selection mechanism, which is essential for multicast services to ensure fairness and congestion avoidance. Existing nominee selection schemes choose nominees by comparing the calculated throughput of receivers using the TCP throughput equation with the measured loss rate and round-trip time. Since the calculated throughput varies with different transmission rates, it may not accurately indicate the eligibility of a receiver to be the nominee. This causes the problem that a new nominee is not necessarily “worse” than the current one and the “worse” receiver could not be selected accurately. We address the problem in existing schemes by identifying the conditions for the valid use of calculated throughput. We propose a new Generic Nominee Selection Algorithm (GNSA) as a solution and prove that GNSA converges to the “worse” receiver and the expected number of iterations is less than (1+In n), where n is the group size. We demonstrate through ns-2 simulations the benefits of GNSA in terms of better fairness properties and less iterations to converge than existing nominee selection schemes such as that in TFMCC.

It is well recognized that QoS provisioning in IP networks is a very challenging and hot topic. In this area, we have made substantial progress. The objective is to develop an efficient QoS provisioning mechanism for TCP/IP network, which has good scalability and low implementation cost. The new framework includes new scheduling algorithm, admission control, congestion control schemes, buffer management schemes and QoS routing protocol. So far, we have developed a new packet scheduling algorithm, namely Flow-state-dependent Dynamic Packet Scheduling (FDPS) that realizes the Service Curves for guaranteed service provisioning. In this scheduling scheme, admitted QoS-based flows are protected yet allowing best effort traffic to co-exist in a multi-services network. The proposed FDPS algorithm performs packet monitoring, marking, scheduling and discarding. With its fine granularity in packet marking, each packet is forwarded and scheduled in a controlled and orderly manner. We have shown through mathematical analysis that FDPS algorithm defines the arrival and service curves required in Service Curves and thus allows the theory of Service Curve to be applied in a real network for per flow QoS provisioning. We also gave an associated admission control example for this guaranteed service. A tight end-to-end delay is also guaranteed for QoS flows in a packet switching network. Compared with existing scheduling algorithms for QoS provisioning, FDPS can provide an integrated guaranteed and best effort service in a multi-services network. We have conducted extensive simulation experiments based on NS-2 and the numerical results validate the theoretical analysis and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme. In addition to the theoretical research work, we are also developing a test-bed for the proposed QoS provisioning mechanism; This testbed is based on programmable routers; The new mechanism will have the following features: good scalability; low complexity of implementation; low cost and backward compatibility to current protocols.

Another research proposal is about active packets for QoS control and traffic protection. It is proposed to use active packets that dynamically adapt its QoS state to varying conditions of the network and re-routing based on the application QoS requirements for graceful QoS degradation during the congestion state. The active packets require no state maintenance in the routers and are topologically routed to optimize on the available network resources. This possesses the potentials for ensuring an optimal end-to-end QoS guarantee without the complexity in the core routers. Through proper QoS modelling and adaptation, it is expected that end-to-end QoS can be ensured without over provisioning of resources and traffic protection without significantly sacrificing user’s QoS. This project identifies three focus areas of research in QoS modelling, QoS adaptation and QoS control.

Ongoing Research Project

Project Title Principal Investigator

Universal Multimedia Access Over 4G Wireless Networks 

Zhang Liren 

Bi Guoan

Optical Resilient Packet Ring (O-RPR) Based on All-Optical Buffering Techniques

Cai Jianfei

Zhang Liren

Real-Time Network Planning and Management Tools (Phase II) Zhang Liren