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  Undergraduate Studies  
  School of Art, Design and Media

Degree Programmes and Requirements | Description of Courses



ADM students explore the form and function of designed communication, objects and products, new entertainment content, artistic expression and interactive experiences. Each programme maintains an intellectual and scholarship focus balanced with a “hands-on” studio practice. Students work under a directed problem-solving method, where they are challenged to become independent thinkers.

We also understand creative minds learn best in an environment that fosters participation and inclusiveness while stimulating creative problem solving and strategic thinking. This is the philosophy behind our problem-solving approach in our programmes, where students are taught to use design and creative process to research strategic solutions to today’s complex problems.

The school is equipped with exceptional hands-on studios digital creation laboratories, media studios, and open spaces that industry practitioners themselves use in their creative work.

Graduates are prepared to undertake professional posts in top design firms, create entrepreneurial enterprises in design, or go on further study in doctoral programmes in design. ADM’s long-term plan is to focus on nurturing local talents and providing opportunities for international study and education at a world class standard.

The students are in good hands – ADM’s international faculty is a collective of talented, dedicated arts, design and media practitioners who have been picked for their extensive backgrounds in their fields of expertise.

Faculty members

Associate Professor Suresh Sethi Acting Chair

Associate Professor Russell Pensyl Assoc Chair Academic

Associate Professor Louis-Philippe Demers Assoc Chair Research

Assistant Professor Astrid Almkhlaafy

Assistant Professor Bridget Eileen Grady

Assistant Professor Chin Wun-Yunn, Joyce

Assistant Professor Cindy Wang

Assistant Professor Danne Ojeda Hernandez

Assistant Professor Deborah Alden

Assistant Professor Eileen Reynolds

Assistant Professor Fabrizio Galli

Assistant Professor Hans-Martin Rall

Assistant Professor Ho Wen-Shing

Assistant Professor Ina Conradi-Chavez

Professor Isaac Kerlow

Assistant Professor Jaymz Wong

Teaching Fellow Jeffrey Hong

Assistant Professor Jesvin Yeo

Assistant Professor Joan Marie Kelly

Assistant Professor Kate Callister Kangaslahti

Assistant Professor Karen Hong

Assistant Professor Kenneth Feinstein

Assistant Professor Lucy Davis

Assistant Professor Mark Joseph Chavez

Assistant Professor Martin Constable

Assistant Professor Melanie Beisswenger

Assistant Professor Michael Tan

Assistant Professor Nanci Takeyama

Assistant Professor Oh Soon-Hwa

Visiting Professor Paul Kohl

Assistant Professor Peer M Sathikh

Assistant Professor PerMagnus Lindborg

Assistant Professor Peter Chen

Lecturer Poo Siu-Kay, Peggy

Assistant Professor Qing Sonnenberg

Assistant Professor Scott Hessels

Assistant Professor Shannon Lee Castleman

Assistant Professor Sven J Norris

Lecturer Toh Weng-Cheong , Christopher

Assistant Professor Vladimir Todorovic