Undergraduate Studies | ||||||
An existing student is allowed to change the programme of study within NTU, subject to the approval of the School(s) of both the current and new programme. Except for transfer to the Art, Design and Media (ADM) programme, the student may apply for change of programme during the following 2 application periods:
Students applying for transfer to the Art, Design and Media (ADM) programme should refer to http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/adm/application.html for details. Note:
Leave of Absence Semester leave of absence granted by the university is categorized as follows: Medical Leave Leave of absence must be supported by a medical practitioner or medical report. Personal Leave All other leave of absence for reasons such as to participate in competitions and sports, to work or start up a company, or to attend to personal matters. The University also grants semester leave to students to study approved courses at another institution such as for student exchange programme. For personal leave, students may be granted up to one year of leave each time. Students need to submit another application at the end of the leave period if an extension of leave is required. This extension is subject to approval by the School. The cumulative maximum period of leave of absence that can be granted for the entire duration of study is three years. For students who are graded under the GPA system, the leave taken on personal grounds will not be counted towards the student’s period of candidature. For more details, please refer to: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/Services/StudentServices/admin/undergraduate/Pages/ApplyforLongLeave.aspx |