Getting to know NTU

Introduction: Facts and Brief History of NTU | University governance | Colleges and administrative departments |

Introduction: Facts and brief history of NTU




Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive university with globally acknowledged strengths in science and engineering. The University has a distinguished lineage that goes back to 1955. We began as Nanyang University (Nantah), the first Chinese-language university in Southeast Asia. Nanyang University, founded by Mr Tan Lark Sye in 1955, started with a fund-raising campaign to which tycoons and trishaw riders alike contributed. Nanyang University gave hope to the multitudes of students who would not otherwise have had a chance to become graduates. The sprawling campus now known as the Yunnan Garden Campus was donated by the Hokkien Huay Kuan.


After Nanyang University, a completely new model of engineering school was established in Yunnan Garden in 1981: Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI). NTI was funded by the government to educate practice-oriented engineers for the burgeoning Singapore economy. The passage of time has shown them capable of standing up to any engineering graduate in the world of practical knowledge, entrepreneurship or research and development.


Over the years, more professional schools were added. With the absorption of the National Institute of Education in 1991, NTI became Nanyang Technological University. In April 2006, NTU was corporatized and with autonomy came increased flexibility and new opportunities, allowing the university to draw on its strengths to enhance global education and research.




Nanyang Technological University is ranked among the top 25 technology universities in the world. Our Nanyang Business School (College of Business) is the first and only Singapore business school to be ranked in the top 50 of the Financial Times Global MBA 2008 rankings. It is also one of only three in Asia to be awarded both the EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) and AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditations - international hallmarks of quality.


NTU's international outreach is broad and strong and includes academic and research partnerships with more than 300 institutions in about 45 countries.


The university's multi-country programmes and initiatives are conducted with institutions such as MIT, Stanford University, Cornell University, Caltech, the University of Washington, Georgia Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Waseda University, Indian Institute of Technology, Cambridge University, Imperial College and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.


Vision and mission


A great global university founded on science and technology, nurturing creative and entrepreneurial leaders through a broad education in diverse disciplines.


© Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Bulletin 2008/2009