Honour code
The University cannot emphasis enough the importance of shared responsibility between students and the rest of the University community to maintain its reputation for excellence not only in teaching and research, but also for upholding high standards of conduct in every sphere of its activities.
The Honour Code assumes the academic, intellectual and ethical standards which the University expects of its students in every sphere of their activities.
These standards are based on the following beliefs to which the University is committed:
a. Truth and the pursuit of truth which depends on absolute integrity of conduct among all members of the community.
b. Trust which creates a climate of respect for the individual, and encourages self-respect which makes an individual worthy of trust.
c. Justice which enables a fair and free society without which there is no public order and requires the identification, disciplining and education of those who violate these standards.
All matriculated students by virtue of admission to the University are committed to uphold the Honour Code and to pledge their agreement to abide by it.
The following are instances of violations which students pledge not to commit and which could warrant disciplinary action:
Bringing or having access to unauthorised books or materials (be it print or electronic) during an exam or assessment, or in any work to be used by the lecturer, tutor, instructor or examiner as a basis for grading.
To use or pass off as one’s own, the writings or ideas of another, without acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas are taken.
Submitting an assignment, project or report completed by another person and passing it off as one’s own; preparing an assignment, project or report for a fellow student who submits the work as his or her own. (Collusion may or may not involve a monetary transaction).
Falsifying or tampering with documents and records in an attempt to mislead so as to help influence decision making. These may include the following (the list is not exhaustive). Official documents such as transcripts, testimonials/references, exam scripts, graded assessments or reports and medical certificates.
False Declaration
False declaration on official documents such as application forms and reports with intent to provide misleading information. False declaration of documents such as receipts and bills for reimbursement with intent to gain financially.
Unauthorised Access
Accessing without consent, coercing or encouraging others into gaining access to another person’s residence, room, office, filing cabinets, files, computer hardware/software or other equipment and items belonging to fellow students, academic/non-academic staff of the University.
Any attempt to endanger another student or member of the university community in any of the following ways:
- Acting in a manner that is detrimental to the reputation, dignity or interest of a fellow student, University academic or non-academic staff
- Speaking or acting in a threatening manner
- Causing bodily harm