Ultrasonics and NDE Group

Group Leader

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Dr. Zheng (David) FAN leads the NDT group. Dr. Fan is current an associate professor at school of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NTU Singapore. He obtained his PhD degree at Imperial College London, specialized in ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE). Prof Fan’s research activity covers from in-depth investigation of fundamental theories to applied science for real-world problems. In recognition of his outstanding contribution in SHM, he was awarded the Achenbach metal in 2018. He serves as an Associate Editor to “Structural Health Monitoring – An international Journal” and “Ultrasonics” – two top-tier journals in this field.

Dr. Zheng (David) Fan (范峥)

Associate Professor

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ph.D. Imperial College London, 2010
MSc Nanjing University, 2006
BSc Nanjing University, 2004
Associate Editor Ultrasonics
Associate Editor Structural Health Monitoring - an International Journal


Research staff

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Dr Alexandru CRIVOI has graduated from Moscow State University in 2008 with M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and subsequently completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2013. Research interests include mathematical modelling and simulations, finite element analysis, CFD, Monte Carlo simulations using MATLAB, Python automation of the CAD/CAE workflow. Currently is working on the acoustic meta-material design using acoustical finite element modelling approach..
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Dr. Cheng weixia obtained her Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 2014 from Central South university and Master’s degree in structural engineering from Tianjin university in 2017. Dr. Cheng obtained her PhD degree from NTU in July 2023. Her research interest includes non-destructive evaluation of concrete structures and ultrasonic imaging.
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Yang Ziqian obtained his Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Sichuan University in 2019 and Doctor’s degree from Tongji University in 2023. Next year, he participated in the NTU-NDT group as a research fellow. His research focuses on concrete structural health monitoring by leveraging ultrasonic and electromagnetic techniques.
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Swaminathan ANNAMALAI earned his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University in 2000 and Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Madras in 1997. In the field of NDE, he has professional experience in ultrasonic guided wave techniques for imaging, measurements and flaw characterization. He joined Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab as a Research Associate in September 2014. His research interests include developing and applying advanced NDE and signal processing techniques for monitoring, imaging and inspection of materials.
Alexandru CRIVOI CHENG Weixia YANG Ziqian Swaminathan ANNAMALAI

PhD students/Visiting students

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Benjamin have graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering in 2017. His interest includes reading, traveling, automobiles and cycling.
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Tai Junfei obtained his bachelor's degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2017, during which time he studied rotor dynamics simulation of commercial engine CFM56. After that, he achieved the master's degree from Beihang University in 2020, mainly studying the structural damage source monitoring and real-time localization technology based on lamb wave. During the period 2019-2020, he participated in the Airworthiness research project of the Structural Health Monitoring system as RA at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Recently, he joined our team in August 2020 to mainly research on Non-destructive Characterization of Material Microstructure from Additive Manufacturing.
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Zhang Shengyuan obtained his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Beihang University in 2018 and his Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2020. He joined the group as a PhD student in August 2021. His research interest is the numerical analysis and machine learning for ultrasonic NDT/SHM or other inverse problems. His current research topic is ultrasonic battery testing.
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Zirui was born and raised in Canton (Guangzhou) before he received his BSc in applied (engineering) physics. After working in the aerospace industry very shortly, he started his research career at HK PolyU, where he embarked on the development of analytical methods for electrochemical phenomena through ultrasound experimental approaches and earned his MSc degree. Upon completion of a research-assistantship at PolyU, Zirui joined the group for his PhD study, during which he will extend his work to the field of acoustic hologram for wave/object manipulation. Apart from his research, Zirui is a self-purported passionate piano player and urban photographer, he also likes hiking and surfing.
Benjamin CHEW TAI Junfei ZHANG Shengyuan YANG Zirui
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Wu Shangzi obtained her Bachelor's degree in Measurement Control Technology and Instruments from Sichuan University in 2017. She started her successive Master-PhD study in Mechanical Engineering in Xi'an Jiaotong University from 2017 and joined the group as a visiting student in October, 2019. Her research topic is non-destructive defects detection and material characterization for additive manufacturing.
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Yue Yanan earned her Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University in 2018 and Master’s degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2020. Currently, she is a PhD student at Tianjin University and visiting stduent at NTU, with a research focus on Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for assessing the corrosion and fatigue performance of high-strength steel.
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Xu Yao obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Aircraft Design and Engineering in 2018 from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China. She is currently pursuing integrated Master's and Ph.D. degree in Instrument Science and Technology at NUAA and is joining NTU-NDT group as a visiting student for one year. Her research focus on ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of bonding quality in composite scarf-repaired joints.
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Li Mingxu is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Southwest Jiaotong University, focusing on Computer Vision as part of a joint Ph.D. program. He previously spent time at the University of Birmingham as part of this program, where he advanced his research in defect detection and visual inspection. Mingxu holds a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from the School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence at Southwest Jiaotong University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China.
WU Shangzi YUE Yanan XU Yao LI Mingxu
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Loheshwaran Chandran completed his Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from IIITDM-Chennai in 2021. He joined CNDE ( Centre of Non Destructive Evaluation) IIT- Madras for his Ph.D in 2021. His research is focused around super resolution ultrasonic imaging. Currently, he is Joint Ph.D. NTU-Singapore and IIT-Madras.
Loheshwaran CHANDRAN