Ultrasonics and NDE Group



July 2024

Welcome Yang Ziqian, Li Mingxu to join the group.

Aug 2023

Congratulation to Dr. Du Liangfen to start an academic career at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University!

Aug 2023

Congratulation to Dr. Sun Haihan to start an academic career at University of Wisconsin-Madison!

Welcome to Ultrasonics and NDE research group

Welcome to Ultrasonics and NDE research group at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, leading by Dr. David Fan. The research motivation of the group is to solve inspection and monitoring problems in industry, achieved by conducting thorough scientific research. NDT is practical and most of the techniques are well established. However it is important to understand the physics behind the techniques, in order to keep improving existing NDT methods and developing new technology, and this needs to be done by carrying out fundamental research.

The research focus of the group is to develop novel NDT/SHM techniques by integrating physics and modeling techniques with the development of rapidly exploitable technologies. The group works closely with varies of industries including Marine, Oil and Gas, Aerospace, etc for different research and consultancy projects.

Industrial Collaborators: