Physically-Based Approach to Deep-Submicron MOSFET Compact Model Parameter Extraction

Siau Ben Chiah*, Xing Zhou*, Khee Yong Lim†, Alex See†, and Lap Chan†

* School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Phone: (65) 790-4532.  Fax: (65) 791-2687. Email:
† Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd, 60 Woodlands Industrial Park D, St. 2, Singapore 738406

Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (WCM-MSM2002)

San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 22-25, 2002, pp. 750-753.

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This paper demonstrates a physically-based approach to parameter extraction of the compact Ids model we have developed for deep-submicron technology development.  A two-iteration parameter-extraction scheme is described, which improves the previous one-iteration approach.  Parameter calibration for the Vt model is revisited. Comparison of parabolic and linear body-bias dependency with new calibration sequence for the Vt model is carried out, which shows higher accuracy in Vt modeling for the new parabolic interpolation.  Optimization for the halo pile-up centriod, LDD lateral diffusion as well as saturation velocity is carried out to improve the overall Vt and Ids modeling.  This has been verified with the experimental data from a 0.18-µm CMOS technology wafer.



  1. [5] S. B. Chiah, X. Zhou, and K. Y. Lim, "Unified Length-/Width-Dependent Threshold Voltage Model with Reverse Short-Channel and Inverse Narrow-Width Effects," Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (WCM-MSM2003), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2003, vol. 2, pp. 338-341.