Mixed-Mode Simulation of High-Speed HFET Logic Circuit

T. Tang, Xing Zhou and C. C. Jong

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 2263

Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on IC Technology, Systems & Applications (ISIC-95)

Singapore, September 6-8, 1995, pp. 510-514.

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This paper reports a mixed-mode simulation method for heterostructure field-effect transistor E/D logic circuit based on the universal charge control model. The universal charge control model can correctly predict the performance of the heterostrcuture field-effect transistor at the electrical level, while the gate-level equivalent model can speed up simulation significantly. As we know, circuit simulation is a trade-off between accuracy and CPU time. In this paper, we show that this trade-off is achieved by an "implicit" mixed-mode solution: the switching between circuit-level and gate-level simulation is done dynamically at run time, based on the quality of the input signal of a logic element. The result is very close to that of a full analog simulation but with less cost.


  1. [8] X. Zhou and T. Tang, "Modelling and simulation of GaAs high-speed HEMT, HBT, and MESFET analogue/digital circuits," Proc. 7th MINDEF-NTU Joint R&D Seminar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Jan. 1996, pp. 77-83.