latest news

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed passed his PhD examination, and Zhang Shuo her MSc. Congratulations to both Dr. Mahmoud and Zhang Shuo!

Congratulations to Dr. Sterner Lie for winning poster prizes at the 2nd International
Conference on Materials for Humanity (MH22)!
Many thanks to Nanoscale Horizons and Materials Horizons
for supporting the poster prizes.
Dr. Hadke Shreyash Sudhakar passed his PhD examination and received MSE Interdisciplinary Research Award (Silver)

Dr. Sterner Lie passed his PhD examination and was awarded MSE Doctorate Research Excellence Award. Congratulations Dr. Sterner!
Dr. Tay Ying Fan passed his PhD examination this month. Best of luck for his future endavour

Lydia Helena Wong is highlighted in the special editorial issue in ACS Energy Letter "Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research: A Virtual Issue, Part 2" Read Issue Here
Congratulations to Tay Ying Fan, Dr. Monika and Dr. Jin Xin for winning the poster awards at ICMAT 2019!
Dr. Zhang Mengyuan passed his PhD examination. Best of luck for his future endavours!
Welecome Dr. Nguyen Thi Hiep, Dr. Monika, Dr. Jin Xin, Ibahim, Anupam and Mahmoud to our group!

Congratulations to the graduating students Dr. Joel Tan, Mr. Li Wenjie, Dr. Fu Kunwu, Dr. Prince Saurabh Bassi and Dr. Zeng Xin! Best of luck in all your future endeavours!
Asst. Prof Lydia has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Lydia!
Dr. Prince Saurabh Bassi passed his PhD examination. Congratulations Dr. Bassi!
Dr. Fu Kunwu passed his PhD examination, and obtained an award from the Chinese government for his hard work. Congratulations Dr. Fu!
Congratulations to the graduating students Dr. Sun Juan and Dr. John Ho! Best of luck in all your future endeavours!
Prof Lydia has won the Nanyang Education School Award for Teaching Excellence. Congratulations Prof Lydia!