Publications & Grants

Refereed Journal Articles

2002 - 2020
  • T. Ravindran and W.F. BOH, “Lessons from COVID-19 – Towards a Pandemic Readiness Audit Checklist for SMEs” forthcoming at IEEE Engineering Management Review

  • S.S. Wong, W.F. BOH and A. Wu, “When Departmental Goals Clash or Coincide: The Roles of Outgroup Friends and Third Party Friends on Interdepartmental Cooperation” forthcoming at Journal of Management Studies

  • W.F. BOH, G. Huang, and A. Wu (2020), “Ownership Structure and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Mechanism of External Cooperation” Strategic Management Journal, 41(1), 124-151

  • Y. Lin, and W.F. BOH, “How Different are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders,” (2020) Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

  • N. Gong, W.F. BOH, A. Wu and T. Guo, “Leniency Biases in Subjective Performance Evaluation: The Influence of Uncertainty” (2020) Emerging Markets Finance & Trade

  • J.X. Huang, W.F. BOH and K.H. Goh (2019), “Opinion convergence vs Polarization: Examining Opinion Distributions in Online Word-of-mouth” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70 (11), 1183-1193

  • J.X. Huang, BOH, W.F. and K.H. Goh (2017), “A Temporal Study of the Effects of Online Opinions: Information Sources Matter", Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(4): 1169-1202.

  • Xu, Y., BOH, W. F., Luo, C., and Zheng, H. 2017. "Leveraging Industry Standards to Improve the Environmental Sustainability of a Supply Chain", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27, 90-105.

  • BOH, W.F., U. De-Haan and R. Strom. 2016. “University Technology Transfer through Entrepreneurship: Faculty and Students in Spinoffs”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4): 661– 669

  • BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S. 2015. “Managers versus Co-workers as Referents: Comparing Social Influence Effects on Within- and Outside-Subsidiary Knowledge Sharing”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 126(1): 1-17. [PDF]

  • Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. 2014. “The Contingent Effects of Social Network Sparseness and Centrality on Managerial Innovativeness”, Journal of Management Studies, 51(7): 1180- 1203

  • Xu, Y., BOH, W.F. and Soh, C. 2014. “Antecedents and Benefits of Vertical Information Systems Standards Adoption”, Information & Management, 51(2), 206-216. [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F., Evaristo, R. and Ouderkirk, A. 2014. “Expertise Profile and Innovativeness: A Study of Inventors in 3M”, Research Policy, 43(2), 349-366 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F. 2014. “Technologies Supporting Communities of Practice: Forums versus Repositories”, Database for Advances in Information Systems, 45(2), 8-34

  • BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S., 2013. “Organizational Climate and Perceived Manager Effectiveness: Influencing Perceived Usefulness of Knowledge Sharing Mechanisms”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(3) [PDF]

  • Boh, Wai Fong, T.T. Nguyen and Y. Xu, 2013. "Knowledge Transfer across Dissimilar Cultures: A Study of Individual's Attitudes" Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(1) [PDF]

  • Joseph, D., W.F. Boh, S. Ang and S. Slaughter, 2012 “The Career Paths Less (or More) Traveled: A Sequence Analysis of IT Career Histories, Mobility Patterns, and Career Success”, MIS Quarterly, 36(2): 427-452 [PDF]

  • Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. 2010 “Leveraging the Ties of Others to Build Managerial Peer Reputation for Trustworthiness”, Academy of Management Journal, 53(1): 129-148

  • BOH, W.F. and D. Yellin. 2010 “Enablers and Benefits for Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture: An Empirical Investigation” Special Issue on Service-Oriented Architecture and Firm Performance in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 9(1): 3-29 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F. 2008. “Reuse of Knowledge Assets from Repositories: A Mixed Methods Study”, Information & Management, 45(6): 365-375 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F., S. Slaughter and J.A. Espinosa, 2007. "Learning from Experience in Software Development: A Multi-Level Analysis”, Management Science, 53(8): 1315-1331 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F., Y. Ren, S. Kiesler, and R. Bussjaeger, 2007. "Expertise and Collaboration in the Geographically Dispersed Organization" Organization Science, 18(4): 595-612 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F., C. Soh, and S. Yeo, 2007. “Strategies for Successful Standards Development and Diffusion: A Case Study of RosettaNet” Communications of the ACM, 50(12): 57-62 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F. 2007. "Mechanisms for Integrating Knowledge in Project-Based Organizations" Information & Organization, 17(1): 27-58. (2007) IS Publications of the Year Award) [PDF]

  • Slaughter, S., S. Ang and BOH, W.F. 2007 "Compensation and Organizational Tenure for Information Technology Professionals", Human Resource Management, 46(3): 373-394 [PDF]

  • BOH, W.F. and D. Yellin, 2006. “Using Enterprise Architecture Standards in Managing Information Technology” Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(3): 163-207 [PDF]

  • Soh, C., S.K. Sia, BOH, W.F. and M. Tang, 2003. “Misalignments in ERP Implementation: A Dialectic Perspective” International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 16(1): 81-100

  • Sia, S.K., M. Tang, C. Soh, and BOH, W.F. 2002. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a technology of power: empowerment or panoptic control? ACM SIGMIS Database, 33(1): 23-37


2000 - 2017
  • 2018, PI for "Can Opportunity Identification Be Trained? A Field Experiment" funded by SSRTG, $840,846

  • 2020, co-PI for "Organizational Cultural Mixing in Co-working Space" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$60,041

  • 2020, co-PI for "Antecedents and Consequences of Forking in Blockchains: A Network-Based Approach" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$59,540

  • 2019, PI for "Understanding Innovation Capability Development in SMEs: Role of Design Thinking" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$82,580

  • 2016, PI for "Understanding Influence, Behavior, and Performance in Online Networks" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$75,963

  • 2015, PI for "Understanding Innovation in Small Medium Enterprises and Start-Ups", funded by National Research Foundation Singapore, S$927,588

  • 2015, PI for "Leniency Biases in Supervisors’ Subjective Performance Evaluation of Subordinates: A Comprehensive Evaluation" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$97,686

  • 2013, PI for "Understanding Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship from Universities" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$93,930

  • 2011, Co-PI for "Managing Social Media Innovations: Understanding the Business Value and Mechanisms of Propagation of User-Generated Content" funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, S$70,000

  • 2009, PI for "Studying Challenges to Whole of Government Collaboration" funded by Ministry of Finance, Singapore, S$250,000

  • 2007, PI for "Cultivating Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Behavior In Organizations" funded by Nanyang Technological University Academic Research Fund, S$48,053

  • 2005, PI for "Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing in Ministry of Home Affairs" funded by Ministry of Home Affairs, S$16,000

  • 2004, PI for "Strategies for Effective Development and Adoption of Industry Standards" funded by National Research Foundation Singapore, S$49,300

Conference Papers

2000 - 2017
  • “Overcoming Deficiencies for Innovation in SMEs: IT for Closed Innovation versus IT for Open Innovation” International Conference on Information Systems 2020

  • Yingzhu Fu, Waifong Boh, Qingqing Bi, “Performance Implications of Pursuing Innovations Based on Digital Technologies: Evidence from SMEs” Academy of Management Meeting 2020

  • M. Uy, G. Jacob, W.F. Boh, Q. Liu, “Does pivoting help or hurt the startup business viability? The moderating role of personal initiative”, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, ACERE 2020

  • Y. Lin, W.F. Boh, “Innovation or Imitation? An Examination of Project Similarity on Crowdfunding Success” Academy of Management Meeting 2019, Boston, USA

  • Y. Zheng, W.F. Boh, “The Threshold Effect of Cognitive Flexibility and The Role of Network Centrality” Academy of Management Meeting 2018, Chicago, USA

  • J. Kim, W.F. Boh, G. Chrisopulous “Entrepreneurial cognitive flexibility and entrepreneurial alertness”, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) 2018

  • Qingqing Bi, Wai Fong Boh, Georgios Christopulous, “Dispositional And Experience-based Trust Of Entrepreneurs: Influence On Discovery Skills, Explorative Partnerships And Innovation Performance”, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) 2018

  • W.F. Boh, C.H. Chuang, Y. Lin and A. Wu, “Social Networks, Information Access, and Work Performance”, AoM Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy 2018

  • Y. Chen, W.F. Boh and J. Mo, “Learning from Experience vs. Learning from Others: Evidence from Crowdsourcing Contests”AoM Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy 2018

  • M. Uy, G. Christopulous, QQ Bi, W.F. Boh, “Unpacking risk preferences of entrepreneurs: Implications of variance- and skewness-preference on firm innovation performance, AMJ Special Issue Workshop 2017

  • Y. Zheng, W.F. Boh, “Centrality of Information Networks in Tech-Oriented Companies: The Impact of Cognitive Flexibility” International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea

  • Y. Chen, W.F. Boh, S.S. Wong and A. Wu, “Too Much of a Good Thing: Downsides of a Large Network in Tech Firms and Mitigating Effects of Political Skills” International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea

  • W.F. Boh, QQ. Bi and C. Jen. Entrepreneurial creativity and innovation performance in SMEs and Startups: The mediating role of entrepreneurial alertness, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, ACERE 2018

  • QQ. Bi, W.F. Boh, M. Uy Towards an integrative model of entrepreneurial risk: An information processing perspective, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, ACERE 2018

  • Qingqing Bi, W.F. Boh, Georgios Christopulous, “Entrepreneurs' Trust Propensity and Discovery Skills: Effects on Firm Partnerships and Innovation” Academy of Management Meeting 2017, Atlanta, USA

  • J. Kim, and W.F. Boh, “Entrepreneurial Strategies: Impact on Innovation Performance for Resource-Constrained Firms” Academy of Management Meeting 2017, Atlanta, USA – Accepted for Best Paper Proceedings

  • Qingqing Bi, W.F. Boh, Georgios Christopulous, “Trust building, violation and recovery of entrepreneurs in SMEs and startup companies: A behavioural game-theoretic approach” Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2017, Melbourne, Australia

  • Marilyn Uy, W.F. Boh, Georgios Christopulous, “Joint effects of employee regulatory focus and error management culture on employee creative performance and firm innovation performance” Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2017, Melbourne, Australia

  • Siyong Guo, W.F. Boh, Anne Wu, “Political Uncertainty, Overseas Investment and Firm Value: The Case of Taiwan,” American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2016, New York

  • Na Gong, W.F. Boh, Anne Wu, “Leniency Biases in Subjective Performance Evaluation:mInfluence of Contextual Factors,” American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2016, New York

  • Y. Chen, W.F. Boh and J. Mo, “Heterogeneous Networks in Online Communities: Social and Economic Impact for Online Sellers” Academy of Management Meeting 2016, Anaheim, USA

  • W.F. Boh, N. Gupta and B.S. Neo, 2015. The Challenge of Inter-Agency Collaborations: Organizing Practices and Motivating Strategies, Academy of Management Meeting 2015, Vancouver, CA

  • J.X. Huang, W.F. Boh and K.H. Goh, “Tracing the Evolution of Product Opinions Conveyed in Online Comments for Movies,” Academy of Management Meeting 2015, Vancouver, CA

  • Jun Shao, Anne Wu, W.F. Boh, Cheng-Jen Huang, “Subsidiary Managers' Power and Internal Capital Allocation,” American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2015, Chicago, IL

  • J. Alberto Espinosa, W.F. Boh, and Stephen Kaisler, 2014. Cognitive Coordination in Large-Scale Enterprise Architecting: A Case Study, 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science

  • Y. Lin, W.F. Boh and K.H. Goh, “How Different are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders and Their Choice of Projects,” Best Papers Proceedings for Academy of Management Meeting 2014, Philadelphia

  • J.X. Huang, Boh, W.F. and K.H. Goh, 2014. Product versus Non-product Oriented Social Media Platforms: Online Consumer Opinion Composition and Evolution, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science

  • J.X. Huang, Boh, W.F. and K.H. Goh, 2014. Product versus Non-product Oriented Social Media Platforms: Online Consumer Opinion Composition and Evolution, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science

  • J. Kim, and W.F. Boh, 2013. Technology Commercialization: Understanding Strategic Mechanisms in the Effectuation Process. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL.

  • J. Alberto Espinosa, Frank Armour, Wai Fong Boh, and Mark A. Clark, 2013. Team Knowledge in Enterprise Architecting, 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Science

  • J.X. Huang, W.F. Boh and K.H. Goh, “Online Media Comments Influence on Cinematic Movie Sales: Exploring when Online Comments Matter,” Best paper proceedings for AoM 2012

  • W.F. Boh, U. DeHaan and R. Strom, “University Technology Transfer through Student and Faculty Entrepreneurship: Exploring Effectuation Processes and Institutional Mechanisms,” Accepted for Presentation at AoM 2012

  • Espinosa, J.A., Armour, F., Boh, W.F., Clark, M.A., 2012. A Self-Fueling Coordination Model for Enterprise Architecting Effectiveness, 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS). IEEE, pp. 4240-4249.

  • W.F. Boh, U. DeHaan and R. Strom, “Faculty and Students in Spin-offs: Understanding Technology Transfer from Universities via Entrepreneurship,” Presented at T2S conference 2011, Augsburg, Germany

  • Espinosa, A., W.F. Boh and W. Delone, “The Organizational Impact of Enterprise Architecture: A Research Framework,” Accepted for Presentation at HICSS 2011

  • Espinosa, A., F Armour and W.F. Boh, “The Role of Group Cognition in Enterprise Architecting,” Accepted for Presentation at HICSS 2011

  • W.F. Boh and S.S. Wong, “Examining Effects of Social Influence on External Knowledge Sharing,” Best Papers Proceedings of the 70th Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, CA 2010,

  • Espinosa, A., W.F. Boh and Frank Armour, “Enterprise Architecting and Coordination: A Research Framework for Large-Scale Collaboration,” Accepted for Presentation at HICSS 2010

  • J.A. Espinosa, W.F. Boh and F. Armour, "Enterprise Architecting and Coordination: A Research Framework for Large-Scale Collaboration" Accepted for presentation at the 69th Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, 2009

  • T.T. Nguyen and W.F. Boh "Knowledge Transfer across Dissimilar Cultures: A Study of Individual's Attitudes" Accepted for presentation (Interactive Paper) at the 69th Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, 2009 (Finalist of OCIS Best Interactive Paper Award)

  • A. Espinosa and W.F. BOH, “Coordination and Governance in Geographically Distributed Enterprise Architecting: An Empirical Research Design”, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, 2009

  • BOH, W.F., Xu, Y. and Soh, C. “VIS Standards Deployment and Integration: A Study of Antecedents and Benefits,” Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, Paris, 2008.

  • Xu, Y., BOH, W.F. and Soh, C. “Post-Adoption of Vertical Information Systems Standards,” Accepted for presentation at the 68th Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2008.

  • Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. “Borrowing the trusted ties of others to build managerial peer reputation” Accepted for presentation at the 68th Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2008.

  • BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S. “Knowledge Sharing via Repositories, Personal Networks, versus Institutionalized Routines” Accepted for presentation at the 68th Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2008.

  • BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S. “Organizational Climate and Knowledge Sharing: The Mediating Role of Individual Motivations” Accepted for presentation at the 67th Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.

  • Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. “Are Managerial Networks Problem-driven or Personality-driven” Accepted for presentation at the 67th Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.

  • Xu, Y and BOH, W.F. “Adoption and Use of Vertical Information Systems Standards: Antecedents and Benefits” Presented at the Post-ICIS Journal of Association Information Systems Theory Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, 2006.

  • BOH, W.F. “Organizational IT Flexibility: Impact of Enterprise Architecture” To be presented at the 66th Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2006

  • BOH, W.F. “Reuse of Intellectual Capital from Repositories: A Mixed Methods Study"” Presented at the 65th Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, 2005

  • BOH, W.F. “Mechanisms for Integrating Distributed Knowledge” Presented at the 65th Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, 2005

  • BOH, W.F., D. Yellin. “Effective Management of Enterprise Architecture: Competencies, Maturity and Impacts” Presented at the 65th Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, 2005

  • BOH, W.F. “Mechanisms for Integrating Distributed Knowledge” Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management, Singapore, 2004

  • BOH, W.F. “Learning in Project-Based Organizations” Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management, Singapore, 2004

  • BOH, W.F., D. Yellin, B. Dill and J. Herbsleb. “Effectively Managing Information Systems Architecture Standards: An Intra-Organization Perspective” Proceedings of the MIS Quarterly Standards Workshop, Seattle, WA, 2003

  • BOH, W.F. “Knowledge Sharing Mechanisms in Project-Based Knowledge Work: Codification Versus Personalization” Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, Seattle, WA, 2003

  • BOH, W.F., S. Slaughter and J.A. Espinosa “Organizational, Group and Individual Learning in Software Engineering: A Learning Curve Analysis” Presented at the 63rd Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2003

  • BOH, W.F., Y. Ren and S. Kiesler. “Managing Expertise in a Distributed Environment” Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 2002 (Awarded Runner-Up to Best Theme-Related Paper)

  • BOH, W.F, S. Slaughter and S. Ang. “Is Information Technology a "Boundaryless" Profession? A Sequence Analysis of the Career Histories of IT Professionals from 1979-1998” Best Papers Proceedings of the 61st Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC, 2001

  • Sia, S.K, M. Tang, C. Soh, BOH, W.F. “A Contingency Analysis of Post-Bureaucratic Controls in IT-Enabled Change” Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, Brisbane, Australia, 2000

Teaching Cases

  • W.F. Boh and D. Leow, “Beeplus: Insight into China’s Co-Working Space Industry”, Case and Teaching Note, accepted for publication in Asian Business Case Centre, Aug 2018

  • R.S. Xie, B.S. Neo, W.K. Lim and W.F. Boh, W.K. Lim and Y. Zeng, “Sensetime: World’s most valuable artificial intelligence startup”, Case and Teaching Note, accepted for publication in Asian Business Case Centre, Aug 2018

  • BOH, W.F., W.K. Lim and Y. Zeng, "Da Jiang Innovations (DJI): The Rise of the Drones", Case and Teaching Note, accepted for publication in Asian Business Case Centre, Sep 2017

Book Chapters

  • Kiesler, S., BOH, W.F., Y. Ren, S. Weisband, "Virtual teams: High tech rhetoric and low tech experience", In M. Elliott and K. Kraemer eds. Computerization Movements and Technology Diffusion: From Mainframe to Ubiquitous Computing. Information Today: Medford, NJ., pp. 263-288