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Wai Fong Boh is Professor of Information Technology and Operations Management at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is Deputy Dean of NBS, Head of the NBS Information Technology and Operations Management Division, and the Director of the Information Management Research Center. She received her PhD from the Tepper School of Business at the Carnegie Mellon University.
Professor Boh is an established researcher in the area of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. She also conducts research in the areas of innovation management and entrepreneurship. She has published in a number of top IS and management journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Association Information Systems, OBHDP, Research Policy, and Information & Organization. Throughout her career, Professor Boh won several research awards including an award for the Top Five IS Publications of the Year 2007, the best Professor in Information Technology 2012 (awarded by CMO Council) and NBS Research Excellence Award for ITOM division in 2007, 2009 and 2016 respectively. She has also secured research grants amounting to USD1.8 million, as a Principle Investigator.
Prof Boh is currently Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly, AE for Management Science, and serves on the editorial board of Journal of Management Information Systems and Information & Organization. She had previously served as AE for ISR and was on the editorial board of Organization Science. She has also served as Program Co-Chair for ICIS 2019, and served as Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair for PACIS 2018 and 2013.
Professor Boh is a seasoned and versatile instructor who teaches at both undergraduate and graduate levels. She has also taught at the executive level running many executive teaching seminars and workshops. Professor Boh is also sought after by private organizations as well as government agencies to conduct training programs.
- T. Ravindran and W.F. BOH, “Lessons from COVID-19 – Towards a Pandemic Readiness Audit Checklist for SMEs” forthcoming at IEEE Engineering Management Review
- S.S. Wong, W.F. BOH and A. Wu, “When Departmental Goals Clash or Coincide: The Roles of Outgroup Friends and Third Party Friends on Interdepartmental Cooperation” forthcoming at Journal of Management Studies
- W.F. BOH, G. Huang, and A. Wu (2020), “Ownership Structure and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Mechanism of External Cooperation” Strategic Management Journal, 41(1), 124-151 [PDF]
- Y. Lin, and W.F. BOH, “How Different are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders,” (2020) Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
- N. Gong, W.F. BOH, A. Wu and T. Guo, “Leniency Biases in Subjective Performance Evaluation: The Influence of Uncertainty” (2020) Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
- J.X. Huang, W.F. BOH and K.H. Goh (2019), “Opinion convergence vs Polarization: Examining Opinion Distributions in Online Word-of-mouth” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70 (11), 1183-1193 [PDF]
- J.X. Huang, BOH, W.F. and K.H. Goh (2017), “A Temporal Study of the Effects of Online Opinions: Information Sources Matter", Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(4): 1169-1202. [PDF]
- Xu, Y., BOH, W. F., Luo, C., and Zheng, H. (2017). Leveraging Industry Standards to Improve the Environmental Sustainability of a Supply Chain. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27, 90-105.
- BOH, W.F., U. De-Haan and R. Strom. 2016, “University Technology Transfer through Entrepreneurship: Faculty and Students in Spinoffs” Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4): 661– 669
- BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S. 2015 “Managers versus Co-workers as Referents: Comparing Social Influence Effects on Within- and Outside-Subsidiary Knowledge Sharing” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 126(1): 1-17. [PDF]
- Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. “Centrals and Brokers: A Study of How Senior Executives Use their Network Position to Enhance Innovativeness”Journal of Management Studies, 51(7): 1180- 1203
- Xu, Y., BOH, W.F. and Soh, C. 2014 “Antecedents and Benefits of Vertical Information Systems Standards Adoption”, Information & Management, 51(2), 206-216. [PDF]
- BOH, W.F., Evaristo, R. and Ouderkirk, A. 2014 “Expertise Profile and Innovativeness: A Study of Inventors in 3M”, Research Policy, 43(2), 349-366 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F. 2014 “Technologies Supporting Communities of Practice: Forums versus Repositories” Database for Advances in Information Systems, 45(2), 8-34
- BOH, W.F. and Wong, S.S., 2013. “Organizational Climate and Perceived Manager Effectiveness: Influencing Perceived Usefulness of Knowledge Sharing Mechanisms”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(3) [PDF]
- Boh, Wai Fong, T.T. Nguyen and Y. Xu, 2013. "Knowledge Transfer across Dissimilar Cultures: A Study of Individual's Attitudes" Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(1) [PDF]
- Joseph, D., W.F. Boh, S. Ang and S. Slaughter, 2012 “The Career Paths Less (or More) Traveled: A Sequence Analysis of IT Career Histories, Mobility Patterns, and Career Success”, MIS Quarterly, 36(2): 427-452 [PDF]
- Wong, S.S. and BOH, W.F. 2010 “Leveraging the Ties of Others to Build Managerial Peer Reputation for Trustworthiness”, Academy of Management Journal, 53(1): 129-148
- BOH, W.F. and D. Yellin. 2010 “Enablers and Benefits for Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture: An Empirical Investigation” Special Issue on Service-Oriented Architecture and Firm Performance in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 9(1): 3-29 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F. 2008. “Reuse of Knowledge Assets from Repositories: A Mixed Methods Study”, Information & Management, 45(6): 365-375 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F., S. Slaughter and J.A. Espinosa, 2007. "Learning from Experience in Software Development: A Multi-Level Analysis”, Management Science, 53(8): 1315-1331 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F., Y. Ren, S. Kiesler, and R. Bussjaeger, 2007. "Expertise and Collaboration in the Geographically Dispersed Organization" Organization Science, 18(4): 595-612 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F., C. Soh, and S. Yeo, 2007. “Strategies for Successful Standards Development and Diffusion: A Case Study of RosettaNet” Communications of the ACM, 50(12): 57-62 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F. 2007. "Mechanisms for Integrating Knowledge in Project-Based Organizations" Information & Organization, 17(1): 27-58. (2007) IS Publications of the Year Award) [PDF]
- Slaughter, S., S. Ang and BOH, W.F. 2007 "Compensation and Organizational Tenure for Information Technology Professionals", Human Resource Management, 46(3): 373-394 [PDF]
- BOH, W.F. and D. Yellin, 2006. “Using Enterprise Architecture Standards in Managing Information Technology” Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(3): 163-207 [PDF]
- Soh, C., S.K. Sia, BOH, W.F. and M. Tang, 2003. “Misalignments in ERP Implementation: A Dialectic Perspective” International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 16(1): 81-100
- Sia, S.K., M. Tang, C. Soh, and BOH, W.F. 2002. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a technology of power: empowerment or panoptic control? ACM SIGMIS Database, 33(1): 23-37
Professional Services
- Senior Editor, MIS Quarterly, 2019-Current
- Senior Editor, Information & Organization, 2016-2019
- Associate Editor for Management Science, from 2010-2020
- Editorial Board for Organization Science, 2008-2016
- Editorial Board for Journal Management Information Systems, from 2014-Current
- Editorial Board for Journal of Database Management
- Associate Editor for Information Systems Research, 2009-2011
- Editorial Board, Information & Organization, 2011-2015
- Academy of Management OCIS Division Elected International Representative at Large (Asia), 2009-2012
Nanyang Business School
Blk S3, 01A-32, Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
Tel: (65) 6790 6196
Fax: (65) 6792 2313
Email: awfboh@ntu.edu.sg