
NTU Staff Branch

What's New

Compete Guide To All The Benefits You Will Receive

Membership Information

ESU welcome all staff working in NTU and NIE to join us. There are two categories of memberships:

1. Ordinary Members (OB)

Members are eligible for collective bargaining benefits, grievance handling services and all other social benefits provided by ESU and NTUC.

2. General Branch Members (GB)

Members are not eligible for collective bargaining benefits and grievance handling services but are entitled to all other social benefits provided by ESU and NTUC.

Who is eligible?

Any NTU or NIE staff is eligible to join as member. However, ESU will decide on the type of membership (Ordinary or General Branch) depends on the job nature.

How to join?

Contact any of the [Branch Officials] to get the application form or email to [] for enquiry.

How much to pay?

  1. Both Ordinary and General Branch members will pay membership fee $9 per month.
  2. Payment is by GIRO only.
  3. Besides the monthly subscription, additional $9 will also be deducted in December every year for Singapore Labour Foundation (SLF).