Page 28 - Nanyang Technological University
P. 28


31 March 2015

	                                                          Group	    University Company

	                                           Note	2015	2014	2015	2014

		$’000	$’000	$’000	$’000


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment	              3	 1,450,996	1,222,831	1,450,280	1,221,599

Prepaid lease	                              4	 39,951	41,416	39,951	41,416

Subsidiaries	5	- 	 - 	 791	791

Joint venture	                              6	   340	198	 - 	                  -

Student loans	                              7	 2,484	2,420	2,484	2,420

Finance lease receivables	                  8	   20,101	   21,038	   20,101	   21,038

	                                              	1,513,872	1,287,903	1,513,607	1,287,264
Current assets
Derivative financial instruments	            9	 4,219	5,919	4,219	5,919
Student loans	                               7	 1,772	2,290	1,772	2,290
Trade and other receivables	                10	 532,017	191,047	528,069	188,673
Financial assets at fair value
                                            11	 2,378,246	1,796,859	2,378,246	1,796,859
  through profit or loss	                    8	 937	668	937	668
Finance lease receivables	
Cash and cash equivalents	                  12	 775,556	1,351,051	 759,511	1,330,238

		3,692,747	3,347,834	3,672,754	3,324,647

Total assets		5,206,619	4,635,737	5,186,361	4,611,911


Non-current liabilities

Deferred capital grants	                    13	  1,075,203	863,301	1,074,657	862,378

Other non-current liabilities		                  3,756	3,508	3,756	3,508

Sinking fund received in advance	           14	  240,762	  227,270	  240,762	  227,270

		1,319,721	1,094,079	 1,319,175	1,093,156

Current liabilities

Derivative financial instruments	           9	 11,665	             - 	11,665	  -

Other payables and accruals		                    218,597	158,855	 215,175	154,868

Provisions	15	105,334	96,544	105,068	96,363

Grant received in advance

   - Operating grants	                      16	 3,569	2,608	 - 	 -

Grant received in advance

   - Information technology and

   furniture and equipment (“IT and F&E”)	  14	 43,503	44,930	43,503	44,930

Sinking fund received in advance	           14	 39,652	40,949	39,652	40,949

Short-term borrowings	                      17	 32,300	144,500	 32,300	144,500

Deferred tuition and other fees		                83,946	77,571	83,946	77,571

Research grants received in advance	        18	 97,230	99,967	96,920	99,797

Income tax payable		 351	 339	                                       -	        -

		636,147	 666,263	 628,229	 658,978

Total liabilities		1,955,868	1,760,342	1,947,404	1,752,134

Net assets		3,250,751	2,875,395	3,238,957	2,859,777

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