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| Editorial Board | International Advisory Board | Sample Issue |

Aims and Scope

The Singapore Economic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to the publication of high-quality theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of economics with a special emphasis on the economic problems related to Asian countries. The journal has a long history of publication of a broad range of economic issues impinging on Southeast Asia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. It was initially published as the Malayan Economic Review (MER) from 1956, which was later renamed the Singapore Economic Review (SER) in 1969. Among its distinguished contributors were the late Sir John Hicks, Sydney Caine, the late H.G. Johnson, Ragnar Nurkse, H.W. Singer, W.M. Corden, Herbert Grubel, J.C.H. Fei, G. Ranis, Henry Wan, E.J. Mishan, Jerome L. Stein, Jack L. Knetsch, Ng Yew-Kwang, Murray Kemp, Karl Shell and Ronald I. McKinnon. The journal has a wide international circulation; among the many subscribers are the libraries of Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and the London School of Economics.

The SER's editorial board consists of prominent scholars with different areas of specializations from across the world. With World Scientific as the journal's publisher, the Singapore Economic Review has sections devoted to public policy, applied economics, markets and industry, commentaries, and short papers or notes. The SER also publishes selected book reviews. In addition, specially invited papers by very eminent economists are featured in forthcoming issues.

The SER publishes scholarly work of contemporary interest with a special emphasis on the following fields:

  • Public Policy and Economics
  • Economic Theory
  • Developmental Issues
  • Markets and Industry
  • Banking and Financial Issues
  • International Trade Issues
  • The Asian Crisis, China's Economic Reform, the Economic Resurgence of India
  • Transitional Economics
  • The Economics of Information
  • Environmental and Health Economics
  • Innovation and Growth
  • Globalization and Competitiveness
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Notes and Comments
  • Book Reviews


  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • EconLit
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)

Editorial Board

Euston Quah
Division of Economics
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
e-mail: ecsquahe@ntu.edu.sg

Ngee Choon Chia (National University of Singapore)
Hian Teck Hoon (Singapore Management University)

Associate Editors
Charles Adams (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS)
Anthony Chin (National University of Singapore)
Hwee Kwan Chow (Singapore Management University)
Keen Meng Choy (Nanyang Technological University)
Aditya Goenka (National University of Singapore)
Ahmed Khalid (Bond University)
Sie Ting Lau (Nanyang Technological University)
Donghyun Park (Asian Development Bank)
Kai Hong Phua (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS)
Christos Sakellariou (Nanyang Technological University)
Reza Yamora Siregar (University of Adelaide)
Frederik Sjoholm (Stockholm School of Economics)
Khye Chong Tan (Nanyang Technological University)
Shandre M Thangavelu (National University of Singapore)
Mun Heng Toh (National University of Singapore)
Paul Sau Leung Yip (Nanyang Technological University)
Jong Say Yong (University of Melbourne)
Jinli Zeng (National University of Singapore)

Book Reviews
Peter Wilson (formerly National University of Singapore)

Assistant Editors
Kampon Adireksombat (Nanyang Technological University)
Wai Mun Chia (Nanyang Technological University)
Yothin Jinjarak (Nanyang Technological University)
Jingfeng Lu (National University of Singapore)
Cheolsung Park (National University of Singapore)
Khay Boon Tan (Singapore Institute of Management University)
Wei Kang Wong (National University of Singapore)

Treasurer Manager
Boon Tiong Lim (National University of Singapore)

Editorial Advisors
Parkash Chander (National University of Singapore)
Kang Chen (Nanyang Technological University)
Basant K Kapur (National University of Singapore)
Ai Tee Koh (formerly National University of Singapore)
Chong Yah Lim (Nanyang Technological University)
Roberto S Mariano (Singapore Management University)
Augustine H H Tan (Singapore Management University)

International Advisory Board
Michael J Artis (European University Institute)
Michael B Devereux (University of British Columbia)
Ross Garnaut (Australian National University)
Hal Hill (Australian National University)
Ryokichi Hirono (Seikei University)
Cheng Hsiao (University of Southern California)
Colin Kirkpatrick (University of Manchester)
Jack L Knetsch (Simon Fraser University)
Lawrence B Krause (University of California, San Diego)
Anne Krueger (Johns Hopkins University)
Lawrence J Lau (Stanford University)
Peter J Lloyd (University of Melbourne)
Ronald McKinnon (Stanford University)
Yew Kwang Ng (Monash University)
Soo Bin Park (Carleton University)
David Peel (Lancaster University)
Partha Sen (Delhi School of Economics)
John Whalley (University of Western Ontario)

Editorial Assistants
Joey Kek
Qiyan Ong
Julianna Yik

Sample Issue - Vol. 52, No. 2 (August 2008)

Globalization and Social Justice
Arye L. Hillman

Post-Crisis Exchange Rate Regimes in Asean: A New Empirical Test Based on Intra-Daily Data
Shin-Ichi Fukuda and Sanae Ohno

The Foreign Bank Effect on Value Creation in Commercial Banks Incorporated in Thailand
Chantal Herberholz

Impacts of Ageing Population on Monetary and Exchange Rate Management in Singapore
Paul S. L. Yip and K. C. Tan

Long-Run Relationship Between Imports and Exports: Evidence from Asian Countries
Mohammad Afzal

Trade Intensity and Business Cycle Synchronization: The Case of East Asian Countries
Pradumna B. Rana

Influence of Demographic Variables on Indirect Tax Setting for Selected Indian States
A. K. Seth and Ankur Bhatnagar

Production Subsidy as a Macroeconomic Policy in a Stagnation Economy
Wataru Johdo

Book Reviews

BOOK REVIEW: "Strategic Priorities for Agricultural Development in Eastern and Central Africa"
Shubhasree Seshanna

BOOK REVIEW: "Climate Change Begins at Home: Life on the Two-Way Street of Global Warming" by Dave Reay
Chew Hung Chang

BOOK REVIEW: "The Singapore Economy: An Econometric Perspective" by Tilak Abeysinghe and Keen Meng Choy
Sam Ouliaris

BOOK REVIEW: "What Macroeconomists Should Know about Health Care Policy" by William C Hsiao and Peter S Heller
David Reisman


Co-organisers through the Editorial Board:
Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences