A town which is colourfully painted by its unique traditions and cultures. Everything comes alive in Chinatown. However, there were many tragedies which occured in this historic district in the past. There was a high death rate during the tragic wars which resulted in many "torn" families and helpless orphans. Inspite of all these happenings, the courageous Chinese are still determined to live on.
Bullock Carts Water
Chinatown is also known as "Niu Che Shui" in Chinese. It means "bullock carts water". This name came about in the early days of Singapore when there was no water supply in Chinatown. So the people living and working there relied on bullock carts for the transportation of water. Therefore Chinatown was dubbed by that name by the locals, and ever since then it is still being used by many locals.
Chinatown is a great place for the ultimate shopping experience as the prices are great there. It is a multiracial place that welcomes visitors from all nations. In this place, you will experience the rich customs and traditions of the great cultures of Asia.