“Coupled polymer
microfiber lasers for single mode operation and enhanced refractive
index sensing”, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2, 220 (2014)
We have demonstrated single mode lasing
from coupled polymer fiber lasers via the Vernier effect. Interestingly,
we have found that using such kind of coupled cavities as whispering
gallery mode (WGM) optical sensors will solve the conflicting problem
between two desired factors, high Q factor and large FSR. Experimental
results show coupled structure has higher sensitivity (nearly double in
our work) compared with that of single one.
Featured article and
INSIDE FRONT COVER image of Adv. Opt.
Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2014 |
“Efficient Energy
Transfer under Two-photon Excitation in a 3D Supramolecular Zn(II)-Coordinated Self-Assembled Organic Network”, Adv.
Opt. Mater., 2, 40 (2014)
This work demonstrate a novel 3D
two-photon-type light-harvesting system which may be directly used for in
vivo bioimaging and nonlinear optical devices. As shown on page 40,
two-photon excited Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is exploited
to enhance the solid-state fluorescence of a supramolecular centre
(acceptor) in an artificial 3D metal-organic complex (MLC), in which a 3D
Zn(II)-coordinated tetrahedral core is utilized as the donor.
Featured article and
FRONTSPIECE image of Adv. Opt. Mater.
Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2014 |
Congratulation to Ta Van Duong & Chen Rui for receiving the
Institute of Physics
Singapore (IPS) Outstanding Poster Award 2014. |
Congratulations to Xu Hongyi for
receiving the THIRD Price at
Young Person's
Lecture Competition Singapore (YPLCS) 2013, organized by The
Institute of Materials (East Asia).
"Whispering Gallery Mode Microlasers
and Refractive Index Sensing on Single Polymer Fiber" Laser
Photonics Rev. 7, 133 (2013)
Whispering gallery mode (WGM) lasing
emission (bright ring) is realized from a dye-doped polymer microfiber.
This microlaser can serve as refractive index sensing of tetrahydrofuran (THF)
solution based on the interaction of the THF molecules (solid spheres)
with evaescent wave of WGM modes. The simulated field distribution of WGMs
is inserted inside the fiber.
Featured article and
FRONTSPIECE image of Laser photonics Rev.
Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2013 |
On 2 November 2012
(Friday), an award presentation ceremony for Materials Research
Society-Singapore (MRS-S) Gold Medal recipient Dr Chen Rui was held
in the College of Science (CoS) Meeting Room. A number of
distinguished guests were also invited to grace the ceremony that
morning: Professor Ling San, Dean of CoS ; Associate Professor Chee
Yeow Meng, Chair of SPMS; Professor Ng Teng Yong, Secretary of MRS-S;
Associate Professor Wu Guohua; Assistant Chair (Graduate Studies &
Research) and Assistant Professor Sun Handong. |
Congratulation to Ta Van Duong for receiving the
Third Prize of the
Best Presentation in SPIE Asia Student Conference 2012. |
Congratulation to Ta Van Duong & Chen Rui for receiving the
Institute of Physics
Singapore (IPS) Outstanding Poster Award 2012. |
Flexible Microlasers",
Adv. Mater. 24, OP60, (2012)
demonstrate solid-state flexible hemispherical micro-cavity with
tunable diameter on a hydrophobic
distributed Bragg reflector. By incorporating dye molecules into
these hemispheres, lasing emission with quality factor up to about
8000 is observed at room temperature. Our achievement
boosts a superior development of micro-lasers as well as provides an
excellent platform for studies of light matter interaction.
Opt. Mater.
Video Abstract.
Highlighted by Material Views, "Making
microlasers the flexible way" |
"Room Temperature Excitonic Whispering Gallery
Mode Lasing from High Quality Hexagonal ZnO Microdisks" Adv. Mater.
23, 2199
High-quality ZnO
microdisks are prepared by vapor phase transport method. It is found
that the ZnO microdisks have perfect hexagonal shape and exhibit
strong ultraviolet excitonic emission under optical excitation at
room temperature. The observed lasing modes match well with
whispering gallery modes.Systematic investigation on the lasing
threshold and optical field distribution of
ZnO disks with different sizes was carried out.
In addition, the proof-of-concept sensing application based on ZnO
WGM lasing is proposed and demonstrated.
Featured article and Inside
Front Cover image of Adv. Mater. issue 19, 2011. |
"Excitonic Properties and Near-Infrared Coherent Random
Lasing in Vertically Aligned CdSe Nanowires Arrays" Adv. Mater.
23, 1404
In this paper, high quality, vertically aligned CdSe nanowires are
prepared by vapor transport growth technique. Strong free exciton
absorption and emission are observed from the sample. Under optical
excitation, near-infrared coherent random lasing is observed for the
first time from CdSe nanowires at room temperature. Our
investigations demonstrate unique optical properties of CdSe
nanowires, which might be useful for near-infrared optoelectronic
device applications such as laser, sensors, and solar energy
conversion devices. |
"Optical and Excitonic Properties of Crystalline ZnS Nanowires:
Toward Efficient Ultraviolet Emission at Room Temperature"
Nano Lett. 10, 4956 (2010)
In this paper, excitonic characteristics of high quality wurtzite
ZnS nanowires was investigated. The result shows that the strength
of electron-phonon interaction in ZnS NWs is small, which leads to
stable exciton emissioin in ZnS NWs. |
ultraviolet lasing from nitride
nanopillars at room
Lett. 96,
241101 (2010) [PDF]
In this paper, a vertical
cavity structure composing of III-N nanopillars VCSELs has been
demonstrated. Under optically excitation, the sample exhibits strong
ultroviolet lasing at a wavelength of 343.7 nm (3.608 eV) was at
room temperature, and the mechanism of the lasing action is
discussed in detail.
Featured article and cover
image of APL 14 June 2010 issue, Top 20 most downloaded articles in
APL in June 2010. |
“Photoluminescence characteristics of high quality
and its enhancement by polymer covering”,
Appl. Phys.
96, 023111
IIn this paper,
highly ordered ZnO NWs with and without PMMA have been prepared and
investigated. After covering with PMMA, the intensity of NBE
emission increased about three times due to the decrease in
nonradiative process by surface modification.
Top 20 most downloaded
articles in APL in January 2010 |
enhancement of top emission from
ZnO thin film by
Pt”, Appl.
Phys. Lett.
94, 151102
In this paper, the enhancement of the bandgap emission from ZnO thin
films by surface modification and surface plasmon cross-coupling.
Time-resolved PL results indicated that surface modification by Pt
can largely reduce the nonradiative recombination rate, which,
together with the efficient light extraction by Pt nanoparticles,
accounts for additional mechanisms for the PL enhancement.
Top 20 Most
Downloaded Articles in APL in April 2009. |
Copyright © Optoelectronics Lab (2010) |