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NTU URECA journal publication award 2011 (with Zhang Dongye, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2012 (with Liu Yiying, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA Popularity Votes award 2013 (with Li Shiwei, URECA student under my supervision).


STMicroelectronics iNEMO Design Contest 2013 - Second Prize (with Li Shiwei and Wu Haozhou, FYP students under my supervision).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2014 (with Li Jianshu, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2015 (with M. L. Doan, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA 2014 conference support for Chen Yue, URECA student under my supervision.


NTU URECA journal publication award 2015 (with Zhu Wanzheng, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA 2015 conference support for Yin Hongxu, URECA student under my co-supervision.  


NTU School of EEE Champion of DIP Competition for Smart Electronics, for the DIP project supervised by Gwee Bah Hwee co-supervised by Lin Zhiping, Dec. 2015.


Featured in the “Experience of URECA professors” of the URECA 2015 Yearbook (as 1 of the 2 professors for the first time in URECA Yearbook).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2016 (with Li Jianshu, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2016 (with T. L. Nguyen, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA journal publication award 2017 (with Ding Shuya, URECA student under my supervision).


NTU URECA 2017 conference support for Chen Zhihuan, URECA student under my supervision.






(a) Undergraduate courses:

(1) Control theory (at SU);

(2) Control systems (at SU);

(3) Digital signal processing (at SU);

(4) Digital image processing (at SU);

(5) Information engineering design (at NTU);

(6) Biomedical signal processing (at NTU).


(b) Postgraduate courses:

(1)   Digital signal processing (at NTU);

(2)   Statistical signal processing (at NTU);

(3)  Adaptive signal processing (at NTU);

(4)   Array signal processing (at NTU);

(5)   Image processing and pattern recognition (at NTU);

(6) Digital audio signal processing (at NTU).


(Note: SU – Shantou University, China; NTU – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)


(b)   Professional short courses:

(1) 7-8 Jan. 2004: Conduct a short course on “Introduction to biomedical signal processing”, Centre for Continuing Education, NTU, Singapore;

(2) 24-25 June 2004: Conduct a short course on “Array signal processing”, Activemedia Innovation P/L, Singapore

(3) 18-19 Jan. 2006: Conduct a short course on “Array signal processing”, Nanyang ENC P/L, Singapore

(4) 25-26 Jan. 2007: Conduct a short course on “Array signal processing”, Nanyang ENC P/L, Singapore

(5) 30 Nov. 2008: Conduct a tutorial on Grobner bases with applications to signals and systems,” IEEE APCCAS, Macao, China

(6) 20 May 2012: Conduct a tutorial on “Computer algebra and its applications to circuits, signals and systems,” IEEE ISCAS, Seoul, South Korea

(7) 19 May, 2013: Conduct a tutorial on “Computer Algebra and Its Applications to Circuits, Signals and Systems,” IEEE ISCAS, Beijing, China

(8) June 2017: Conduct  a short course on “Statistical Signal Processing”, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China



(a)  Member of the Senate, NTU, August 2016 –

(b)  Chairman of FYP Committee, School of EEE, Sept. 2007 – Aug. 2012;

(c)  Member of the Future Healthcare Committee, College of Engineering, Jan. 2012 – 2013;

(d) Program Director, Centre for Signal Processing, School of EEE, Jan 2003 – 2011;

(e)  Program Director, Valens Centre of Excellence, School of EEE, April 2011 – present;

(f)  Chairman of School’s Search Committee, School of EEE, March – May 2007;