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VLSI Technology and Circuits Technical Committee | ![]() |
Members |
Bin Zhao (Chair) | Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
Irvine, CA, USA |
bin.zhao@skyworksinc.com |
Ilesanmi Adesida | University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA |
iadesida@uiuc.edu |
Joe E. Brewer | University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA |
j.brewer@ieee.org |
Steve S. Chung | National Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC |
schung@cc.nctu.edu.tw |
Jamal Deen | McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada |
jamal@mcmaster.ca |
James A. Hutchby | Semiconductor Research Corporation
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA |
j.hutchby@ieee.org |
Shuji Ikeda | Trecenti Technologies Inc.
Ibaraki, Japan |
shuji.ikeda@trecenti-tech.com |
Jason Jenq | UMC | jason.jenq@src.org |
Mark E. Law | University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA |
law@tec.ufl.edu |
Kwyro Lee | KAIST
Taejon, Korea |
kwyro@ucdavis.edu |
Yanhe Li | Tsinghua University
Beijing, China |
liyh@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
Huiling Shang | IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY, USA |
shuiling@us.ibm.com |
Roland Thewes | Infineon Technologies
Munich, Germany |
roland.thewes@infineon.com |
Akira Toriumi | University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan |
toriumi@material.t.u-tokyo.jp |
Albert Wang | Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL, USA |
awang@ece.iit.edu |
Jeffery T. Welser | IBM Technology Group
Somers, NY, USA |
welser@us.ibm.com |
Reinout Woltjer | Philips Research Laboratories
Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
reinout.woltjer@philips.com |
Charles G. Sodini | MIT
Cambridge, MA, USA |
1998 |
H.-S. Philip Wong | IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY, USA |
1999, 2000 |
Werner Weber | Infineon Technologies
Munich, Germany |
2001 |
James A. Hutchby | Semiconductor Research Corporation
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA |
2002, 2003 |